第一章 北歐風格的形成和發展
Chapter 1 The Formation and Development of Nordic Style
008 一、起源 / The Origin of Nordic Style
008 1. 風格定義 / The Definition of Nordic Style
010 2. 區域界定 / The Location of Scandinavia
010 3. 人文風情 / Culture and Tradition
012 二、特徵 / Characteristics
012 1. 簡潔、通透的室內設計 / The Concise and Transparent Interior Design
013 2. 室內空間以木材為主 / Indoor Space Mainly Based On Wooden
014 3. 風格自然、純樸 / Natural and Simple Exterior Design
016 三、設計理念 / Design Concept
016 1. 重視傳統手工藝 / The Value of Traditional Crafts
017 2. 以人為本、功能實用 / People-Oriented, Functional and Practical
017 3. 崇尚自然 / Worshi p of Nature
第二章 北歐風格設計的元素和運用
Chapter 2 The Application of Nordic Design Elements
020 一、傢具 / Furnitures
020 1. 北歐傢具的曆史與發展 / The History and Development of Nordic Furniture
023 2. 名師名作 / Masterpieces
041 3. 北歐傢具的主要特徵 / The Main Characteristics of Nordic Furniture
043 二、紡織品 / Textiles
043 1. 北歐織物圖案的形成與發展 / The Shaping and Development of the Patterns in Nordic Fabrics
043 2. 北歐織物軟裝飾中的圖案元素 / The Elements of the Nordic Texiles Patterns
046 3. 北歐織物軟裝飾的特色 / The Characteristics in Nordic Textiles Decorations
047 三、其他裝飾品 / Other Ornaments
047 1. 木製裝飾品 / Wooden Ornaments
048 2. 陶瓷、玻璃飾品 / Potteries and Glass Ornaments
049 3 . 裝飾繪畫 / Decorative Painting
050 四、色彩 / Colors
第三章 提升品味的北歐設計
Chapter 3 Enhancing Northern European interior design
054 北歐自然風格 / Natural Nordic Design
056 伯利恒山之居 / Bethlehem Hill Transitional
066 少男少女套房 / Jack and Jill Suite
072 55 平方米迷你住宅 / The 55 m2 Apartment
078 古雅的閣樓 / Old Attic
086 自然意象 / Deep In Nature
096 曼哈頓海灘彆墅 / Manhattan Beach Residence
106 聖塔莫尼卡彆墅 / Santa Monica Villa
112 壽·森林 / Cape Mansions
122 北歐現代風格 / Modern Nordic Design
124 DG / DG
128 帕納比住宅 / The Panamby Apartment
136 360。住宅 / 360。Apartment
144 卡拉泰布裏安紮私人住宅 / Private Apartment in Carate Brianza
148 都靈夢幻之居 / Via delle Orfane Torino
156 米蘭私人住宅 / Private Apartment in Milano
160 我愛灰色 / I Love Gray
166 NI / NI
174 MM 住宅 / Apartment MM
180 佩納私人住宅 / Private Apartment in Paina
184 鬧市靜所 / Inner City Calm
190 切爾西三層復式住宅 / Chelsea Triplex
196 北歐工業風格 / Industrial Nordic Design
198 Itacolomi 445 住宅 / Itacolomi 445 Apartmenteal
206 獨具一格的閣樓 / Real Parque Loft
212 維斯林工作室 / PplusP Studio
222 IG / IG
228 HB6B / HB6B
234 春紀的住宅 / Haruki's Apartment
246 彆墅閣樓 / Loft Vila Leopoldina Leopoldina
252 Halle A / Halle A
北歐自然風格Natural Nordic Design
風格概述 Style Description
Natural Nordic style refers to the natural environment and the integration of the simple interior design style. It presents an original beauty which is very close to the natural ecology. Without superfluous decoration, all materials remain their natural texture and colors. It stress on traditional handcraft and harmony with the outdoor nature.
細節設計 Detail Designing
Nordic style generally use natural wood and original stone. All materials remain the natural texture. Their shape and colors are all prevented their natural status. The light should be most transparent in spaces, and try to lead the outdoor landscapes into indoor to create a beautiful scenery. In soft decorations, there are rattan products, plants, pottery and porcelain. The fabrics with plants and traditional patterns and in cotton fabric are mostly applied.
裝飾技巧Design Techniques
▲色彩既可以是清新自然的原木色, 也可以是充滿民族風情的濃墨重彩,例如傳統的黑、白、紅。
Colors can be both fresh color and wooden color, and also can be with full of splendid ethnic customs, such as the traditional black, white and red.
The commonly used decorative materials are pine, ash, stone, rattan, iron, hemp, fabric etc.
▲未經處理的磚石牆麵, 或者原木的吊頂,都體現瞭空間的質樸感覺,也是北歐自然風格中經常運用的一些裝飾手法。
The walls and bricks without any treatment and wood ceiling reflect the rustic feeling of the space. It is also commonly used as the decorative treatment in natural Nordic style.
Decorations and display strive to be simple and natural. Ceramic accessories, fabrics with traditional handcraft patterns, wood and other rattan accessories and decorative panting with Nordic landscapes can be used indoor.
第一章 北歐風格的形成和發展
Chapter 1 The Formation and Development of Nordic Style
一、起源The Origin of Nordic Style
1. 風格定義
The Definition of Nordic Style
北歐設計風格是指起源於斯堪的納維亞地區的設計風格,因此也被稱為“斯堪的納維亞風格”。北歐離歐洲中心國傢較遠,有著自己獨特的氣候和傳統,在曆史上北歐設計很少受到關注,直到1 9 世紀末,北歐設計受到英國工藝美術運動和新藝術運動的影響,逐漸參與到各種設計運動中。2 0 世紀2 0 年代,歐設計師將北歐多麵性的設計哲學融入現代主義設計的民主精神之中,卡雷·剋林特( K a a r e K l i n t )的傢具探索、阿依努·阿爾托( A i n o A a l t o ) 的壓製玻璃都奠定瞭北歐風格的發展方嚮。盡管北歐各國的設計都有著傑齣的曆史背景,但是在1 9 5 0 年的一次以“設計在斯堪的納維亞”為主題的展覽後纔被作為一種風格而被廣泛接受, 這次展覽從1 9 5 4 年到1 9 5 7 年在美國和加拿大巡迴展齣,使得“北歐風格”開始真正受到關注。
Nordic style indicates the design style originated from Scandinavian area, thus, also called Scandinavian style. As Northern Europe is far from the center of Europe, and it owns distinctive weather and traditions. Nordic style had received little attention until the end of 19th century when Arts and Crafts Movement had a great impact on it, and then it gradually became the participant in various kinds of design movement. In the 1920s, Scandinavian designers incorporate the design philosophy of Nordic versatility into the democratic spirit of modernism style design. Kaare Klint’s exploration on furniture and Aino Aalto’s pressed glass laid the design direction of the Nordic style.The design of the Nordic countries had a quite outstanding historical background, but it was not until an exhibition of “Design inScandinavia” in 1950 that was widely accepted as a style. It was a traveling exhibition from 1954 to 1957 in the United States and Canada, which had made Scandinavian style really being focused by the public.
Nordic style are different from Art Deco style or streamline style,which are formalism of pursuing fashion and commercial value. The Nordic style is concise and practical, reflecting respect for tradition, appreciation of natural materials, restraint of form and decoration, and strive to achieve unity in form and function.
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