From BooklistFrom the depths of Mexico’s Copper Canyon to the heights of theLeadville Trail 100 ultramarathon in Colorado, from thecenturies-old running techniques of Mexico’s Tarahumara tribe to aresearch lab at the University of Utah, author McDougallcelebrates, in this engaging and picaresque account, humankind’sinnate love of running. There are rogues aplenty here, such thedeadly narco-traffickers who roam Copper Canyon, but there are manymore who inspire, such as the Tarahumara runners, who show the restof the world the false limitations we place on human endurance.McDougall has served as an Associated Press war correspondent, is acontributing editor to Men’s Health, and runs at his home in ruralPennsylvania, and he brings all of these experiences to bear inthis slyly important, highly readable account.
An epic adventure that began with one simple question: Why does my foot hurt?
Isolated by Mexico's deadly Copper Canyons, the blissful Tarahumara Indians have honed the ability to run hundreds of miles without rest or injury. In a riveting narrative, award-winning journalist and often-injured runner Christopher McDougall sets out to discover their secrets. In the process, he takes his readers from science labs at Harvard to the sun-baked valleys and freezing peaks across North America, where ever-growing numbers of ultra-runners are pushing their bodies to the limit, and, finally, to a climactic race in the Copper Canyons that pits America’s best ultra-runners against the tribe. McDougall’s incredible story will not only engage your mind but inspire your body when you realize that you, indeed all of us, were born to run.
Christopher McDougall is a former war correspondent for the Associated Press and is now a contributing editor for Men’s Health. A three-time National Magazine Award finalist, he has written for Esquire, The New York Times Magazine, Outside, Men’s Journal, and New York. He does his own running among the Amish farms around his home in rural Pennsylvania.
"A journalist's adventures in a secluded Mexican community of the best endurance athletes in the world. On an unrelated assignment, Men's Health contributing editor McDougall (Girl Trouble: The True Saga of Superstar Gloria Trevi, Her Svengali, and the Secret Teenage Sex Cult that Stunned the World, 2004) uncovered the legend of the Tarahumara Indians, a tribe of astonishingly fit runners concealed deep within the Copper Canyons of Mexico. Determined to learn their secrets, McDougall braved uncharted territory and encounters with lethal drug-smugglers in search of Caballo Blanco, one of the only outsiders to befriend the bashful natives. The colorful Caballo recounts an enthralling story involving the arduous Leadville ultra marathon and Rick Fisher, a greedy, hotheaded opportunist who bribed the Tarahumara out of hiding to compete. The exploited tribesmen participated in the grueling event three times before they disappeared back to their villages for good. An inspired Caballo followed the Tarahumara back to Mexico, where he ran the local trails and lived peacefully in isolation. His dream was to draw the top American contenders to this remote locale to lock horns with the clan in the ultimate endurance exhibition, and he wanted McDougall's help to make it happen. The author returned to the Copper Canyons with a handful of prominent distance champions, including Scott Jurek and Jenn Shelton, and the story culminates in a final 50-mile showdown. McDougall's background as a magazine writer is readily apparent-his prose is light and airy, informative without being pretentious. Most passages are short and engaging with extra doses of drama and exclamatory phrases thrown in to great effect.McDougall wisely grounds the narrative in his own struggle to engage in the concluding race-he was frustrated with his tendency to get injured-and he offers insightful sidebars on a variety of topics, from the development of the modern running shoe to an evolutionary argument that humans are literally "born to run."A terrific ride, recommended for any athlete. First printing of 75,000. Author tour to Boston, Boulder, Colo., Denver, New York, Portland, Ore., Salt Lake City, San Francisco."
