《朗文·外研社·新概念英语2(教师用书)》除保留原版的精华外,又增加了以下重要特色:专为中国的英语学习人士而改编,根据中国读者的需要增添了词汇表、课文注释、练习讲解和课文的参考译文;剔除了所有过时内容,其中过时的课文由新课文取代,并配以全新的练习和插图; 对原有教学法进行调整,更利于学生加强交际能力。内容更简洁精练,取消过去单独出版的繁琐补充材料,将其精华纳入主要教材;版面加大,方便翻阅;每课书相对独立,以利课堂教学。
亚历山大,L.G.Alexander.世界著名的英语教学专业,曾任欧洲现代语言教学委员会理事。其著作为交际教学法奠定基础,其中一知NCE和Follow Me已成经典教材。
Key to Pre-unit Test 1
Lesson1 A private conversation—Word order in simple statements
Lesson2 Breakfast of lunch?—The present,simple and continuous
Lesson3 Please send me a card—The simple past
Lesson4 An exciting trip—The simple past and the present perfect
Lesson5 No wrong numbers—The indefinite and definite articles
Lesson6 Percy Buttons—The indefinite and definite articles
Lesson7 Too late—The past continuous
Lesson8 The best and the worst—The comparison of adjectives
Lesson9 A cold welcome—Prepositions of time
Lesson10 Not for jazz—The passive
Lesson11 One good turn deserves another—Review of tenses
Lesson12 Goodbye and good luck—The simple future
Lesson13 The Greenwood Boys—The future continuous
Lesson14 Do you speak English?—The past perfect
Lesson15 Good news—Indirect statements
Lesson16 Apolite request—Type l conditional statements
Lesson17 Always young—Must and Have to
Lesson18 He often does this!—Have(possession/ordinary verb)
Lesson19 Sold out—Can and May
Lesson20 One man in a boat—The gerund after prepositons
Lesson21 Mad or nor—Can and may
Lesson22 Aglass envelope—Verds followed by prepositions:Of,From,Inand On
Lesson23 Anew house—Review of tenses,modal and auxilary verds
Lesson24 It could de worse —Special difficulties:Review
Key to Pre-unit Test2
Lesson25 Do the English speak English?—Word order in compound statements
Lesson26 The best art critics—The present,simple and continuous
Lesson27 Awetnight—The simple past
Lesson28 No parking—The simple past
Lesson29 Taxi!—The simple past andthe present perfect simple
Topics for discussion
1 Can you name some famous sailors, and describe what they did?
2 What do you think is the best way to cross the Atlantic?
3 Why do you think people choose to cross the Atlantic single-handed (alone)?
Topics for discussion
1 Describe a concert you have been to, or heard about.
2 What do you think youll be doing this time next year?
3 Do you prefer pop or classical songs/singers? Why?
Key to Summary writing
The Greenwood Boys are pop singers. They will be coming here tomorrow. Most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. They will give five performances. The police will be trying to keep order as usual. (42 words)
Key structures: The future continuous
a Shall and will are used with be + verb-ing to form the future continuous tense.
A parallel can be drawn between the present and future continuous forms to show the progressive aspect of the -lng form:
I am writing letters now (in progress at the moment).
I shall be writing letters all day tomorrow (in progress tomorrow).
b The main use of the future continuous is to express a future without intention.
In Ill come to your house tomorrow, the verb expresses a deliberate intention (or promise) to come, but Ill be coming to your house tomorrow expresses no intention (simple prediction).
We can add to these sentences to make the dis ……
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京东好评外表看着美观大气上档次。一直信任京东。质量不错, 档次高,超喜 送货很快,服务很好! 太漂亮,大气, 欢。货比三家,选的也好是辛苦啊?现在除了一碗热气 腾腾的拉面,在强哥这里买不到其他的,只有你想不 到没有买不到? 上午下单,下午到家速度啊! 看着还行 货品不错,装了实用。质量可以。是值得购买不错不错 不错! !!! !! 用了还可以,刚开始用有点涩。很干 净,质感也不错,价位适中,性价比一般吧。不错物流 一天就到了整体感觉很不错,收到就用了,挺喜欢的, 这个用的好,还要买多几个。物美价廉, 用着看看吧, 免去市场购物之劳,推荐答案我为什么喜欢在京东买 因为今天买明天就可以送到。我为什么每个商品 东西, 的评价都一样, 因为在京东买的东西太多太多了,导致 积累了很多未评价的订单,所以我统一用段话作为评价 有买到很好的产品,也有买到 内容。京东购物这么久, 比较坑的产品,如果我用这段话来评价,说明这款产品 宝贝收到了, 非常喜欢,质 没问题, 至少85分以上, 卖家热情,物流给力,非常愉快的一次购物, 量很好, 好评
汉 语:我来打酱油。 英 语:it's none of my business .i come to buy some sauce. 德 语:ich bezogen, was ich kam zu einer soja-so?e. 法 语:je lis ce qui, j'en suis arriv une sauce de soja. 荷 兰 语:ik gerelateerd wat, kwam ik tot een sojasaus. 俄 语:я,касающихся того, что я пришел к соевым соусом. 西班牙语:relacionados con lo que yo, me vino a un salsa de soja. 意大利语:i relativi cosa, sono venuto a una salsa di soia. 日 本 语:私関连したどのような、私がして醤油. 希 腊 语:i σχετικ? ? τι ? ρθα σε μια σ? λτσα σ? για?. 最后总结成一句话:给力京东,支持京东!!!!