Part 1 题源英语六级阅读记单词20篇
TIME 《时代周刊》
Passage 1手机到底有多安全?
Passage 2塞林格:不许碰我的遗产!
Passage 3整顿网络:谷歌网管如何追击不良广告
Passage 4科学家接近老化之谜
USA TODAY 《今日美国》
Passage 5美国联邦调查局利用户外电子广告牌公示通缉令
Passage 6剑桥大学欲上肥皂剧
Newsweek 《新闻周刊》
Passage 7繁荣背后的危险
Passage 8正向思维扼杀职业?
New Scientist 《新科学家》
Passage 9金星或存在活火山
Passage 10基因促使人的智力增长
Passage 11请还教育一片净土
The Guardian 《卫报》
Passage 12食物便宜有代价
Passage 13美国的消费热是全球环境的zui大威胁
Passage 14生物多样性不只是拯救濒临灭绝的外来物种
The New York Times 《纽约时报》
Passage 15黄金大米引发的论战
Passage 16英国计划削减外国留学生人数
Passage 17美国大学争相开发课程培养数据科学家
Passage 18 1260亿美元的诱惑
The Washington Post 《华盛顿邮报》
Passage 19“特别的”教育给“特别的”你
Passage 20水下建筑师——赤点石斑鱼
Part 2 100条英语六级阅读难句
第一章 非谓语动词
第二章 定语从句
第三章 名词性从句
第四章 状语从句
第五章 并列平行结构
第六章 同位成分和插入语
第七章 复杂修饰语
第八章 比较结构
第九章 倒装
第十章 虚拟语气
Part 3 英语六级阅读词汇理解35篇
第一章 英语六级阅读词汇理解解题攻略
第二章 英语六级阅读词汇理解强化训练35篇
Passage 1 ~ Passage 10 社会生活类
Passage 11~ Passage 18 文化教育类
Passage 19 ~ Passage 23 医疗健康类
Passage 24 ~ Passage 29 科普环境类
Passage 30 ~ Passage 35 商业经济类
Part 4 英语六级长篇阅读15篇
第一章 英语六级长篇阅读解题攻略
第二章 英语六级长篇阅读强化训练15篇
Passage 1 ~ Passage 4 社会生活类
Passage 5 ~ Passage 8 文化教育类
Passage 9 ~ Passage 10 科普知识类
Passage 11 ~ Passage 12商业经济类
Passage 13 ~ Passage 15自然环境类
Part 5 英语六级仔细阅读70篇
第一章 英语六级仔细阅读解题攻略
第二章 英语六级仔细阅读强化训练70篇
Passage 1 ~ Passage 20社会生活类
Passage 21 ~ Passage 35文化教育类
Passage 36 ~ Passage 50科普知识类
Passage 51 ~ Passage 60商业经济类
Passage 61 ~ Passage 70自然环境类
Part 6 英语六级阅读综合模拟40篇
Model Test 1~ Model Test 10
2.《大学英语六级阅读180篇 配套全文翻译》
How Safe Is Your Cell Phone?
It takes a little extra work to get in touch with Andrea Boland. The Maine state representative answers e-mails and lists her business and home phone numbers on the Web. But unlike many politicians attached to their BlackBerrys, she keeps her cell switched off unless she’s expecting a call. And if she has her way, everyone in Maine—and perhaps, eventually, the rest of the U.S.—will similarly think twice before talking on their mobiles.
In March, Maine’s legislature (立法机构) will begin debating a bill she submitted that would require manufacturers to put a warning label on every cell phone sold in the state declaring, “This device emits electromagnetic (电磁的) radiation, exposure to which may cause brain cancer.” Her warning would continue, “Users, especially children and pregnant women, should keep this device away from the head and body.”
For those of you now eyeing your cell phones suspiciously, it’s worth noting that both the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization say there isn’t evidence to support the assertion that cell phones are a public-health threat. But a number of scientists are worried that there has been a dangerous rush to declare cell phones safe, using studies they feel are inadequate and too often weighted toward the wireless industry’s interests. An analysis published by University of Washington neurologist (神经学家) Henry Lai determined that far more independent studies than industry-funded studies have found at least some type of biological effect from cell-phone exposure.
Several countries—including Finland, Israel and France—have issued guidelines for cell-phone use. And San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, who began researching the issue when his wife was expecting their first child, is hoping his city will adopt legislation that would have manufacturers print radiation information on cell-phone packaging and manuals and require retailers to display the data on the sales floor.
With 270 million Americans and 4 billion people around the world using cell phones—and more signing up every day—a strong link between mobiles and cancer could have major public-health implications. As cell phones make and take calls, they emit low-level radio-frequency (RF) radiation. Stronger than FM radio signals, these RF waves are still a billionth the intensity of known carcinogenic (致癌的) radiation like X-rays. But the good news is that there are easy ways for those concerned about RF radiation to cut down on exposure. Using your cell phone’s speaker or connecting a wired headset—while keeping the handset away from your body—drastically reduces RF exposure. (Bluetooth headsets help too, but they still emit some radiation.) And given the potentially more serious risks for children, who have thinner skulls than adults, parents might want to wait before handing teens their first phone—or at least ensure they use it mostly for texting.
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大学英语六级阅读 180篇 赠全文翻译本 含七大题源外刊记单词+六级阅读理解难句 华研外语(实收2册) mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025