量子金融(英文版) [Quantum Finance: Path Integrals and Hamiltonians for Options and Interest Rates]

量子金融(英文版) [Quantum Finance: Path Integrals and Hamiltonians for Options and Interest Rates] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

芭奎(Belal E.Baaquie) 著


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出版社: 世界图书出版公司
外文名称:Quantum Finance: Path Integrals and Hamiltonians for Options and Interest Rates

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1 Synopsis
Part I Fundamental concepts of finance
2 Introduction to finance
2.1 Efficient market: random evolution of securities
2.2 Financial markets
2.3 Risk and return
2.4 Time value of money
2.5 No arbitrage, martingales and risk-neutral measure
2.6 Hedging
2.7 Forward interest rates: fixed-income securities
2.8 Summary

3 Derivative securities
3.1 Forward and futures contracts
3.2 Options
3.3 Stochastic differential equation
3.4 Ito calculus
3.5 Black-Scholes equation: hedged portfolio
3.6 Stock price with stochastic volatility
3.7 Merton——Garman equation
3.8 Summary
3.9 Appendix: Solution for stochastic volatility with p = 0

Part Ⅱ Systems with finite number of degrees of freedom
4 Hamiltonians and stock options
4.1 Essentials of quantum mechanics
4.2 State space: completeness equation
4.3 Operators: Hamiltonian
4.4 Biack-Scholes and Merton-Garman Hamiltonians
4.5 Pricing kernel for options
4.6 Eigenfunction solution of the pricing kernel
4.7 Hamiltonian formulation of the martingale condition
4.8 Potentials in option pricing
4.9 Hamiltonian and barrier options
4.10 Summary
4.11 Appendix: Two-state quantum system (qubit)
4.12 Appendix: Hamiltonian in quantum mechanics
4.13 Appendix: Down-and-out barrier options pricing kernel
4.14 Appendix: Double-knock-out barrier options pricing kernel
4.15 Appendix: Schrodinger and Black-Scholes equations

5 Path integrals and stock options
5.1 Lagrangian and action for the pricing kernel
5.2 Black-Scholes Lagrangian
5.3 Path integrals for path-dependent options
5.4 Action for option-pricing Hamiltonian
5.5 Path integral for the simple harmonic oscillator
5.6 Lagrangian for stock price with stochastic volatility
5.7 Pricing kernel for stock price with stochastic volatility
5.8 Summary
5.9 Appendix: Path-integral quantum mechanics
5.10 Appendix: Heisenbergs uncertainty principle in finance
5.11 Appendix: Path integration over stock price
5.12 Appendix: Generating function for stochastic volatility
5.13 Appendix: Moments of stock price and stochastic volatility
5.14 Appendix: Lagrangian for arbitrary at
5.15 Appendix: Path integration over stock price for arbitrary at
5.16 Appendix: Monte Carlo algorithm for stochastic volatility
5.17 Appendix: Mertons theorem for stochastic volatility

6 Stochastic interest rates Hamiltonians and path integrals
6.1 Spot interest rate Hamiltonian and Lagrangian
6.2 Vasicek models path integral
6.3 Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) models path integral
6.4 Martingale condition in the HJM model
6.5 Pricing of Treasury Bond futures in the HJM model
6.6 Pricing of Treasury Bond option in the HJM model
6.7 Summary
6.8 Appendix: Spot interest rate Fokker-Planck Hamiltonian
6.9 Appendix: Affine spot interest rate models
6.10 Appendix: Black-Karasinski spot rate model
6.11 Appendix: Black-Karasinski spot rate Hamiltonian
6.12 Appendix: Quantum mechanical spot rate models

Part Ⅲ Quantum field theory of interest rates models
7 Quantum field theory of forward interest rates
7.1 Quantum field theory
7.2 Forward interest rates action
7.3 Field theory action for linear forward rates
7.4 Forward interest rates velocity quantum field A(t, x)
7.5 Propagator for linear forward rates
7.6 Martingale condition and risk-neutral measure
7.7 Change of numeraire
7.8 Nonlinear forward interest rates
7.9 Lagrangian for nonlinear forward rates
7.10 Stochastic volatility: function of the forward rates
7.11 Stochastic volatility: an independent quantum field
7.12 Summary
7.13 Appendix: HJM limit of the field theory
7.14 Appendix: Variants of the rigid propagator
7.15 Appendix: Stiff propagator
7.16 Appendix: Psychological future time
7.17 Appendix: Generating functional for forward rates
7.18 Appendix: Lattice field theory of forward rates
7.19 Appendix: Action S, for change of numeraire

