The Count of Monte Cristo基督山伯爵 英文原版 [平装] [NA--NA]

The Count of Monte Cristo基督山伯爵 英文原版 [平装] [NA--NA] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

Alexandre Dumas(亚历山大·仲马) 著


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出版社: Random House
丛书名: Bantam Classics

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适读人群 :NA--NA





Set against the turbulent years of the Napoleonic era, Alexandre Dumas's thrilling adventure story is one of the most widely read romantic novels of all time. In it the dashing young hero, Edmond Dante s, is betrayed by his enemies and thrown into a secret dungeon in the Chateau d'If -- doomed to spend his life in a dank prison cell. The story of his long, intolerable years in captivity, his miraculous escape, and his carefully wrought revenge creates a dramatic tale of mystery and intrigue and paints a vision of France -- a dazzling, dueling, exuberant France -- that has become immortal.



Lorenzo Carcaterra is the author of five books, A Safe Place, Sleepers, Apaches, Gangster, and the forthcoming Street Boys. He has also written scripts for movies and television. He lives in New York.

大仲马(1802-1870),法国十九世纪积极浪漫主义作家,杰出的通俗小说家。其祖父是侯爵德·拉·巴那特里,与黑奴结合生下其父,名亚历山大,受洗时用母姓仲马。大仲马三岁时父亲病故,二十岁只身闯荡巴黎,曾当过公爵的书记员、国民自卫军指挥官。拿破仑三世发动政变,他因为拥护共和而流亡。大仲马终生信守共和政见,一贯反对君主专政,憎恨复辟王朝,不满七月王朝,反对第二帝国。由于他的黑白混血身份,其一生都受种族主义的困扰,心中受到创伤。家庭出身和经历使大仲马形成了反对不平、追求正义的叛逆性格。大仲马自学成才.一生创作的各类作品达三百卷之多,主要以小说和剧作著称于世。大仲马的剧本《亨利第三及其宫廷》(一八二九年)比雨果的《欧那尼》还早问世一年。这出浪漫主义戏剧,完全破除了古典主义“三一律”。他的通俗小说情节迂回曲折,结构完整巧妙,人物形象鲜明,对话精彩生动,在艺术上得到了极高的成就,是世界通俗小说中独一无二的作品,大仲马因此享有“通俗小说之王”的称号。其代表作有《三个火枪手》、《基督山伯爵》、《二十年后》、《布拉热洛纳子爵》等。他所创作的最完整的三部曲即为 达达尼昂三部曲(《三个火枪手》《二十年后》《布拉热洛纳子爵》)此外,大仲马的回忆录也具有一定的文学价值。比如《基督山伯爵》第75章中那份神秘的记录里关于将军和主任决斗的描写,就是作者回忆录中在土耳其的一次经历的翻版。大仲马被别林斯基称为“一名天才的小说家”,他也是马克思 “最喜欢”的作家之一。有趣的是,他的儿子小仲马被他戏称为他“最好的作品”,小仲马也是著名作家。代表作《茶花女》。


"Dumas was... a summit of art. Nobody ever could, or did, or will improve upon Dumas's romances and plays."
——George Bernard Shaw


Chapter 1

On February 24, 1815, the watchtower at Marseilles signaled the arrival of the three-master Pharaon, coming from Smyrna, Trieste and Naples.

The quay was soon covered with the usual crowd of curious onlookers, for the arrival of a ship is always a great event in Marseilles, especially when, like the Pharaon, it has been built, rigged and laden in the city and belongs to a local shipowner.

Meanwhile the vessel was approaching the harbor under topsails, jib and foresail, but so slowly and with such an air of melancholy that the onlookers, instinctively sensing misfortune, began to wonder what accident could have happened on board. However, the experienced seamen among them saw that if there had been an accident, it could not have happened to the ship herself, for she had every appearance of being under perfect control. Standing beside the pilot, who was preparing to steer the Pharaon through the narrow entrance of the harbor, was a young man who, with vigilant eyes and rapid gestures, watched every movement of the ship and repeated each of the pilot's orders.

The vague anxiety hovering over the crowd affected one man so much that he could not wait until the ship entered the harbor: he leaped into a small boat and ordered the boatman to row him out to meet the Pharaon.

When he saw this man coming toward him, the young sailor left his post beside the pilot and walked over to the side of the ship, holding his hat in his hand. He was a tall, slender young man, no more than twenty years old, with dark eyes and hair as black as ebony. His whole manner gave evidence of that calmness and resolution peculiar to those who have been accustomed to facing danger ever since their childhood.

