书名:Distributed Visual Communication-分布式视频通信
Chapter 1Introduction
1 Motivation
2 Distributed Source Coding (DSC)
2.1 DSC Theorem
2.2 Coset Example for DSC
2.3 SWC Using Error CorrectioCode
2.4 WZC by Cascading Quantizatioand SWC
3 Wyner-Ziv Video Coding (WZVC)
3.1 Implementatioof WZVC
3.2 Applicatioof WZVC : Low Complexity Encoding
3.3 Applicatioof WZVC : Muhiview Video Coding
3.4 Applicatioof WZVC : Error Resilience
3.5 More Applications of WZVC
4 Error Control for Video Communication
4.1 Error Resilience
4.2 Error Concealment
5 Contributions of This Book
Part AWyner-Ziv Video Coding
Chapter 2Transform-domaiAdaptive CorrelatioEstimation
1 Introduction
2 Problem Definitioand Key Observation
2.1 Notation
2.2 CorrelatioEstimatioProblem
2.3 Observations
3 CorrelatioNoise Modeling
3.1 Linear RelatiobetweeSpatial Domaiand Transform DomaiResidue Variances
3.2 Extensioto Stationery Field
3.3 Coefficient-level CorrelatioNoise Modeling
4 Transform-domaiAdaptive CorrelatioEstimatio(TRACE)
4.1 Overall Process of TRACE
4.2 Pre-estimatioof 2 coeff( k, l) before SWC Decoding
4.3 Near Optimal Estimatioof Band-level Variance
4.4 The Re-estimatioof 2 coeff( k, l) after SWC Decoding
4.5 The Progressive Estimatioof 2 coeff( k, l)
4.6 Scanning and Decoding Order of DCT Coefficients
4.7 The Estimatioof V(n)
5 Near Optimal Band-level CorrelatioEstimation
5.1 The Optimality of the Estimation
5.2 The Convex OptimizatioBased Solution
5.3 The Explicit Expressioand the Convexity of f(醟)
5.4 EstimatioAccuracy
6 Experimental Result
6.1 Comparisoof EstimatioAccuracy
6.2 Applicatioof TRACE iLow Complexity WZVC
6.3 Applicatioof TRACE iFlexible WZVC
7 Conclusion
Chapter 3Low Complexity Video Encoding by Wyner-Ziv Successive Refinement
1 Introduction
2 Backgrounds and Related Works
2.1 Low Complexity Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
2.2 Wyner-Ziv Successive Refinement (WZSR)
3 Proposed WZSR Video Coding Scheme
3.1 WZSR Video Coding Framework
3.2 MotioEstimation
3.3 Quantization
3.4 SWC Implementation
4 Rate Distortioand Complexity Analysis
4.1 MotioEstimatioAccuracy Analysis
4.2 Rate DistortioFunctions
4.3 Performance Analysis : a Lower Bound of WZSR
4.4 Performance Comparison
4.5 B-Frame Analysis
4.6 Computational Complexity
5 Experimental Results
5.1 RD Performance Tests
5.2 Complexity Tests
6 Conclusion
Chapter 4Wyner-Ziv Based Bidirectionally Decodable Video Coding
1 Introduction
2 Analysis and Implementatioof Wyner-Ziv Based M-frame
2.1 Source Coding with Two Alternative Predictions
2.2 Implementatioof Wyner-Ziv M-frame
3 Proposed Wyner-Ziv Based Bidirectionally Decodable Video Coding
3.1 Pre-calculatioof Future Reconstruction
3.2 MotioEstimatioand MotioVector Compression
3.3 DCT Coefficients Compression
3.4 Optimal LagrangiaMultiplier for MotioEstimation
3.5 Slepian-Wolf Coding
3.6 Simplificatioof SWC Decoding
3.7 MMSE Reconstruction
4 Functionalities of the Proposed WZ-BID Scheme
4.1 OSupporting VCR Functionality
4.2 Stream Switching
4.3 Error Resilience
5 Experimental Results
5.1 CompressioEfficiency
5.2 The Support of VCR Functionality
5.3 ApplicatioiError Resilience
5.4 ApplicatioiStream Switching
Part BError Resilience and Concealment for Packet Video Transmission
Chapter 5Lossless Error Resilience Transcoding
1 Introduction
2 Lossless Error Resilient Transcoding (LERT)
2.1 LERT Transcoder
2.2 LERT Decoder
2.3 Video Server with Adaptive Error Robustness
2.4 Experiments
3 Conclusion
Chapter 6Joint Forward Backward Concealment
1 Introduction
2 Proposed Backward Concealment (BC)
2.1 Background and Basic Idea
2.2 Backward Decoding for Referenced Pixels
2.3 MV Based Concealment of Unreferenced Pixels
2.4 Verificatioand Analysis
3 Joint Forward Backward Concealment (JFBC)
3.1 Basic Model
3.2 Error Analysis for Forward Error Concealment
3.3 Error Analysis for Backward Error Concealment
3.4 Pixel-level Adaptive LMMSE
Part CSoft Visual Communication
Chapter 7Distributed Wireless Visual Communication
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
2.1 Distributed Video Coding
2.2 Distributed Video Transmissioover Wireless Network
2.3 SoftCast
3 Proposed DCast framework
3.1 Coset Coding
3.2 Estimatioof Coset QuantizatioStep
3.3 Power Allocation
3.4 Packaging and Transmission
3.5 LMMSE at Decoder
4 Power-DistortioOptimization
4.1 Relationship betweeVariables
4.2 MV TransmissioPower Pmv and MV Distortio
4.3 MV Distortio2 △ and PredictioNoise Variance
4.4 DistortioD as a Functioof Pcoset and
4.5 The Solution
5 Experiments
5.1 PDO Model Verification
5.2 Unicast Performance
5.3 Evaluatioof Each Module
5.4 Robustness Test
5.5 Muhicast Performance
5.6 Complexity and Bit Rate
6 Conclusion
Chapter 8Wavelet Based Soft Video Broadcast
1 Introduction
2 Proposed WaveCast
2.1 MCTF Based 3D Wavelet Transform
2.2 Power DistortioOptimization
2.3 Packaging and Modulation
2.4 Transmissioof MotioInformation
2.5 Receiver
3 Coset Coding and Power-distortioAnalysis
3.1 Coset Coding
3.2 Coset Coding Optimization
3.3 Power DistortioAnalysis of WaveCast
3.4 Comparisowith SoftCast
4 Experiments
4.1 Narrow Band Test
4.2 Broad Band Test
5 Conclusion
Chapter 9Conclusions
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