The first ever trade edition of Tolkien’s illustrated tale about the eccentric Mr Bliss, a man notable for his immensely tall hats and for the girabbit in his garden, whose whimsical decision to buy a motor car quickly becomes a catalogue of disasters.Professor J.R.R. Tolkien invented and illustrated the book of Mr Bliss’s adventures for his own children when they were very young. The book was handwritten with lots of detailed and uproarious colour pictures.This is a complete and highly imaginative tale of eccentricity. Mr Bliss, a man notable for his immensely tall hats and for the girabbit in his garden, takes the whimsical decision to buy a motor car. But his first drive to visit friends quickly becomes a catalogue of disasters. Some of these could be blamed on Mr Bliss’s style of driving, but even he could not anticipate being hijacked by three bears. As for what happened next – the readers, whether young or old, will want to discover for themselves.Redesigned using new archival scans of Tolkien’s original drawings, MR BLISS is presented for the first time in a conventional trade format, sure to delight Tolkien fans of all ages.
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) is the creator of Middle-earth and author of such classic and extraordinary works of fiction as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. His books have been translated into more than fifty languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.
约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien)(1892-1973),英国文豪,天才的语言学家,牛津大学默顿学院英国语言与文学教授,1919—1920年牛津英语词典(OED)的编委。他以瑰丽的想像和精深的语言,建立了一个英语世界的全新神话体系。托尔金的雄心壮志不在于写作一个传奇故事,或一部史诗。在他所创作的一系列中洲史诗中,影响最为深远的是《霍比特人》(The Hobbit: There and Back Again) 和《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)。这两部巨作被誉为当代奇幻作品的鼻祖,至今已畅销2.5亿余册,被翻译成60余种语言。美国每年销售的大约一亿本平装书中,就有四分之一可以追溯到托尔金的作品。《魔戒》被票选为“两千年以来最重要的书”。由托尔金小说改编的电影《指环王》、《霍比特人》掀起21世纪奇幻文艺的全面复兴,世界拜倒在他脚下。
'Owes a little to Beatrix Potter in its ironical humour and to Edward Lear in the style of its drawings, though Tolkien's approach is less grotesque and more delicate than Lear's.'
--Humphrey Carpenter
'A celebration, in the spirit of The Wind in the Willows, of a vanished, vulgar England where everybody did -- and spoke -- exactly as he pleased, and life was consequently a series of amiable abrupt collisions, feebly refereed by the police in the shape of Sergeant Boffin. Although the book ought to feel dated, ! dating has done little harm to Tom Kitten or Mr Badger, and there seems no reason why it should here.'
-- Tom. Shippey, Times Literary Supplement
Mr Bliss[布理斯先生] [精装] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
The first ever trade edition of Tolkien’s illustrated tale about the eccentric Mr Bliss, a man notable for his immensely tall hats and for the girabbit in his garden, whose whimsical decision to buy a motor car quickly becomes a catalogue of disasters.Professor J.R.R. Tolkien invented and illustrated the book of Mr Bliss’s adventures for his own children when they were very young. The book was handwritten with lots of detailed and uproarious colour pictures.This is a complete and highly imaginative tale of eccentricity. Mr Bliss, a man notable for his immensely tall hats and for the girabbit in his garden, takes the whimsical decision to buy a motor car. But his first drive to visit friends quickly becomes a catalogue of disasters.
这本书非常漂亮,里面有托老的亲笔画,书分为横版和竖版前后两部分,内容比较简单有趣,应该适合小学阶段高年级的小朋友看,作为托粉的收藏品也很 不错
奇幻文学鼻祖,《魔戒》、《哈比人》原著小说作者——托尔金, 亲自绘图、手写字彩色绘本,特别加赠精装珍藏版书盒 全书附中文对照原文,托尔金迷爱不释手! 由托尔金亲自绘图、手写字彩色绘本《幸福先生》,故事的启发来自於托尔金第一次驾驶新车的经验,而书中的三只熊也是从托尔金的孩子们所拥有的玩具熊化身而来,而本书也是托尔金送给他们的童年礼物,更是献给喜爱他的作品的所有读者。 在这个故事写成五十年后的1982年,本书终於首次出版。《幸福先生》是从最初的托尔金笔记本里全新复制出来的,而托尔金独特的手写字内容全部附有印刷字的对应正文。滑稽的故事和细节丰富的彩图,忠实确切地呈现了这个充满想像力的古怪故事,肯定能让所有年龄层的读者捧腹大笑。 《幸福先生》描写某一天,幸福先生向宾克斯先生买了一辆鲜黄色的汽车,他开著车前往多金斯先生一家的途中,却接二连三的发生车祸,幸福先生只好载著戴先生、奈特太太,以及许多的甘蓝菜和香蕉,一路开进了森林。然而,三只熊和大夥儿拜访多金斯一家时,三只熊却吃光了菜园,让一家人愤怒不已,当大家准备追进森林时,发生了让幸福先生落荒而逃的事……。 这一次,托尔金先生仍以他那充满魔幻的想像力,带领我们进入幸福先生的生活情景,轻柔的绘图色调,俐落分明的线条笔触,以及令人想一探究竟的故事情节。当幸福先生开著他新买的爱车上街时,会遭遇到什麼样精彩又曲折的历险呢?就让我们拭目以待!