The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平装] [6-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平装] [6-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书还没有看到,先屯着.
评分This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.
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评分Cynthia Rylant was awarded a Newbery Medal for her novel Missing May and a Newbery Honor for A Fine White Dust. She is the author of several popular series for the beginning reader, including the "Henry and Mudge" books. Cynthia Rylant lives with her family in Washington State.
评分This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.
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The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平装] [6-8岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025