適讀人群 :4-8歲 “小餅乾係列”是哈珀科林斯齣版集團的經典品牌之一。許多國內的媽媽們大概早就聽說過甚至接觸過小餅乾(Biscuit)瞭,該書正是著名的“I Can Read”係列的看傢書。作品麵世15年來,屢獲大奬,全球已經有超過2000萬個傢庭擁有它,並成為它的忠實粉絲。這是一套被媒體和傢長們公認的親子閱讀佳作,被讀者評為亞馬遜網站的五星級圖書。
哈珀柯林斯齣版集團的經典品牌,全球知名的“I can read 係列”的看傢書
哈佛大學教育學博士硃莉嚮您推薦“I Can Read!係列”:
Share the love of reading with your beginner reader!
I Can Read books are widely recognised as the premier line of beginner readers. Inaugurated in 1957 with Else Holmelund Minarik's Little Bear, illustrated by Maurice Sendak, the series has grown to over 200 titles, which include mysteries, adventure stories, poetry, historical fiction and humour. Featuring award-winning authors and illustrators, and a fabulous cast of classic characters, I Can Read books introduce children to the joy of reading independently.
Just like his young fans, Biscuit can't wait to go to school! Even though no dogs are allowed, he is determined to see and do everything that takes place at school. But what will happen when the teacher discovers a puppy in his classroom?
Alyssa Satin Capucilli is the author of several books for young children, including the ABA Pick of the Lists book Biscuit, Bathtime for Biscuit, Biscuit Finds a Friend and Biscuit's New Trick. Ms. Capucilli lives in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY.
"Biscuit, the adorable little golden dog, makes an appearance in a My First I Can Read series. Biscuit wants to follow his young mistress to school, but, of course, that isn't allowed. When his girl heads off, Biscuit finds his own way there. Even with a limited amount of words and the shortest of sentences, Capucilli tells a real story, one that will capture the attention of the newest reader. First there is the suspense of the puppy's making it to school. Then, there's Biscuit cutting a wide swath through the school, until he's finally picked up by the principal. The friendly watercolor artwork nicely illustrates the action. "
-- Booklist
Biscuit Goes to School (My First I Can Read)餅乾狗去上學 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Biscuit Goes to School (My First I Can Read)餅乾狗去上學 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Biscuit Goes to School (My First I Can Read)餅乾狗去上學 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
Biscuit Goes to School (My First I Can Read)餅乾狗去上學 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025