Chapter 1
1.1 宮廷佳肴,香溢都城——北京烤鴨...................................... 002
Beijing Roast Duck, Imperial Food Appetizing the Whole City 002
1.2 來瞭,您呐!——老北京炸醬麵.......................................... 005
Traditional Beijing Noodles—Hey, Welcome! ........................ 005
1.3 酸酸甜甜就是我——炒紅果.................................................. 008
Fried Red Berries, Sweet and Sour Me .................................... 008
1.4 粉麵揚塵滾一滾——驢打滾.................................................. 011
Rolling Donkey, Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour .... 011
1.5 美味帶餡兒椰絲團——艾窩窩.............................................. 013
Aiwowo, Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing ................ 013
1.6 涼爽的黃豆香——豌豆黃...................................................... 015
Peacake, Cool Bean Dessert .................................................... 015
1.7 我和你——豆汁兒和焦圈...................................................... 017
Douzhir and Coke Ring, You and Me ...................................... 017
1.8 三色絕品——炒麻豆腐.......................................................... 019
Fried Ma Tofu, Unique Snack with Three Colors .................... 019
1.9 豬肉,包著吃——京醬肉絲.................................................. 022
Pork with Bean Sauce, Rolling Eating Way ............................ 022
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Chapter 2
2.1 好吃到Hold不住——狗不理包子.......................................... 027
Goubuli's Stuffed-Buns, Too Delicious to Hold ...................... 027
2.2 “貴”在發達又吉祥——十八街麻花.................................. 030
Guifaxiang, 18th Street Fried Dough Twists ........................... 030
2.3 圓肚鼓鼓甜糯餡兒——耳朵眼炸糕...................................... 033
Earhole Fried Cake, Big Belly with Sweet Glutinous Stuffing 033
2.4 離不開的那一口兒——煎餅餜子.......................................... 036
Pancake-Jianbing Guozi, the Bite You Must Have .................. 036
2.5 名由尊貴,乾隆欽賜——官燒目魚...................................... 039
Officially Fried Squid, Royal Naming of Nobility .................. 039
2.6 天津獨一份兒——鍋巴菜...................................................... 042
Crispy Rice Dish, Only in Tianjin............................................ 042
2.7 素中之王,包中之最——石頭門坎素包.............................. 045
Shitoumenkan Steamed Buns, the Best Vegetarian Stuffing.... 045
Chapter 32
3.1 最正宗的西安美食印記——牛羊肉泡饃.............................. 049
Shredded Pancakes in Mutton Soup, Authentic Delicacy of Xi'an ... 049
3.2 誰說中國沒有美味漢堡——肉夾饃...................................... 052
Marinated Meat in Baked Bun,China-Style Hamburger ........ 052
3.3 獨一無二的傢鄉味——岐山臊子麵...................................... 054
Qishan Minced Noodles, Unique Hometown Taste ................. 054
3.4 硬漢子,軟心窩——鍋盔...................................................... 058
Guokwei, Crusty Pancake with Softy Taste ............................. 058
3.5 刻在心間的“重口味”——樊記臘汁肉.............................. 060
Fanji Cured Meat, Unforgettable “Heavy Taste” ............... 060
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3.6 一種“有料”的點心——太後餅.......................................... 064
Empress Dowager Cakes, a Kind of Snack with Story ............ 064
3.7 小饞蟲的“夢中情人”—— 麻食......................................... 067
Mashi, Little Foodie's “Dream Lover” ................................ 067
3.8 小點大用——油酥餅.............................................................. 069
Shortcake, Little Snack of Big Use .......................................... 069
Chapter 4
4.1 香噴噴的黃金——生煎饅頭.................................................. 074
Pan-Fried Steamed Bun, Fragrant Gold ................................... 074
4.2 昔日的大肉饅頭——南翔小籠.............................................. 077
Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings, the Former Meat Buns .... 077
4.3 清湯寡水卻味妙——油豆腐綫粉湯...................................... 080
Fried Bean Curd and Vermicelli Soup, Good Taste with
Clear Soup ............................................................................... 080
4.4 蔥油香飄十萬裏——開洋蔥油拌麵...................................... 082
Dried Shrimp Meat Noodles Mixed With Scallion, Fragrance
Spreading Far .......................................................................... 082
4.5 經典不過傳統零食——五香豆.............................................. 084
Dry Bean-Wuxiangdou, the Most Classic Snack ..................... 084
4.6 不帶湯的甜糯湯圓——擂沙圓.............................................. 087
Leishayuan Rice Balls, Glutinous Sweety Without Soup ........ 087
4.7 豬排製成的節節高——排骨年糕.......................................... 090
Sparerib Rice Cakes, Higher Year by Year ............................. 090
4.8 素菜美味依舊——五香烤麩.................................................. 093
Five Spiced Wheat Gluten, Vegetarian Still Tasty .................. 093
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Chapter 5
5.1 遠不止一縷飄香——鴨血粉絲湯.......................................... 096
Duck Blood and Vermicelli Soup, More than a Wisp of Fragrance .. 096
5.2 酣暢淋灕的鮮美——大煮乾絲.............................................. 099
Dried Bean Curd Soup, the Fragrance to the Heart's Content ..... 099
5.3 說多瞭都是愛——蟹粉獅子頭.............................................. 102
Pork Meatball with Crab Roe, Can't Love You More .............. 102
5.4 簡約而不簡單——鹽水鴨...................................................... 105
Nangjing Salted Duck, Simple but Remarkable ...................... 105
5.5 甜蜜的味覺記憶——桂花糖芋苗.......................................... 108
Taro Sprout with Osmanthus Syrup, the Sweet Memory
on Tongue ................................................................................. 108
5.6 文麯星送好運——狀元豆...................................................... 110
Spiced Beans, Good Luck Brought by the Star of Wisdom ..... 110
5.7 行如意,心如意——如意迴鹵乾.......................................... 113
Auspicious Stewed Bean Curd, Think and Act as You Like It .... 113
5.8 前程似錦——什錦豆腐澇...................................................... 116
Mixed Bean Curd Jelly, Bright Future Ahead ......................... 116
Chapter 6
6.1 獨樹一幟的酸口——西湖醋魚.............................................. 119
West Lake Vinegar Fish, Unique Sour Taste .......................... 119
6.2 西湖畔的金枝玉葉——龍井蝦仁.......................................... 122
Fried Shrimps with Longjing Tea, the Descendants of
Royal Family in West Lake ..................................................... 122
6.3 一道菜,一個人——東坡肉.................................................. 126
Dongpo Pork, a Dish with a Great Name in History ............. 126
6.4 有“聲音”的美味——乾炸響鈴.......................................... 130
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Fried Stuffed Bean Curd Paste, Yummy Food with Sound ..... 130
6.5 好料齣好羹——西湖蒓菜湯.................................................. 133
West Lake Water Shield Soup, Best Material to the Best Soup ... 133
6.6 吹起勝利的號角——定勝糕.................................................. 135
Victory Cake, Blowing the Horn of Victory ........................... 135
6.7 最具人氣早點奬——蔥包檜兒.............................................. 138
Congbaohui'er, the Winner of the Most Popular Breakfast ..... 138
6.8 花與果的倫巴——桂花鮮栗羹.............................................. 141
Thick Soup of Osmanthus Flowers and Chestnuts, Nice Rumba ... 141
Chapter 7
7.1 麻雀變鳳凰——洛陽燕菜...................................................... 145
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