Tad Hills is the author and illustrator of the New York Times bestselling picture books Duck & Goose and Duck, Duck, Goose. He has created four board books featuring the same characters: What's Up, Duck?, an ALA Notable Book; Duck and Goose, 1, 2, 3; Duck & Goose, How Are You Feeling?; and Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin. He is also the illustrator of Waking Up Wendell, by April Stevens; My Fuzzy Friends; and Knock, Knock, Who's There? Tad Hills lives in Brooklyn with his wife, their two children, and a dog named Rocket who has not (yet) learned how to read!
"With his new book, How Rocket Learned to Read, Tad Hills…brings a sweet but not saccharine touch to a common struggle of childhood."
--The New York Times
"With characters as memorable as those in Hills’s Duck and Goose series, this good-natured story shows readers how Rocket, a spotted puppy, becomes a beginning reader, thanks to a little yellow bird. Hills uses expressive oil and colored pencil spot art (and a subtle sense of humor) to engage readers as Rocket becomes the bird’s pupil; the enthusiastic teacher wisely hooks Rocket on stories before interesting him in “the wondrous, mighty, gorgeous alphabet.... Where it all begins.” The illustrations emphasize Rocket’s responsiveness and wide-eyed curiosity as he learns letters (the bird holds up a worm while pointing to W) and progresses from there. “Together they sang out the sounds that each letter makes and spelled the sounds they heard around them.” If the details of Rocket’s transition can be nebulous (“Soon they were spelling words”) Hills still emphasizes the need for practice (“Rocket thought about the bird’s sweet chirp while he sounded out words like D-I-G and W-I-N-D and C-O-L-D”). The amiable characters and gentle text--as well as an alphabet banner the bird strings up--make this a decent primer for humans, too."
--Publishers Weekly
How Rocket Learned to Read [精装] [3岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
How Rocket Learned to Read [精装] [3岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书买了一套,儿子很喜欢
评分这个,双11,据说是BUG,价格出奇的底,还能再200-100,额,赚到了。Reading for pleasure 读原版绘本,不仅仅是为了学习英语,原版绘本从画风、绘画角度、想象力、思维方式、价值观、幽默等都能带给我们更多地思考和学习,让孩子在其中熏陶学习,会给孩子带来无限的想象力和自己的思考能力,因为喜欢、因为有趣慢慢的一路读过来,孩子的语感、美感都不断的提高,作为家长,让我们怀着一颗学习、淡定的心与孩子一起踏上原版绘本之旅。
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How Rocket Learned to Read [精装] [3岁及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025