Michael L. Scott is a professor in the University of Rochester’s Department of Computer Science, which he chaired from 1996 to 1999. He is the designer of the Lynx distributed programming language and a co-designer of the Charlotte and Psyche parallel operating systems, the Bridge parallel file system, the Cashmere distributed shared memory system, and the MCS mutual exclusion lock. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1985.
Programming Language Pragmatics, Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. It is distinguished and acclaimed for its integrated treatment of language design and implementation, with an emphasis on integration that is supported by a central focus on programming language design.
The book provides readers with a solid foundation for understanding the most important issues driving software development today, and this latest edition is complete with new material and numerous updates, including added content on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, and new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures.
Provides new material on interpretation, including expanded coverage of OCaml
Contains new material on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism
New chapters are devoted to type systems and composite types
Includes updated and re-worked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism
Presents new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures
Programming Language Pragmatics 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Programming Language Pragmatics 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##不知道是翻译问题还是出版社的问题,随便看了几章,发现很多语句不通的地方。 例如p527"下面我们使用Haskell的标准IO单体重新上面的例子",这句话的本意估计是"下面使用Haskell的标准IO单体重写上面的例子"。这样的例子还有很多。 第一版、第二版翻译的都很好,按理说这版不会...
评分 评分为什么还没有中文版出来?
评分##推荐来源 学习编译原理有什么好的书籍? - 彭飞的回答 - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/315313590/answer/626363738 祖与占 Programming Language Pragmatics 确实好, 不像龙书之类那样硬核, 但又能知道个所以然 R大也推荐(之前在阿里做JVM的) ========== 能加深一些基...
评分 评分##总体来说这本书讲解的并不是编译原理,而是从更高视角下的语言设计思路。对于精熟各类语法,理解编程方式很有裨益。这种类型的教材不算多见,而且描述很细致清晰,可以给10分。对于一般IT从业者来说,比真正的编译原理书籍更实用。 凑字数。。。 凑字数。。。 凑字数。。。 ...
评分##推荐读者“云从龙”的评论 =========== 原版的《程序设计语言——实践之路(第2版)》真的很不错,当然翻译版也很用心,值得向朋友们推荐。 一句话,对于那些有兴趣了解程序设计语言的基本设计与功能的软件工程师而言,这是一本入门的好书。特别有助于深入了解某一...
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