吴祯福,女,汉族,江苏人,中共党员,教授。1960年毕业于北京外国语学院英语系。主要研究领域为英语教学法(重点研究听力与口语)、澳大利亚历史、加拿大历史。专著:《英语的听与说》、《澳大利亚历史1788年至1942》。主编:《英语初级口语》、《英语中级口语》、《英语高级口语》、《英语自学口语教程》、《看图说英语》。1996年 《英语口语教程》(初、中、高3册),获得第8届中国图书奖。《英语口语教程》录音带获得国家教委音像教材一等奖。多年获得基础阶段外语教学陈梅洁奖,并于1998年获得华为集团研究生教学奖。
because it would be so awkward for me. I think theyre both much happier now, and its obvious to me that they both lead totally different lives. Since the breakup Ive been able to see my parents true colors,12 especially my mothers. Ive seen a side of her that I never saw before. When she was married, she and Daddy were the perfect couple, always quiet, talking about dignified things13, and they would never laugh or anything. Nowadays my mother is always happy and gay. Another way shes changed is that she always used to hide her problems from me but now shes more apt to discuss things. I think shes more relaxed——and sos my Dad.
Both of my parents started dating other people right away, and I think theyll both get remarried eventually, which is fine with me. They dont discuss their love lives with me all ,that much, but of course Im not blind. For example, one night I had a sleep-over14 at a friends house and the next morning I came home earlier than Id planned to. Well, I just stormedis into my mothers bedroom, and there was this guy in her bed——she was somewhere else, in another room. I started crying and everything, and my mother tried to convince me she had slept on the couch.
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