Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s wildly popular presentations have set a new global gold standard—and now this step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to use his crowd-pleasing techniques in your own presentations. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs is as close as you’ll ever get to having the master presenter himself speak directly in your ear. Communications expert Carmine Gallo has studied and analyzed the very best of Jobs’s performances, offering point-by-point examples, tried-and-true techniques, and proven presentation secrets that work every time. With this revolutionary approach, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to sell your ideas, share your enthusiasm, and wow your audience the Steve Jobs way.
另一位著名溝通傳播大師《喬布斯的魔力演講》作者卡邁恩·加洛以喬布斯的傳奇演講為藍本,挖掘他用什麼本領讓觀眾如癡如醉,通過三幕劇的形式,展現喬布斯的舞颱錶演魅力。蘋果公司創始人史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)是世界舞颱上最具溝通魅力的大師級人物,也是全世界最擅長擄獲人心的演講者,任何人與他相比都是望塵莫及。
卡邁恩·加洛(Carmine Gallo),溝通專傢,艾美奬獲得者,《商業周刊》專欄作傢。為世界知名企業提供演講、媒體公關和溝通技巧方麵的培訓。多年在美國哥倫比亞廣播公司、美國廣播公司等擔任新聞主播、節目主持人與商業采訪記者,並為《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》以及《投資者商業日報》等著名媒體撰稿。其暢銷書《非同凡“想”:喬布斯的創新啓示》已經由中信齣版社齣版。
"The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs reveals the operating system behind any great presentation and provides you with a quick-start guide to design your own passionate interfaces with your audiences."
--Cliff Atkinson, author of Beyond Bullet Points and The Activist Audience
"No other leader captures an audience like Steve Jobs does and, like no other book, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs captures the formula Steve uses to enthrall audiences."
--Rob Enderle, The Enderle Group
"Now you can learn from the best there is--both Jobs and Gallo. No matter whether you are a novice presenter or a professional speaker like me, you will read and reread this book with the same enthusiasm that people bring to their iPods."
--David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR and World Wide Rave
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The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs 喬布斯的魔力演講 英文原版 [精裝] [喬布斯的魔力演講(珍藏版)] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書嚮喬布斯同誌學習,怎麼忽悠人
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The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs 喬布斯的魔力演講 英文原版 [精裝] [喬布斯的魔力演講(珍藏版)] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025