Luciano Ramalho was a Web developer before the Netscape IPO in 1995, and switched from Perl to Java to Python in 1998. Since then he worked on some of the largest news portals in Brazil using Python, and taught Python web development in the Brazilian media, banking and government sectors. He has presented multiple talks at PyCon US, OSCON, FISL, Rupy, QCon and PythonBrasil. Ramalho is a fellow of the Python Software Foundation and co-founder of Garoa Hacker Clube, the first hackerspace in Brazil. He is co-owner of Python.pro.br, a training company.
Python’s simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but often this means you aren’t using everything it has to offer. With the updated edition of this hands-on guide, you’ll learn how to write effective, modern Python 3 code by leveraging its best ideas.
Don’t waste time bending Python to fit patterns you learned in other languages. Discover and apply idiomatic Python 3 features beyond your past experience. Author Luciano Ramalho guides you through Python’s core language features and libraries and teaches you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable.
Featuring major updates throughout the book, Fluent Python, second edition, covers:
Special methods: The key to the consistent behavior of Python objects
Data structures: Sequences, dicts, sets, Unicode, and data classes
Functions as objects: First-class functions, related design patterns, and type hints in function declarations
Object-oriented idioms: Composition, inheritance, mixins, interfaces, operator overloading, static typing and protocols
Control flow: Context managers, generators, coroutines, async/await, and thread/process pools
Metaprogramming: Properties, attribute descriptors, class decorators, and new class metaprogramming hooks that are simpler than metaclasses
Fluent Python, 2nd Edition 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Fluent Python, 2nd Edition 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##很多乾貨,加深python的認識,很多最新版本的特性也有更新 Python是一個讓我非常喜歡的語言,現在也非常的火熱。相信入門階段結束之後,語言之美,吸引你想更深入的瞭解它。想要進階,那不妨瞭解以下幾本進階書。 [流暢的Python] 《流暢的Python》,本書放在第一位,就是因為它最值得推薦。我看的時候還沒中文版,花瞭兩個月的時間,每...
評分##本人是統計背景,日常使用python隻局限於數據科學領域,平時也用python來處理boring things。時常對python機製和特性感到好奇。 花費瞭大約100小時閱讀瞭本書的前16章,學到瞭很多基礎的python思想。閱讀之後可以利用書中的知識來優化自己的代碼,更好地實現自己的想法,更高效...
評分 評分 評分##這本書可以作為一本Python的進階書,書裏直接跳過瞭基礎知識的講解,但是這並不影響閱讀,網上有大把的基礎內容可以看。這書裏講解瞭Python的實現細節,思路,基本原理還有特定的功能(其他書籍很少見的),而且每個章節結尾都會附加上作者自己的看法。整體上書的結構都很好,...
評分 評分 評分##2022-06-30 最初計劃以每周兩章、個彆章節一周一章的速度,在12周內閱讀完本書。除瞭上個月由於某些事兒耽誤瞭一周左右,基本上算是完成瞭預期目標吧。 本書每章的正文部分中規中矩。在初級教程的基礎上,本書對相關概念以及背後的原理做瞭更為詳細的論述、分析以及對比。因此...
評分##第一章開頭就說瞭,理論上太美的語言沒多少人愛用,而python的創造者Guido的目標是一門“slightly less theoretically beautiful but thereby is a joy to write programs in”的語言。從這幾年語言排行榜的流行趨勢看來,他遠遠的做到瞭。 瞭解瞭generator後我會更加在意某個...
Fluent Python, 2nd Edition mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025