Detective Camp[偵探露營] [平裝] [6-9歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Detective Camp[偵探露營] [平裝] [6-9歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書父母雙亡的小朋友皮普(菲力普),從小由一個母老虎姐姐撫養,他和憨厚的鐵匠姐夫喬經常受到姐姐的毆打,有一天,皮普在父母的墳墓前遇到一個逃犯,那逃犯嚇唬他威脅他,讓皮普為他弄來矬子(用來弄開枷鎖),恐懼的皮普照做瞭,皮普內心的善良又為逃犯帶瞭塊餡餅。但不久,逃犯就在和另一個逃犯搏鬥的過程中被警察逮捕瞭。 《遠大前程》劇照 《遠大前程》劇照(9張)不久,富有的老處女郝維辛小姐派人為她尋覓一個男孩,以伴老服務的名義,來實施她惡毒的愛情遊戲的計劃,皮普被選中瞭,每天忍受喜怒無常的驕傲的埃·斯黛拉的羞辱和老處女郝維辛小姐的嘲笑。為瞭維護被老處女和小處女傷害的自尊心,皮普暗地裏決心學習識文斷字,並希望有好的前途,並且希望最後能娶驕傲的埃·斯黛拉,他不但找瞭個叫畢蒂的女人,還找瞭村裏的老修女。 但他知道這樣下去是無法超越埃·斯黛拉的,於是隻好作瞭鐵匠,然而突然有一天,郝維辛小姐的禦用律師前來,說有個神秘人要把財産全部留給皮普,並帶他去倫敦接受禮儀交際的教育,皮普很高興自己終於能有好的前途瞭。 第二部 單純無知的皮普慢慢習慣瞭倫敦的生活,和小時候打架的赫伯斯成瞭朋友和室友,從律師那裏拿錢揮霍,結識瞭律師手下的一個官員,在一個郝維辛小姐的親戚傢接受教育,並加入瞭一個愚蠢的俱樂部,並且堅持每星期去看望他喜愛的埃·斯黛拉,並沉湎於她的美色和謊言,並妒嫉一個和埃·斯黛拉來往密切的猥瑣齷齪的富有的鄉紳士,從而開始瞭他的交際活動。 期間他還聽說瞭一件故事:20多年前,老處女在結婚典禮上,被弟弟亞瑟和未婚夫康生閤謀騙瞭一大筆錢,然後整天萎靡不振,停留在過去的迴憶裏。 皮普質疑地問為什麼那未婚夫不直接和老處女結婚而得到一切財産,卻愚蠢地選擇和弟弟閤作隻得到一半財産,赫伯斯解釋說那可能是因為那未婚夫已經結婚瞭,而弟弟亞瑟和康生的老婆聯盟,兩人一起要挾他,而康生知道自己沒有雇傭打手,來不及殺人滅口,如果康生選擇和老處女結婚,他們就把這事捅齣去,康生就會失去老處女的信任和財産,一無所有。所以康生隻好屈服。 不久那位神秘的監護人現身瞭,他就是當年那個被幫助的逃犯,他講瞭故事的另一個角度:他是康生和亞瑟計謀得逞後收下的另一個同謀,在康生的指示下,他和康生的妻子閤謀殺害瞭亞瑟謀奪瞭他的財産,並用這筆錢作為資金進行一些非法的貿易活動,不久,他們被逮捕瞭,康生把所有的罪推給逃犯,兩人一起進入監獄。 而逃犯的妻子剛生下瞭他們的女兒埃·斯黛拉,逃犯的妻子因為一起殺人罪被起訴,郝維辛小姐的律師幫助她擺脫瞭牢獄之災,並把她的女兒埃·斯黛拉獻給郝維辛小姐,然後用殺人罪和女兒的前途作威脅,因為殺人犯的女兒理應也被關進監獄,結果律師成功地讓那逃犯的妻子老老實實地為他做瞭20幾年的奴隸。
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評分This book is an adventurous book and to those who love adventurous books you have to read this one!I recommend this book to everyone who loves adventures in stories. I love this book because its full of ecstatic fun! Its about an ordinary-looking dog called lara and she has a pack full of adventure and hilarous journeys.I think the genre is adventure and humour , and is awesome for anyone at any age! I hope you read it and enjoy it! My son recvd. this book as a gift from his Granny and he couldn't put it down. He was laughing out loud and ended up reading it 3 times in 2 days. Now I have to see if there are other books by this author.This book is an adventurous book and to those who love adventurous books you have to read this one!I recommend this book to everyone who loves adventures in stories. I love this book because its full of ecstatic fun! Its about an ordinary-looking dog called lara and she has a pack full of adventure and hilarous journeys.I think the genre is adventure and humour , and is awesome for anyone at any age! I hope you read it and enjoy it!
評分This book is an adventurous book and to those who love adventurous books you have to read this one!I recommend this book to everyone who loves adventures in stories. I love this book because its full of ecstatic fun! Its about an ordinary-looking dog called lara and she has a pack full of adventure and hilarous journeys.I think the genre is adventure and humour , and is awesome for anyone at any age! I hope you read it and enjoy it! My son recvd. this book as a gift from his Granny and he couldn't put it down. He was laughing out loud and ended up reading it 3 times in 2 days. Now I have to see if there are other books by this author.This book is an adventurous book and to those who love adventurous books you have to read this one!I recommend this book to everyone who loves adventures in stories. I love this book because its full of ecstatic fun! Its about an ordinary-looking dog called lara and she has a pack full of adventure and hilarous journeys.I think the genre is adventure and humour , and is awesome for anyone at any age! I hope you read it and enjoy it!
評分Detective Camp[偵探露營] [平裝] [6-9歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025