This special edition of the first book in Veronica Roth's #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy features cover artwork from the major motion picture starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James, and Kate Winslet. This dystopian series set in a futuristic Chicago has captured the hearts of millions of teen and adult readers. Perfect for fans of the Hunger Games and Maze Runner series, Divergent and its sequels, Insurgent and Allegiant, are electrifying thrillers filled with tough decisions, stunning consequences, and unexpected romance. Fans of the Divergent movie will find the book packed with just as much emotional depth and exhilarating action as the film, all told in beautiful, rich language. The paperback edition includes exciting bonus materials: an author Q&A;, a discussion guide, a Divergent playlist, faction manifestos, quiz questions, writing tips, and a peek of the second book in the trilogy. One choice can transform you. Beatrice Prior's society is divided into five factions—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). Beatrice must choose between staying with her Abnegation family and transferring factions. Her choice will shock her community and herself. But the newly christened Tris also has a secret, one she's determined to keep hidden, because in this world, what makes you different makes you dangerous. Supports the Common Core State Standards. 他們有完美的國傢、完美的製度,但人類並不完美。 醜惡的事物從未消失,隻是被隱藏瞭起來…… 近未來,人類再次經曆血腥戰亂。為瞭重整秩序,眾人製訂瞭五個派彆: 無畏派崇尚勇敢,他們矢誌成為保衛社會的力量;博學派認為學問是一切的根本,因此不斷追求新知;直言派厭惡迂迴隱瞞,視謊言為戰爭的導火綫;剋己派相信,人若無私,世上將不再有紛爭;友好派愛好和平,總是盡全力避免一切衝突。這五個派彆各司其職,相處融洽,共同維持著這個社會的平和。 而在十七歲時,每個人都必須接受傾嚮測驗,瞭解自己適閤哪個派彆。但測驗結果並非絕對,隻有在擇派儀式上由自己親手做齣的選擇,纔能決定自己的未來。 在滿十七歲的那天,碧翠絲長久以來的疑惑終於被解開:她不屬於任何一派。她是一名分歧者。這三個字代錶不被定義、不被操控,更是動亂與革命的代名詞。為瞭生存,碧翠絲知道,自己的真實身分絕不能被揭穿。於是,她做齣瞭選擇,一個令她的傢人和她自己都驚訝的選擇…… 在這裏,異於他人是危險的,懷疑與好奇是緻命的。 但是,她將打破所有規範,揭穿這虛假的和平…… 反烏托邦·完美就是閉上眼睛,假裝看不見 在劍橋字典中,對烏托邦(Utopia)的解釋是「一個人人適得其所,並相處愉快的完美社會概念。(the idea of a perfect society in which everyone works well with each other and is happy)」 但這隻是一個概念(idea)。這個概念社會用「為瞭群體利益,個人利益可以被忽視」來洗腦人民。為瞭成就美好社會,人民必須接受任何政府訂立的製度??無論閤不閤理。 在《分歧者》中,作者薇若妮卡?羅斯提齣瞭一些想法。烏托邦社會似乎總想抹去人的「多元性」,因為「多元」等同「混亂」。在這個世界,有想法是危險的、不受控製的,但人的心智無法被規範在小框框裏,自由意誌無法被局限,社會也不可能完美。然而,假裝看不見不能讓問題消失,用無視問題換來的和平,又能夠維持多久? 因此,揭穿和平假象、正視這些再明顯不過的缺陷與歧異,便是目前流行的反烏托邦小說的中心主軸。這些故事的背景往往設定在不遠後的未來。世界也許剛經曆一場幾乎毀滅全人類的大戰,文明倒退至難以想像的境界;反之,可能突然在科技上有瞭驚人發展,於是將人類紀元瞬間推至極先進的境界。 然而,無論是前進或後退,最值得爭議的元素其實是「人性」。 百年前的世界和百年後的世界,不同的隻是文明發展程度,但人類骨子裏那些排他的、爭奪的、貪婪的本性,並無不同。 |
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