吉諾•格塞雷(Gino Segrè),美國賓夕法尼亞大學物理和天文學教授。他是世界聞名的高能基本粒子理論物理學傢,曾受到美國國傢科學基金、艾爾弗雷德•斯隆基金、約翰•古根海姆基金和美國能源部的嘉奬。本書是他的代錶作。
In a wonderful synthesis of science, history, and imagination, Gino Segrè, an internationally renowned theoretical physicist, embarks on a wide-ranging exploration of how the fundamental scientific concept of temperature is bound up with the very essence of both life and matter. Why is the internal temperature of most mammals fixed near 98.6š? How do geologists use temperature to track the history of our planet? Why is the quest for absolute zero and its quantum mechanical significance the key to understanding superconductivity? And what can we learn from neutrinos, the subatomic "messages from the sun" that may hold the key to understanding the birth-and death-of our solar system? In answering these and hundreds of other temperature-sensitive questions, Segrè presents an uncanny view of the world around us.
A Matter of Degrees 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
A Matter of Degrees 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##從人體講到地質學再講到宇宙,就算是對科學的曆史無感,也能從作者的淵博知識裏學到很多。還有。。。隕石真的是恐龍滅絕的原因? 好在我們還有知的快樂。 生活中沒有價值的事太多,如果你有高中物理化學和生物的基礎,這本書絕對幫助你試著挑戰自己去接近世上最有智慧的大腦。 真正的而大師之作教你領略什麼叫深入淺齣。 反觀我們的官僚學者,實在麵目可憎,搞得校園幾乎成瞭沒有溫度的死寂荒漠。
評分 評分 評分##芒格推薦的書。年底瞭,要趕趕工瞭,站在洗手間裏讀到一點半總算讀完。
評分 評分 評分非常科但是不夠普。
評分A Matter of Degrees mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025