TED CHIANG was born in Port Jefferson, New York, and holds a degree in computer science. His fiction has won numerous awards. His first collection, Stories of Your Life and Others, has been translated into ten languages. He lives near Seattle, Washington.
From an award-winning science fiction writer (whose short story "The Story of Your Life" was the basis for the Academy Award-nominated movie Arrival), the long-awaited new collection of stunningly original, humane, and already celebrated short stories
This much-anticipated second collection of stories is signature Ted Chiang, full of revelatory ideas and deeply sympathetic characters. In "The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate," a portal through time forces a fabric seller in ancient Baghdad to grapple with past mistakes and the temptation of second chances. In the epistolary "Exhalation," an alien scientist makes a shocking discovery with ramifications not just for his own people, but for all of reality. And in "The Lifecycle of Software Objects," a woman cares for an artificial intelligence over twenty years, elevating a faddish digital pet into what might be a true living being. Also included are two brand-new stories: "Omphalos" and "Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom."
In this fantastical and elegant collection, Ted Chiang wrestles with the oldest questions on earth--What is the nature of the universe? What does it mean to be human?--and ones that no one else has even imagined. And, each in its own way, the stories prove that complex and thoughtful science fiction can rise to new heights of beauty, meaning, and compassion.
Exhalation 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Exhalation 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##敘事沉著猶如引嚮無可避免的悲劇的鐵軌,我們作為車窗裏的乘客看到夕陽火紅卻沒有溫度,是造物神第一聲om的最後一聲迴響,是氣息開始散去前胸腔使的最後的勁兒。 0 我閱讀《呼吸》時伴隨閱讀瞭《博爾赫斯談話錄(Borges at Eighties: Conversations)》以及博爾赫斯暮年的最後幾篇短篇小說。並行的閱讀讓我無法忽視掉兩個作者的近似之處。 1 作為一個科幻讀者,我首先的猜想是——他們相似,隻是因為我個人對於這些關鍵概念有深刻的著迷,...
評分 評分 評分 評分 評分##最喜歡第一篇 好幾篇都太“育兒經”瞭 尤其AI那篇搞得我差點棄書 文筆簡直味同嚼蠟
評分##《焦慮是自由引起的眩暈》是特德·薑(TedChiang)《呼吸》中的最後一篇,也是我最喜歡的篇目之一。 我非常非常喜歡特德·薑,喜歡到想和他麵對麵喝咖啡聊三天三夜的地步。不過這輩子大概實現不瞭吧。 如果你還沒讀過特德·薑的小說,或許你看過2016年上映的科幻片《降臨》(Ar...
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