Might-have-beens haunt this insightful narrative of a watershed in the history of Nazi Germany. MacDonogh (After the Reich) chronicles milestones in the development of a radicalized, expansionist Third Reich in the year 1938: the forcible annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland, the Kristallnacht pogrom and the purging of opposition figures in the government, army and church. He portrays these events not as an unfolding master plan but as a series of gambles by a sometimes chaotic Nazi regime plagued by infighting among Hitler's satraps, Wehrmacht coup plots, a collapsing economy (the Anschluss was motivated partly by a need to plunder Austria's treasury and raw materials), and jitters about foreign reaction. The Führer perseveres with theatrical bullying and nervy improvisations that are matched by the Western powers' appeasement; a tragic theme of MacDonogh's story is how easily a determined resistance, from within Germany or without, might have derailed Hitler's initiatives. Another is the callousness of the international community; much of the book follows the travails of Jews who faced closed doors when the Reich was eager to expel them. This well-researched, fine-grained study sketches the moral rot that made possible Hitler's rise. Photos.
1938 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
1938 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##很、不、錯!我要再重新看一遍<<<<這本書是為數不多的買瞭實體書的
評分##看完哭很久。 那一片國度已經成廢墟 我手握權柄站在仇恨裏 縱使披上瞭惡魔的外衣 唾棄中默默死去 半途的覺悟滿身風塵裏 封印瞭信念徒留一顆心 東歐寒冷的冰 她麵容清晰 帶血的軍裝一件件拋棄
評分 評分##我和這本書的孽緣是這樣的。 昨天晚上,北京時間十二點,睡不著,死性不改的我又拿起瞭手機。 百無聊賴地在橘子評書裏翻啊翻啊,看到一篇強推,於是,又,手賤瞭。。。 知道明天一大早我媽就要把我拖起來的,本想著也許看著看著就睡著瞭(好吧,其實我心知肚明自己隻會看著看著...
評分##非常好看!!瘋丟子的書總是淡化男女之情,但又在其他的描寫上非常齣彩! 用瞭兩天看完瞭這本書,老實說,因為厭惡戰爭的種種無奈與殘酷,我是從來不看上個世紀70年代之前的任何讀物的,會看這本書完全是因為追完瞭瘋丟子的《同學兩億歲》、《生化!外星救援》和目前正在連載中的《顫抖吧!ET》,瘋丟子的文章沒有很嚴重的言情風,言情之類甚至可以說...
1938 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025