自守函数理论讲义 第二卷 [Lectures on the Theory of Theory of Automorphic Functions,Second Volume]

自守函数理论讲义 第二卷 [Lectures on the Theory of Theory of Automorphic Functions,Second Volume] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

[德] 弗里克,[德] 克莱因 著,[美] 迪普雷 译


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出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛书名: 数学经典论题
外文名称:Lectures on the Theory of Theory of Automorphic Functions,Second Volume

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  Felix Klein著名的Erlangen纲领使得群作用理论成为数学的核心部分。在此纲领的精神下,Felix Klein开始一个伟大的计划,就是撰写一系列著作将数学各领域包括数论、几何、复分析、离散子群等统一起来。他的一本著作是《二十面体和十五次方程的解》于1884年出版,4年后翻译成英文版,它将三个看似不同的领域——二十面体的对称性、十五次方程的解和超几何函数的微分方程紧密地联系起来。之后Felix Klein和Robert Fricke合作撰写了四卷著作,包括椭圆模函数两卷本和自守函数两卷本。弗里克、克莱因著季理真主编迪普雷译的《自守函数理论讲义(第2卷)(英文版)(精)》是对一本著作的推广,内容包含Poincare和Klein在自守形式的高度原创性的工作,它们奠定了Lie群的离散子群、代数群的算术子群及自守形式的现代理论的基础,对数学的发展起着巨大的推动作用。



Part I Narrower theory of the single-valued automorphic functions of one variable
Concept, existence and fundamental properties of the automorphic functions
1.1 Definition of the automorphic functions
1.2 Production of an elementary potential of the second kind belonging
to the fundamental domain
1.3 Production of automorphic functions of the group F
1.4 Mapping of the fundamental domain P onto a closed Riemann surface
1.5 The totality of all automorphic functions belonging to a group F and their principal properties
1.6 Classification and closer study of the elementary automorphic functions
1.7 Preparations for the classification of the higher automorphic functions
1.8 Classification and closer study of the higher automorphic functions ...
1.9 The integrals of the automorphic models
1.10 General single-valuedness theorem. Application to linear differential equations
1.11 as a linearly polymorphic function. The fundamental problem
1.12 Differential equations of the third order for the polymorphic functions.
1.13 Generalization of the concept of automorphic functions

Form-theoretic discussions for the automorphic models of genus zero
2.1 Shapes of the fundamental domains for the models of genus zero
2.2 Recapitulation of homogeneous variables, substitutions and groups...
2.3 General definition of the automorphic forms
2.4 The differentiation process and the principal forms of the models of genus zero
2.5 The family of prime forms and the ground forms for automorphic models with p = 0
2.6 Behavior of the automorphic forms q0d ((1,(2) with respect to the group generators
2.7 The ground forms for the groups of the circular-arc triangles
2.8 The single-valued automorphic forms and their multiplicator systems .
2.9 The number of all mtflfiplicator systems M for a given group F
2.10 Example for the determination of the number of the multiplicator systems M, the effect of secondary relations
2.11 Representation of all unbranched automorphic forms
2.12 Existence theorem for single-valued forms q0d((1,(2) for given multiplicator system M
2.13 Relations between multiplicator systems inverse to one another.
2.14 Integral forms and forms with prescribed poles
2.15 The (1, (2 as linearly-polymorphic forms of the zl, z2
2.16 Other forms of the polymorphic forms. History
2.17 Differential equations of second order for the polymorphic forms of zero dimension
2.18 Invariant form of the differential equation for the polymorphic forms (1, (2
2.19 Series representation of the polymorphic forms in the case n = 3
2.20 Representation of the polymorphic forms in the case n = 3 by definite integrals