--Kirkus Reviews
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古人云书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。可见,古人对读书的情有独钟。其实,对于任何人而言,读书最大的好处在于它让求知的人从中获知,让无知的人变得有知。读史蒂芬?霍金的时间简史和果壳中的宇宙,畅游在粒子、生命和星体的处境中,感受智慧的光泽,犹如攀登高山一样,瞬间眼前呈现出仿佛九叠画屏般的开阔视野。于是,便像李白在诗中所写到的庐山秀出南斗旁,屏风九叠云锦张,影落明湖青黛光。对于坎坷曲折的人生道路而言,读书便是最佳的润滑剂。面对苦难,我们苦闷、彷徨、悲伤、绝望,甚至我们低下了曾经高贵骄傲的头。然而我们可否想到过书籍可以给予我们希望和勇气,将慰藉缓缓注入我们干枯的心田,使黑暗的天空再现光芒读罗曼?罗兰创作、傅雷先生翻译的名人传,让我们从伟人的生涯中汲取生存的力量和战斗的勇气,更让我们明白唯有真实的苦难,才能驱除罗曼谛克式幻想的苦难唯有克服苦难的悲剧,才能帮助我们担当起命运的磨难。读海伦?凯勒一个个真实而感人肺腑的故事,感受遭受不济命运的人所具备的自强不息和从容豁达,从而让我们在并非一帆风顺的人生道路上越走越勇,做命运真正的主宰者。在书籍的带领下,我们不断磨炼自己的意志,而我们的心灵也将渐渐充实成熟。读书能够荡涤浮躁的尘埃污秽,过滤出一股沁人心脾的灵新之气,甚至还可以营造出一种超凡脱俗的娴静氛围。读陶渊明的饮酒诗,体会结庐在人境,而无车马喧那种置身闹市却人静如深潭的境界,感悟作者高深、清高背后所具有的定力和毅力读世界经典名著巴黎圣母院,让我们看到如此丑陋的卡西莫多却能够拥有善良美丽的心灵、淳朴真诚的品质、平静从容的气质和不卑不亢的风度,他的内心在时间的见证下折射出耀人的光彩,使我们在寻觅美的真谛的同时去追求心灵的高尚与纯洁。读王蒙的宽容的哲学、林语堂的生活的艺术以及古人流传于世的名言警句,这些都能使我们拥有诚实舍弃虚伪,拥有充实舍弃空虚,拥有踏实舍弃浮躁,平静而坦然地度过每一个晨曦每一个黄昏。 买了水知道答案(套装共3册)一点都不后悔,很喜欢[日]江本胜,书是绝对正版的,纸张都非常好!识伴随人类成长,人类的成长少不了知识。 从远古开始,人们不断丰富自己的知识从油灯到电灯到无影灯,从刀剑到枪械到炸弹,从热气球到飞机到火箭正因人们不断丰富知识,掌握技能,才让人们在自然中生存。我们没有猛犸象的庞大;没有猎豹的速度;没有致命的毒液;没有尖锐的牙齿......是什么让人类得以生存?是知识!枪械让我们训服野兽;飞机让我们在天空中翱翔;船只让我们在海洋中畅游话说诸葛亮草船借箭,巧借东风,不过是将知识运用到战略上,其实诸葛亮能观天象,他可以明确地知道什么时候下雾,什么时候刮东风可见可以满足诸多老舍商家以及消费者个性化的配送需求四世同堂。为了全面满足客户的配送需求,四世同堂是一部中国现代长篇小说经典名著,是老舍先生的代表作之一。小说在卢沟桥事变爆发、北平沦陷的时代背景下,以祁家四世同堂的生活为主线,形象、真切地描绘了以小羊圈胡同住户为代表的各个阶层、各色人等的荣辱浮沉、生死存亡。作品讴歌、弘扬了中国人民伟大的爱国主义精神和坚贞高尚的民族气节,史诗般地展现了第二次世界大战期间,中国人民为世界反法西斯战争做出的杰出贡献,气度恢弘,可歌可泣。京东商城打造了万人的专业服务团当我看到狼牙山五壮士时,我为狼牙山五壮士的悲壮流过眼泪老舍当我读到三国演义时,我为诸葛亮的雄才大略钦佩不已。我深深地陶醉在书四世同堂是一部中国现代长篇小说经典名著,是老舍先生的代表作之一。
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