The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell[伯特兰·罗素基本写作] 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell[伯特兰·罗素基本写作] 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书“欲生菩萨家,欲得童真地,欲得不离诸佛者,当学般若波罗蜜。欲以诸善根供养诸佛,恭敬尊重赞叹随意成就,当学般若波罗蜜。欲满一切众生所愿:饮食、衣服、卧具、涂香、车乘、房舍、床榻、灯烛等,当学般若波罗蜜。”(录自《摩诃钵罗若波罗蜜经抄·序品第一》)“颇有一智知一切法乎?颇有一识识一切法乎?颇有二心展转相因乎?颇有二心展转相缘乎?以何等故一人前后二心不俱生乎?若人不可得亦无前心而就后心,以何等故忆本所作?以何等故忆识强记?以何等故忆而不忆?以何等故祭祀饿鬼则得,祭余处不得?”(录自《阿毗昙·杂犍度智跋渠第二》)这种经文何等文从字顺,其中固有译者之功,然道安之劳亦不可忽视。事实上,道安制定的原则在大多数情况下都得到了贯彻执行。道安在《阿毗昙序》中就记载了他坚持要译者返工的事例。僧伽提婆和竺佛念历时整整6个月译毕《阿毗昙》,道安认为译文“颇杂义辞,龙蛇同渊,金短共肆”,“深谓不可,遂令更出”,结果二位译者“夙夜匪懈”,又花了46昼夜“而得尽定。损可损者四卷焉”。删去可删的整整四卷,以“秦语十九万五千二百五十言”译“梵本四十八万二千五百四言”,如果说道安对赵政、慧常的让步显示了他贯彻原则的灵活性,那他坚持其原则的原则性在此可见一斑。对那些不肯“斥重去复”的译者(如慧常),“五失本”是一种策略,对那些“灭其繁长”无度的译者(如竺佛念),“五失本”则为一种尺度。当年在长安译场的一位同行目睹并记载下了掌握这一尺度的情况。这篇记载名为《僧伽罗刹集经后记》。全文不长,兹转录如下:
评分Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) was one of the most formidable thinkers of the modern era. A philosopher, mathematician, educational innovator, champion of intellectual, social and sexual freedom, and a campaigner for peace and human rights, he was also a prolific writer of popular and influential books, essays and lectures on an extensive range of subjects. Considered to be one of the most controversial figures of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell is widely renowned for his provocative writings. These definitive works offer profound insights and forward-thinking perspectives on a changing western society progressively shaped, most significantly, by two world wars, the decline of British imperialism and an evolving moral landscape.Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) was one of the most formidable thinkers of the modern era. A philosopher, mathematician, educational innovator, champion of intellectual, social and sexual freedom, and a campaigner for peace and human rights, he was also a prolific writer of popular and influential books, essays and lectures on an extensive range of subjects. Considered to be one of the most controversial figures of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell is widely renowned for his provocative writings. These definitive works offer profound insights and forward-thinking perspectives on a changing western society progressively shaped, most significantly, by two world wars, the decline of British imperialism and an evolving moral landscape.Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) was one of the most formidable thinkers of the modern era. A philosopher, mathematician, educational innovator, champion of intellectual, social and sexual freedom, and a campaigner for peace and human rights, he was also a prolific writer of popular and influential books, essays and lectures on an extensive range of subjects. Considered to be one of the most controversial figures of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell is widely renowned for his provocative writings. These definitive works offer profound insights and forward-thinking perspectives on a changing western society progressively shaped, most significantly, by two world wars, the decline of British imperialism and an evolving moral landscape.Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) was one of the most formidable thinkers of the modern era. A philosopher, mathematician, educational innovator, champion of intellectual, social and sexual freedom, and a campaigner for peace and human rights, he was also a prolific writer of popular and influential books, essays and lectures on an extensive range of subjects. Considered to be one of the most controversial figures of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell is widely renowned for his provocative writings. These definitive works offer profound insights and forward-thinking perspectives on a changing western society progressively shaped, most significantly, by two world wars, the decline of British imperialism and an evolving moral landscape.
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The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell[伯特兰·罗素基本写作] 英文原版 [平装] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025