Theory of Poincar6 series with special discussions for the models of genus zero
3.1 The approach to the Poincar6 series
3.2 First convergence study of the Poincar6 series
3.3 Behavior of the Poincar6 series at parabolic cusps
3.4 The Poincar6 series of (-2)nd dimension for groups F with boundary curves
3.5 The Poincar6 series of (-2)nd dimension for principal-circle groups With isolatedly situated boundary points
3.6 Convergence of the Poincar6 series of (-2)nd dimension for certain groups Without boundary curves and Without principal circle
3.7 Second convergence study in the principal-circle case. Continuous dependence of the Poincar6 series on the group moduli
3.8 Poles of the Poincar6 series and the possibility of its vanishing identically. Discussion for the case p = 0
3.9 Construction of one-pole Poincar6 series
3.10 One-poled series with poles at elliptic vertices
3.11 Introduction of the elementary forms ~ ((1, (2; ~ 1, ~2)
3.12 Behavior of the elementary form ~2((1,(2;(1,(2) at a parabolic cusp ( ..
3.13 Behavior of the elementary forms upon exercise of substitutions of the group F on (1, (2. Discussions for the models of genus p —— 0
3.14 Concerning the representability of arbitrary automorphic forms of genus zero by the elementary forms and the Poincar6 series
The automorphic forms and their analytic representations for models of arbitrary genus
4.1 Recapitulation concerning the groups of arbitrary genus p and their generation
4.2 Recapitulation and extension of the theory of the primeform for an arbitrary algebraic model
4.3 The polymorphic forms (1, (2 for a model of arbitrary genus p
4.4 Differential equations of the polymorphic functions and forms for models with p > 0
4.5 Representation of all unbranched automorphic forms of a group F of arbitrary genus by the prime-and groundforms
4.6 The single-valued automorphic forms and their multiplicator systems for a group of arbitrary genus
4.7 Existence of the single-valued forms for a given multiplicator system in the case of an arbitrary genus
4.8 More on single-valued automorphic forms for arbitrary p. The p forms z~-2((1,~'2)
4.9 Concept of conjugate forms. Extended Riemann-Roch theorem and applications of it
4.10 The Poincard series and the elementary forms for p. Unimultiplicative forms
4.11 Two-poled series of (——2)nd dimension and integrals of the 2nd kind for automorphic models of arbitrary genus p
4.12 The integrals of the first and third kinds. Product representation for the primeform ~
4.13 On the representability of the automorphic forms of arbitrary genus p by the elementary forms and the Poincard series
4.14 Closing remarks

Part II Fundamental theorems concerning the existence of polymorphic functions on Riemann surfaces
1 Continuity studies in the domain of the principal-circle groups
1.1 Recapitulation of the polygon theory of the principal-circle groups
1.2 The polygon continua of the character (0, 3)
1.3 The polygon continua of the character (0, 4)
1.4 The polygon continua of the character (0, n)
1.5 Another representation of the polygon continua of the character (0,4) .
1.6 The polygon continua of the character (1,1)
1.7 The polygon continua of the character (p, n)
1.8 Transition from the polygon continua to the group continua
1.9 The discontinuity of the modular group
1.10 The reduced polygons of the character (1,1)
1.11 The surface q)3 of third degree coming up for the character (1,1)
1.12 The discontinuity domain of the modular group and the character (1,1)
1.13 Connectivity and boundary of the individual group continuum of the character (1,1)
1.14 The reduced polygons of the character (0, 4)
1.15 The surfaces ~a of the third degree coming up for the character (0,4) ..
1.16 The discontinuity domain of the modular group and the group continua of the character (0, 4)
1.17 Boundary and connectivity of the individual group continuum of the character (0, 4)
1.18 The normal and the reduced polygons of the character (0, n)
1.19 The continua of the reduced polygons of the character (0, n) for given vertex invariants and fixed vertex arrangement
1.20 The discontinuity domain of the modular group and the group continua of the character (0, n)
1.21 The group continua of the character (p, n)
1.22 Report on the continua of the Riemann surfaces of the genus p
1.23 Report on the continua of the symmetric Riemann surfaces of the genus p
1.24 Continuity of the mapping between the continuum of groups and the continuum of Riemann surfaces
1.25 Single-valuedness of the mapping between the continuum of groups and the continuum of Riemann surfaces
1.26 Generalities on the continuity proof of the fundamental theorem in the domain of the principal-circle groups
1.27 Effectuation of the continuity proof for the signature (0, 3; ll, la)
1.28 Effectuation of the continuity proof for the signature (0, 3; ll)
1.29 Effectuation of the continuity proof for the signature (1,1; 11)
1.30 Effectuation of the continuity proof for the signature (0, 3)
1.31 Representation of the three-dimensional continua Bg and Bf for the signature (1,1)
1.32 Effectuation of the continuity proof for the signature (1,1)

Proof of the principal-circle and the boundary-circle theorem
2.1 Historical information concerning the direct methods of proof of the fundamental theorems
2.2 Theorems on logarithmic potentials and Green's functions
2.3 More on the solution of the boundary 自守函数理论讲义 第二卷 [Lectures on the Theory of Theory of Automorphic Functions,Second Volume] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式

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