"Ah, it's you, Dantès!" cried the man in the boat. "What's happened? Why does everything look so gloomy on board?"

"A great misfortune, Monsieur Morrel!" replied the young man. "We lost our brave Captain Leclère off Civitavecchia."

"What about the cargo?" asked the shipowner eagerly.

"It arrived safely, Monsieur Morrel, and I think you'll be satisfied on that score, but poor Captain Leclère--"

"What happened to him?" asked the shipowner, visibly relieved.

"He died of brain fever, in horrible agony. He's now at rest off the Isle of II Giglio, sewed up in his hammock with one cannon ball at his head and another at his feet." The young man smiled sadly and added, "How ironic-he waged war against the English for ten long years and then died in his bed like anyone else."

"Well, we're all mortal," said the shipowner, "and the old must make way for the young, otherwise there would be no promotion."

As they were passing the Round Tower, the young sailor called out, "Make ready to lower topsails, foresail and jib!" The order was executed as smartly as on board a man-of-war. "Lower away and brail all!" At this last order all the sails were lowered and the ship's speed became almost imperceptible.

"And now, if you'd like to come aboard, Monsieur Morrel," said Dantès, seeing the shipowner's impatience, "you can talk to your purser, Monsieur Danglars, who's just coming out of his cabin. He can give you all the information you want. As for myself, I must look after the anchoring and dress the ship in mourning."

The shipowner did not wait to be invited twice. He grasped the line which Dantès threw to him and, with an agility that would have done credit to a sailor, climbed up the ladder attached to the ship's side. Dantès returned to his duties, while Danglars came out to meet Monsieur Morrel. The purser was a man of twenty-five or twenty-six with a rather melancholy face, obsequious to his superiors and arrogant to his subordinates. He was as much disliked by the crew as Edmond Dantès was liked by them.

"Well, Monsieur Morrel," said Danglars, "I suppose you've heard about our misfortune."

"Yes, I have. Poor Captain Leclère! He was a brave and honorable man."

"And an excellent seaman, too, grown old between the sky and the water, as a man should be when he's entrusted with the interests of such an important firm as Morrel and Son."

"But," said the shipowner, watching Dantès preparing to drop anchor, "it seems to me a man doesn't have to be old to do his work well, Danglars. Our friend Edmond there doesn't look as though he needs advice from anyone."

"Yes," said Danglars, casting Dantès a glance full of hatred, "he's young and he has no doubts about anything. As soon as the captain was dead he took command without consulting anyone, and he made us lose a day and a half at the Isle of Elba instead of coming straight back to Marseilles."

"As for taking command," said the shipowner, "it was his duty as first mate, but he was wrong to waste a day and a half at the Isle of Elba, unless the ship needed some sort of repairs."

"The ship was as sound as I am and as I hope you are, Monsieur Morrel. Wasting that day and a half was nothing but a whim of his; he just wanted to go ashore for a while, that's all."

"Dantès," said Morrel, turning toward the young man, "come here, please."

"Excuse me, sir, I'll be with you in a moment," said Dantès. Then, turning to the crew, he called out, "Let go!" The anchor dropped immediately and the chain rattled noisily. Dantès walked over to Morrel.

"I wanted to ask you why you stopped at the Isle of Elba."

"It was to carry out an order from Captain Leclère. As he was dying he gave me a package to deliver to Marshal Bertrand there."

"Did you see him, Edmond?"


Morrel looked around and drew Dantès off to one side. "How is the emperor?" he asked eagerly.

"He's well, as far as I could tell. He came into the marshal's room while I was there."

"Did you talk to him?"

"No, he talked to me," said Dantès, smiling.

"What did he say?"

"He asked me about the ship, when it had left for Marseilles, what route it had taken and what cargo it was carrying. I think that if the ship had been empty and I had been its owner he would have tried to buy it from me, but I told him I was only the first mate and that it belonged to the firm of Morrel and Son. 'I know that firm,' he said. 'The Morrels have been shipowners for generations and there was a Morrel in my regiment when I was garrisoned at Valence.' "

"That's true!" exclaimed Morrel, delighted. "It was Policar Morrel, my uncle. He later became a captain." Then, giving Dantès a friendly tap on the shoulder, h The Count of Monte Cristo基督山伯爵 英文原版 [平装] [NA--NA] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式

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