8 Empirical forward interest rates and field theory models
8.1 Eurodollar market
8.2 Market data and assumptions used for the study
8.3 Correlation functions of the forward rates models
8.4 Empirical correlation structure of the forward rates
8.5 Empirical properties of the forward rates
8.6 Constant rigidity field theory model and its variants
8.7 Stiff field theory model
8.8 Summary
8.9 Appendix: Curvature for stiff correlator

9 Field theory of Treasury Bonds derivatives and hedging
9.1 Futures for Treasury Bonds
9.2 Option pricing for Treasury Bonds
9.3 Greeks for the European bond option
9.4 Pricing an interest rate cap
9.5 Field theory hedging of Treasury Bonds
9.6 Stochastic delta hedging of Treasury Bonds
9.7 Stochastic hedging of Treasury Bonds: minimizing variance
9.8 Empirical analysis of instantaneous hedging
9.9 Finite time hedging
9.10 Empirical results for finite time hedging
9.11 Summary
9.12 Appendix: Conditional probabilities
9,13 Appendix: Conditional probability of Treasury Bonds
9.14 Appendix: HJM limit of hedging functions
9.15 Appendix: Stochastic hedging with Treasury Bonds
9.16 Appendix: Stochastic hedging with futures contracts
9.17 Appendix: HJM limit of the hedge parameters

10 Field theory Hamiltonian of forward interest rates
10.1 Forward interest rates Hamiltonian
10.2 State space for the forward interest rates
10.3 Treasury Bond state vectors
10.4 Hamiltonian for linear and nonlinear forward rates
10.5 Hamiltonian for forward rates with stochastic volatility
10.6 Hamiltonian formulation of the martingale condition
10.7 Martingale condition: linear and nonlinear forward rates
10.8 Martingale condition: forward rates with stochastic volatility
10.9 Nonlinear change of numeraire
10.10 Summary
10.11 Appendix: Propagator for stochastic volatility
10.12 Appendix: Effective linear Hamiltonian
10.13 Appendix: Hamiltonian derivation of European bond option
11 Conclusions

A Mathematical background
A.1 Probability distribution
A.2 Dirac Delta function
A.3 Gaussian integration
A.4 White noise
A.5 The Langevin Equation
A.6 Fundamental theorem of finance
A.7 Evaluation of the propagator
Brief glossary of financial terms
Brief glossary of physics terms
List of main symbols


  Financial markets have undergone tremendous growth and dramatic changes in the past two decades, with the volume of daily trading in currency markets hitting over a trillion US dollars and hundreds of billions of dollars in bond and stock markets.Deregulation and globalization have led to large-scale capital flows; this has raised new problems for finance as well as has further spurred competition among banks and financial institutions.
  The resulting booms, bubbles and busts of the global financial markets now directly affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people, as was witnessed during the 1998 East Asian financial crisis.
  The principles of banking and finance are fairly well established [ 16, 76, 87] and the challenge is to apply these principles in an increasingly complicated environment. The immense growth of financial markets, the existence of vast quantities of financial data and the growing complexity of the market, both in volume and sophistication, has made the use of powerful mathematical and computational tools in finance a necessity. In order to meet the needs of customers, complex financial instruments have been created; these instruments demand advanced valuation and risk assessment models and systems that quantify the returns and risks for investors and financial institutions [63, 100].
  The widespread use in finance of stochastic calculus and of partial differential equations reflects the traditional presence of probabilists and applied mathematicians in this field. The last few years has seen an increasing interest of theoretical physicists in the problems of applied and theoretical finance. In addition to the ast corpus of literature on the application of stochastic calculus to finance,concepts from theoretical physics have been finding increasing application in both theoretical and applied finance. The influx of ideas from theoretical physics, as 量子金融(英文版) [Quantum Finance: Path Integrals and Hamiltonians for Options and Interest Rates] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式

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量子金融(英文版) [Quantum Finance: Path Integrals and Hamiltonians for Options and Interest Rates] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
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