Dafydd Stuttard 世界知名安全顾问、作家、软件开发人士。牛津大学博士,MDSec公司联合创始人,尤其擅长Web应用程序和编译软件的渗透测试。Dafydd以网名PortSwigger蜚声安全界,是众所周知的Web应用程序集成攻击平台Burp Suite的开发者。
Marcus Pinto 资深渗透测试专家,剑桥大学硕士,MDSec公司联合创始人。Marcus为全球金融、政府、电信、博彩、零售等行业顶尖组织和机构提供Web应用程序渗透测试和安全防御的咨询与培训。
This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in web applications. The authors explain each category of vulnerability using real-world examples, screen shots and code extracts. The book is extremely practical in focus, and describes in detail the steps involved in detecting and exploiting each kind of security weakness found within a variety of applications such as online banking, e-commerce and other web applications.
The topics covered include bypassing login mechanisms, injecting code, exploiting logic flaws and compromising other users. Because every web application is different, attacking them entails bringing to bear various general principles, techniques and experience in an imaginative way. The most successful hackers go beyond this, and find ways to automate their bespoke attacks. This handbook describes a proven methodology that combines the virtues of human intelligence and computerized brute force, often with devastating results.
The authors are professional penetration testers who have been involved in web application security for nearly a decade. They have presented training courses at the Black Hat security conferences throughout the world. Under the alias "PortSwigger", Dafydd developed the popular Burp Suite of web application hack tools.
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##更新,豆瓣上的内容过时了,原先7美元1小时的实验室没有了,取而代之的是portswigger网络安全实验室,地址就是portswigger也就是burpsuite的官网,会找吧? 这个实验室是免费的!免费!要是你看了豆瓣上过时的东西就放弃配套线上实操的话那可真是可惜。 我看了采访,不出第三版...
评分 评分##提交用户名和密码就可以保证你以安全的身份登录了吗? 有了提示答案你的密码就不会被破解了吗? 电子银行真的那么安全吗? No,No,No! 这世上根本就没有最安全的应用程序。安全只是暂时的、相对的,只是因为那个黑客他还没有到来...... 这本被奉为渗透测试员Bible的中文版...
评分 评分 评分 评分书本身写的相当好,但翻译简直就是应届生水准啊,乱七八糟,这么好的一本书都这样糟蹋了,早知道应该买英文版,书本身写得相当好,各种攻防技巧都很明确的写出来了,建议大家买英文版的,中文版的纯粹扯淡,有些地方真的是不知道说些什么,中文不像中文,还不如直接给我英文看
评分The Web Application Hacker's Handbook mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025