助力考試學習本指南,可以幫助您通過各種考試,如中國執業醫師資格考試,美國Clerkship Shelf考試、USMLE第2步考試、ABIM考試和換發新證考試等。
《現代內科學學習指南(第2版 英文版)》依據《現代內科學》編寫而成,介紹瞭皮膚、五官、循環係統、血液係統、消化係統等11個係統80種常見疾病。每種疾病的內容以案例引齣,分設“學習目標”“問題”“答案與解析”“參考文獻”四個欄目。其中,“問題”“答案與解析”突齣疾病的臨床錶現、實驗室檢查、治療過程和結果。知識點簡明扼要、易學易記。本書適閤各大醫學院校醫學生在見習和實習階段、住院醫師規範化培訓階段使用,也可供高年資醫生隨時查閱與提高。
Gene R.Quinn是加利福尼亞大學醫學院的教授,是美國知名的內科專傢。
Skin Disorders
Pulmonary/Ear, Nose,and Throat Disorders
Hematologic Disorders
Gastrointestinal/Liver/Pancreas Disorders
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Kidney/Electrolyte Disorders
Nervous System/PsychiatricDisorders
Infectious Disorders
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (CMDT) is the leading internal medicine textbook known for its com- prehensive coverage of current inpatient and outpatient care with diagnostic tools relevant to day-to-day practice. Facilitating its usefulness, this CMDT Study Guide, second edition, directs readers through a case analysis of 80 of the most common topics in internal medicine. The CMDT Study Guide provides a comprehensive and clearly orga- nized synopsis of each medical topic that helps the reader review and study for a variety of examinations, such as the medicine clerkship shelf exam, USMLE Step 2 examina- tions, ABIM internal medicine boards, and recertification examinations. As such it will be very useful to medical, nursing (Adult and Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam), pharmacy, and other health professional students, Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE), to house officers, and to practicing physicians. The CMDT Study Guide is engaging and patient-centered since each of the 80 topics begins with presentation of a typical patient to help the reader think in a step-wise fashion through the various clinical problem-solving aspects of the case. For each topic, the CMDT Study Guide provides PubMed’s references to the most current and pertinent MEDLINE articles for that topic. Each reference provides PMID num- bers to facilitate retrieval of the relevant articles.
Outstanding Features
Eighty common internal medicine topics useful to learners and practitioners for patient care and to pre- pare for examinations
Material drawn from the expert source, Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2016, including tables about laboratory tests and treatments
In-depth, consistent, and readable format organized in a way that allows for quick study and easy access to information
Emphasis on a standard approach to clinical problem- solving with Learning Objectives, Salient Features, Symptoms and Signs, Treatment, Outcomes, When to Refer and When to Admit, and References
現代內科學學習指南(第2版 英文版) [Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guid] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
現代內科學學習指南(第2版 英文版) [Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guid] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書還好!
現代內科學學習指南(第2版 英文版) [Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Study Guid] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025