優秀的親子共讀練習書。暢銷繪本作者Rosemary Wells帶來瞭吸引人且有節奏感的故事,保證會讓孩子聽瞭一遍還想再聽。這本書鼓勵父母堅持每天與孩子一起閱讀:當你經常給寶寶講故事,寶寶就會給你反饋,當未來的某一天寶寶能給你講故事瞭,這本書就發揮瞭自己的效用。
From best-selling author/illustrator Rosemary Wells comes a charming, rhyming story that children will want to hear again and again. An invitation for parents and children to read together every day, this picture book promises: Read to your bunny often, and your bunny will read to you.
Rosemary Wells began her career in children's books working as a designer at a publishing house, where she published her first book—an illustrated edition of Gilbert and Sullivan's I Have a Song to Sing-O. The success of her second book, Noisy Nora, helped earn her the reputation as one of today's bestselling and beloved picture book authors. And after creating the illustrations for My Very First Mother Goose, readers also discovered her considerable talents as an illustrator. "When I was two years old I began to draw," she says, "and my parents saw right away the career that lay ahead of me and encouraged me every day of my life." As a child who was constantly surrounded by books, Wells has always recognized the importance of reading and literacy campaigns, and she has long been a passionate and dedicated advocate for literacy and education. Her 150 books for children have received numerous awards and honors, including more than 20 ALA Notable Children's Book citations and a Boston Globe/Horn Book Award. She lives in Greenwich, Connecticut.
A celebration of the pleasures of reading that will have more appeal to adults than to preschoolers. Using a multicolored cast of bunnies, Wells shows that reading can be done anywhere?on a plane or a boat, or even in a bathtub. "Read to your bunny often,/It's twenty minutes of fun./It's twenty minutes of moonlight,/And twenty minutes of sun." A final note again stresses the value of reading to children. While this message-laden story could have been overwhelming, Wells manages to steer clear of didacticism through her heartwarming illustrations. Each framed scene is a loving tribute both precise and precious and wholly satisfying in artistic presentation and integrity. The book's small size and large print make this a perfect gift for new parents or for anyone who reads to children.
--Martha Topol, Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City, MI
Read to Your Bunny給寶寶講故事 英文原版 [平裝] [3-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Read to Your Bunny給寶寶講故事 英文原版 [平裝] [3-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
read to my bunny
人生五十年,與天地長久相較,如夢又似幻;一度得生者,豈有不滅者乎?- 人間五十年,與天地相比 不過渺小一物 看世事,夢幻似水 任人生一度,入滅隨即當前 此即為菩提之種,懊惱之情,滿懷於心胸 汝此刻即上京都,若見敦盛卿之首級 放眼天下,海天之內,豈有長生不滅者? 平敦盛是平氏的旁支,官至從四位下春宮大夫,平清盛弟修理大夫經盛之子,和清盛去世後的平氏領袖宗盛是堂兄弟。傳說他容貌嬌艷,多纔多藝,尤其深通音樂,擅吹橫笛。若能長在朝中,也許風雅一時無二,京城百姓也要為之傾心吧。但可惜源氏殺來,平氏西退。行軍之中,煙塵撲麵,發髻難梳;對陣之間,鼙鼓雷響,雅樂無用。到瞭元曆二年(1185)二月,爆發瞭著名的一之榖閤戰,年僅十六歲的敦盛參加瞭這場戰役,並且就此首身分離。
Read to Your Bunny給寶寶講故事 英文原版 [平裝] [3-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025