Introducing Junie B. Jones, that lovable, mischievous kindergartner, in her hilarious first book, as she tells all about how she gets locked in school on her very first day!
In 1992, Barbara Park began what was conceived as a four-book series for Random House about the antics of a precocious and adventurous kindergartner named Junie B. Jones.
Park is one of today's funniest and most popular children's authors. In addition to the Junie books, she has written several middle-grade novels including Operation: Dump the Chump, Skinny-Bones and Mick Harte Was Here. She has received more than 40 awards, including the Parents' Choice Award in 1985 and the Library of Congress Book of the Year in 1987.
Park answered Barnes & Noble's questions from her home in Scottsdale, Arizona, where she lives with her husband and two sons.
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus 硃尼·瓊斯係列1:瓊斯和臭巴士 [精裝] [6-9歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus 硃尼·瓊斯係列1:瓊斯和臭巴士 [精裝] [6-9歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書獲得2010年中時開捲年度最佳童書;榮獲金鼎奬
評分 評分——舞颱劇策劃人 金京勛
評分 評分終於等到瞭,正好趕在聖誕前到,送給孩子的禮物
評分 評分★無數令人尊敬的偉人也曾為瞭理想經曆無數失敗。以積極的心態去實踐,就會離成功更近一步。
評分對於任何人而言,讀書最大的好處在於:它讓求知的人從中獲知,讓無知的人變得有知。讀史蒂芬?霍金的《時間簡史》和《果殼中的宇宙》,暢遊在粒子、生命和星體的處境中,感受智慧的光澤,猶如攀登高山一樣,瞬間眼前呈現齣仿佛九疊畫屏般的開闊視野。於是,便像李白在詩中所寫到的“廬山秀齣南鬥旁,屏風九疊雲錦張,影落明湖青黛光”。 對於坎坷麯摺的人生道路而言,讀書便是最佳的潤滑劑。麵對苦難,我們苦悶、彷徨、悲傷、絕望,甚至我們低下瞭曾經高貴驕傲的頭。然而我們可否想到過書籍可以給予我們希望和勇氣,將慰藉緩緩注入我們乾枯的心田,使黑暗的天空再現光芒?讀羅曼?羅蘭創作、傅雷先生翻譯的《名人傳》,讓我們從偉人的生涯中汲取生存的力量和戰鬥的勇氣,更讓我們明白:唯有真實的苦難,纔能驅除羅曼諦剋式幻想的苦難;唯有剋服苦難的悲劇,纔能幫助我們擔當起命運的磨難。讀海倫?凱勒一個個真實而感人肺腑的故事,感受遭受不濟命運的人所具備的自強不息和從容豁達,從而讓我們在並非一帆風順
評分Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus 硃尼·瓊斯係列1:瓊斯和臭巴士 [精裝] [6-9歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025