本系列丛书从托福考试所考查的听、说、读、写四项技能入手,为考生提供详尽的考试指导,并将各技能分为初、中、高三级,通过独特的 “进阶训练”方式,再辅以大量练习,帮助考生逐步掌握托福实考的技巧,同时切实提高英语实际运用能力,从而在短期内轻松取得托福高分。本丛书内容编排由易到难,循序渐进,实战性强,是不可多得的托福备考资料。
Timothy Hall,毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学,英语语言学专业硕士。
Arthur H. Milch,美国新泽西学院TESOL专业教育学硕士。
Denise McCormack,美国新泽西学院TESOL专业教育学硕士。
The French Revolution was an important period in the history of Western Civilization.During this time, Frances absolute monarchy was replaced with a republican government.The Roman Catholic Church was also forced to give up much of its power. France would still swing between republic, empire, and monarchy for 75 years after therevolution ended. But this event is seen as a major turning point in the age of democracy. Many political, social, and economic factors led to the revolution. The old rulers weredestroyed by their own rigidity. The rising middle class allied itself with workers and thepoor. They were influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment. In the months before the revolution, food was scarce. The price of bread was so highthat workers could not afford it. Unemployment was rampant. Those who were caughtstealing risked being beheaded by the guillotine. King Louis XVI failed to deal with theseproblems effectively. As the revolution proceeded, the king began to fight with his officials, which led to muchbloodshed. The national debt was out of control, and taxes were too high.
By this time, King Louis XVI tried to have the National Assembly closed. So, theyhad their meeting on a tennis court and vowed not to take a break until France had aconstitution.
On July 11, 1789, King Louis tried to banish the reformist minister, Necker. Many of thecitizens of Paris flew into open rebellion. On July 14th, they stormed the Bastille prisonand killed its governor. They freed criminals and killed the mayor of Paris. The frightenedking signed an agreement to give the people a constitution. This saved him for a while.
The slogan of the revolution was, "Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death!" This sloganis still used. It has become the rallying cry for people trying to overthrow oppressivegovernments.
The noblemen of France were not safe. Some tried wearing their servants clothes whilemany others fled the country. Many changes took place. Towns lost their powers of heavytaxation, and the church lost most of its power and land.
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