5.英語六級預測試捲命題與英語六級真題同源,來自7大外刊題源:Time《時代周刊》、The Guardian《衛報》、The Washington Post《華盛頓郵報》、New Scientist《新科學人》、USA Today《今日美國》、Newsweek《新聞周刊》和The New York Times《紐約時報》;
英語六級預測試捲 聽力新題型改革Model Test 1試題與詳解
英語六級預測試捲 聽力新題型改革Model Test 2試題與詳解
英語六級預測試捲 聽力新題型改革Model Test 3試題與詳解
英語六級預測試捲 聽力新題型改革Model Test 4試題與詳解
英語六級預測試捲 聽力新題型改革Model Test 5試題與詳解
英語六級預測試捲 聽力新題型改革Model Test 6試題與詳解
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英語六級預測試捲 聽力新題型改革Model Test 10試題與詳解
Section C
Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 18.
An ancient Greek philosopher once wrote that laughter is what makes us human—that it defines us as a species. Much more recent developments in biology and behavioral science suggest that not only humans but also rats and dolphins laugh; nonetheless, laughter is one of the most important aspects of human social life and self-expression. [16]Laughter starts very soon after an infant is born—almost as soon as crying—and it serves many different social and psychological functions, from sharing our joy to intimidating and insulting other people. In many parts of the world, making other people laugh is considered a great gift, and comedy has always been a vital part of culture and art—perhaps precisely because of the complex, significant role of laughter in everyday life.
Humans begin laughing when they are about forty days old; in the 19th century, Charles Darwin verified this number by observing his own newborn daughter. Darwin also suggested an explanation for the sounds she made: we want to show one another that we are happy or delighted. Pleasure lies at the base of what Darwin called “real” laughter; most people still think of laughing this way, as a fundamentally social act that helps us relate to one another by communicating positive feelings. It’s an easily verifiable fact that everyone laughs louder and more frequently in groups than when alone. And Darwin and one of his colleagues also demonstrated that it is easy for human beings to tell when someone is faking a laugh or a smile. [17]Because of a certain muscle in the human face—the zygomaticus major, or muscle of joy—our eyes sparkle when we are genuinely happy.
Comedy and laughter have played and still play a vital role in artistic production in western culture. Comedy as we know it—that is, staged performances intended to induce laughter in viewers or audience members—was born in ancientGreece. [18]During the next several centuries, Italy, England, France and Germany all developed strong comic traditions—especially in Italy, where a theater tradition called the commedia dell’arte was born. Traveling performers played comic songs and put on puppet shows and plays to amuse crowds of viewers. This continued across Europe for hundreds of years, even as major cities developed and acting troupes settled into more permanent theaters. Even the American version of the television stand-up comedian is also very old, and can be traced back to the court fool or jester in the middle ages and the Renaissance. Human beings may not be the only animals who laugh—but for centuries we have made it a central part of being human.
16. What do we learn about laughter?
[C] 【詳解】錄音提到笑有許多不同的社會和心理功能,從分享我們的快樂到恐嚇和挖苦他人。因此選C項“除瞭錶達喜悅,笑還有許多的功能”,其中選項中的expressing是錄音中sharing的同義改寫。
17. What indicates a real laughter according to Darwin?
[A] 【詳解】錄音提到達爾文和他的一名同事證實,人們很容易就能判斷一個人是否是在假笑,因為人臉部有一塊特定肌肉——顴肌,人們在真笑的時候眼睛會閃爍(our eyes sparkle),因此選A項。
18. What do we learn about comedy?
[B] 【詳解】錄音提到喜劇從古希臘誕生,之後的幾個世紀裏在意大利、英國、法國和德國有瞭很大的發展,尤其是在意大利開創瞭劇院錶演的傳統,因此選B項“劇院錶演源於意大利”。
【乾擾項排除】①選項中含有comedy,theater或comedian等關鍵詞,可以預測題目與喜劇有關。②喜劇誕生於古希臘,並非古羅馬,排除A項;美國版的電視脫口秀(television stand-up comedians)也有很悠久的曆史,但不是在法國盛行,因此C項不正確;錄音沒有提到D項“喜劇曾經在歐洲受禁”。
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