工程設計 Engineering Design(英文版 原書第5版)

工程設計 Engineering Design(英文版 原書第5版) 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

[美] GeorgeE.Dieter(喬治 E.迪爾特),[美] LindaC.Schmidt(琳達 C.施密特) 著



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齣版社: 機械工業齣版社
叢書名: 時代教育·國外高校優秀教材精選

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  《工程設計 Engineering Design(英文版 原書第5版)》係統介紹瞭工程設計領域的相關知識,其主要內容不僅包括瞭類似書籍涵蓋的産品開發過程、概念生成、實體設計、詳細設計等知識,也包括瞭該書獨有的麵嚮可持續性與環境的設計、材料的選用、麵嚮製造的設計,以及成本評估、決策學等知識。


Preface to Fifth Edition/第5版前言 xiii
Chapter 1 Engineering Design/工程設計 1
1.1 Introduction/引言 1
1.2 Engineering Design Process/工程設計過程 3
1.3 Ways to Think about the Engineering Design Process/工程
設計過程的思路 6
1.4 Description of Design Process/設計過程描述 14
1.5 Considerations of a Good Design/優秀設計的考慮因素 17
1.6 Computer-Aided Engineering/計算機輔助工程 22
1.7 Designing to Codes and Standards/遵守規範與標準的設計 24
1.8 Design Review/設計評審 26
1.9 Societal Considerations in Engineering Design/工程設計
應考慮的社會因素 28
1.10 Summary/本章小結 32
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 33
Bibliography/參考文獻 33
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 33
Chapter 2 Product Development Process/産品開發過程 36
2.1 Introduction/引言 36
2.2 Product Development Process/産品開發過程 36
2.3 Product and Process Cycles/産品與工藝周期 44
2.4 Organization for Design and Product Development/設計與産品
開發組織 48
2.5 Markets and Marketing/市場與營銷 55
2.6 Technological Innovation/技術創新 61
2.7 Summary/本章小結 66
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 67
Bibliography/參考文獻 67
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 67
Chapter 3 Problem Definition and Need Identification/問題定義和
需求識彆 70
3.1 Introduction/引言 70
3.2 Identifying Customer Needs/識彆客戶需要 72
3.3 Customer Requirements/客戶需求 80
3.4 Gathering Information on Existing Products/收集現有産品
信息 86
3.5 Establishing the Engineering Characteristics/建立工程特性 94
3.6 Quality Function Deployment/質量功能配置 99
3.7 Product Design Specification/産品設計說明書 111
3.8 Summary/本章小結 113
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 115
Bibliography/參考文獻 115
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 116
Chapter 4 Team Behavior and Tools/團隊行為和工具 118
4.1 Introduction/引言 118
4.2 What It Means to be an Effective Team Member/何謂有效團隊
成員 119
4.3 Team Leadership Roles/團隊的領導角色 120
4.4 Team Dynamics/團隊動力學 121
4.5 Effective Team Meetings/有效的團隊會議 123
4.6 Problem-Solving Tools/解決問題的工具 125
4.7 Time Management/時間管理 144
4.8 Planning and Scheduling/規劃和進度安排 146
4.9 Summary/本章小結 154
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 154
Bibliography/參考文獻 155
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 155
Chapter 5 Gathering Information/信息收集 158
5.1 The Information Challenge/信息的挑戰 158
5.2 Types of Design Information/設計信息的分類 160
5.3 Sources of Design Information/設計信息源 161
5.4 Summary/本章小結 164
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 164
Bibliography/參考文獻 164
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 164
Chapter 6 Concept Generation/概念生成 166
6.1 Introduction to Creative Thinking/創造性思維的介紹 167
6.2 Creativity and Problem Solving/創造性和問題求解 171
6.3 Creative Thinking Methods/創造性思維方法 177
6.4 Creative Methods for Design/設計的創造性方法 187
6.5 Functional Decomposition and Synthesis/功能分解與綜閤 191
6.6 Morphological Methods/形態學方法 201
6.7 TRIZ: The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving/TRIZ:發明
問題解決理論 204
6.8 Summary/本章小結 215
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 216
Bibliography/參考文獻 217
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 217
Chapter 7 Decision Making and Concept Selection/決策確定和
概念選擇 219
7.1 Introduction/引言 219
7.2 Decision Making/決策 220
7.3 Evaluation Processes/評價過程 232
7.4 Using Models in Evaluation/評價模型 237
7.5 Pugh Chart/Pugh錶 254
7.6 Weighted Decision Matrix/加權決策矩陣 258
7.7 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)/層次分析法 (AHP) 261
7.8 Summary/本章小結 269
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 270
Bibliography/參考文獻 270
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 270
Chapter 8 Embodiment Design/實體設計 274
8.1 Introduction/引言 274
8.2 Product Architecture/産品架構 277
8.3 Steps in Developing Product Architecture/構建産品架構的
步驟 281
8.4 Configuration Design/配置設計 286
8.5 Best Practices for Configuration Design/配置設計的
最佳實踐 293
8.6 Parametric Design/參數設計 303
8.7 Dimensions and Tolerances/尺寸公差 315
8.8 Industrial Design/工業設計 333
8.9 Human Factors Design/人因工程設計 336
8.10 Life-Cycle Design/全生命周期設計 343
8.11 Prototyping and Testing/原型和測試 344
8.12 Design for X (DFX)/麵嚮X的設計(DFX) 354
