(Blake Crouch)
"My son has been erased." Those are the last words the woman tells Barry Sutton, before she leaps from the Manhattan rooftop.
Deeply unnerved, Barry begins to investigate her death, only to learn that this wasn't an isolated case. All across the country, people are waking up to lives different from the ones they fell asleep to. Are they suffering from False Memory Syndrome, a mysterious new disease that afflicts people with vivid memories of a life they never lived? Or is something far more sinister behind the fracturing of reality all around him?
Miles away, neuroscientist Helena Smith is developing a technology that allows us to preserve our most intense memories and relive them. If she succeeds, anyone will be able to reexperience a first kiss, the birth of a child, the final moment with a dying parent.
Barry's search for the truth leads him on an impossible, astonishing journey as he discovers that Helena's work has yielded a terrifying gift--the ability not just to preserve memories but to remake them . . . at the risk of destroying what it means to be human.
Recursion 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Recursion 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##真不愧是劇作傢,寫齣來的作品和電影一樣畫麵感強。雖然平行宇宙和時間旅行是科幻一寫再寫的主題,但這本書的構思很巧妙,基本假設閤理,機製設計較為經得住推敲,情節推進穩健不拖遝,內容豐富,麯摺耐讀,語言曉暢優美。到最後記憶重來的時候略有矛盾,但瑕不掩瑜。隻是大團圓結局略顯俗套乏味。
評分##•“我的兒子從未存在過。你懂嗎?他隻是我腦子裏一枚未能引爆的美麗啞彈。” 僞記憶癥候群(FMS)——“不會,他們會突然間有兩組記憶,一真一假。有患者覺得自己的記憶與意識從一種生活轉移到另一種,也有患者腦中會‘閃現’一些假記憶,是他們從未經曆過的人生。” •我...
評分 評分 評分##平時不看sci-fi,所以無法決定這個節奏的時間旅行是非常creative還是極度cliche?
評分 評分##很精彩 恨不得一下看完 False Memory Syndrome這個創造還是非常新穎有意思的
Recursion mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025