8.13 Summary/本章小結 356
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 357
Bibliography/參考文獻 357
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 358
Chapter 9 Detail Design/詳細設計 361
9.1 Introduction/引言 361
9.2 Activities and Decisions in Detail Design/詳細設計中的活動和
決策 362
9.3 Communicating Design and Manufacturing Information/設計和
製造信息的交流 366
9.4 Final Design Review/設計終審 377
9.5 Design and Business Activities Beyond Detail Design/詳細設計
以外的設計和商務活動 378
9.6 Facilitating Design and Manufacturing with Computer-Based Methods/基於計算機方法的設計與創造 381
9.7 Summary/本章小結 383
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 383
Bibliography/參考文獻 384
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 384
Chapter 10 Design for Sustainability and the Environment/麵嚮
可持續性和環境的設計 386
10.1 The Environmental Movement/環境趨勢 386
10.2 Sustainabilty/可持續性 391
10.3 Challenges of Sustainability for Business/可持續性對商業的
挑戰 395
10.4 End-Of-Life Product Transformations/退役産品的處理 397
10.5 Role of Material Selection in Design for Environment/麵嚮環境
設計中的材料選擇原則 402
10.6 Tools to Aid Design for the Environment and Sustainability/麵嚮
10.7 Summary/本章小結 410
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 411
Bibliography/參考文獻 411
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 411
Chapter 11 Materials Selection/材料選用 412
11.1 Introduction/引言 412
11.2 Performance Requirements of Materials/材料的性能要求 415
11.3 The Materials Selection Process/選材過程 426
11.4 Summary/本章小結 430
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 431
Bibliography/參考文獻 432
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 432
Chapter 12 Design for Manufacturing/麵嚮製造的設計 433
12.1 Role of Manufacturing in Design/製造在設計中的角色 433
12.2 Manufacturing Functions/製造的功能 434
12.3 Classification of Manufacturing Processes/製造工藝分類 436
12.4 Manufacturing Process Selection/製造工藝的選擇 443
12.5 Design for Manufacture (DFM)/麵嚮製造的設計(DFM) 468
12.6 Design for Assembly (DFA)/麵嚮裝配的設計(DFA) 472
12.7 Role of Standardization in DFMA/標準化在麵嚮製造和
裝配設計中的作用 479
12.8 Mistake-Proofing/防錯 484
12.9 Early Estimation of Manufacturing Cost/製造成本的
早期預估 488
12.10 Process Specific DFMA Guidelines/麵嚮製造和裝配設計的
工藝指南 492
12.11 Design for Machining/切削工藝設計 493
12.12 Summary/本章小結 498
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 500
Bibliography/參考文獻 500
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 501
Chapter 13 Risk, Reliability, and Safety/風險、可靠性和安全性 503
13.1 Introduction/引言 503
13.2 Probabilistic Approach to Design/設計中的概念方法 509
13.3 Reliability Theory/可靠性理論 517
13.4 Design for Reliability/麵嚮可靠的設計 532
13.5 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/失效模式及影響
分析(FMEA) 537
13.6 Fault Tree Analysis/故障樹分析 542
13.7 Defects and Failure Modes/缺陷和失效模式 545
13.8 Design for Safety/麵嚮安全性的設計 547
13.9 Summary/本章小結 550
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 551
Bibliography/參考文獻 551
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 552
Chapter 14 Quality, Robust Design, and Optimization/質量,魯棒
設計與優化 555
14.1 The Concept of Total Quality/全麵質量的概念 555
14.2 Quality Control and Assurance/質量控製與保障 558
14.3 Statistical Process Control/統計過程控製 562
14.4 Quality Improvement/質量改進 567
14.5 Process Capability/工藝能力 570
14.6 Taguchi Method/田口方法 575
14.7 Robust Design/魯棒設計 581
14.8 Optimization Methods/優化方法 587
14.9 Design Optimization/優化設計 603
14.10 Summary/本章小結 604
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 605
Bibliography/參考文獻 605
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 606
Chapter 15 Economic Decision Making/經濟決策 609
15.1 Introduction/引言 609
15.2 Mathematics of Time Value of Money/貨幣時間價值的
數學運算 610
15.3 Cost Comparison/成本比較 617
15.4 Sensitivity and Break-Even Analysis/敏感性與
盈虧平衡分析 622
15.5 Uncertainty in Economic Analysis/經濟性分析中的不確定性 624
15.6 Benefit-Cost Analysis/效益成本分析 625
15.7 Summary/本章小結 627
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 629
Bibliography/參考文獻 629
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 629
Chapter 16 Cost Evaluation/成本評估 633
16.1 Introduction/引言 633
16.2 Categories of Costs/成本分類 634
16.3 The Cost of Ownership/擁有成本 637
16.4 Manufacturing Cost/製造成本 638
16.5 Overhead Cost/管理成本 639
16.6 Activity-Based Costing/作業成本分析法 641
16.7 Methods of Developing Cost Estimates/開發成本的
評估方法 644
16.8 Make-Buy Decision/自製和外協決策 649
16.9 Life Cycle Costing/生命周期成本法 650
16.10 Summary/本章結小結 654
New Terms and Concepts/新術語和概念 655
Bibliography/參考文獻 655
Problems and Exercises/問題與練習 656


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