適讀人群 :4-8歲 This Caldecott Honor-winning classic is presented in a package that includes a reading of the story on 1 CD and a full-color, 64-page paperback book.
哈佛大學教育學博士硃莉嚮您推薦“I Can Read!係列”: 內容簡介
Read along with your favorite I Can Read Book characters!
I Can Read Books are the premier line of beginning readers encouraging children to learn-and love-to read. Featuring award-winning authors and illustrators, I Can Read Books offer a full spectrum of entertaining stories for every stage of a child’s reading development.
Now the beloved characters and adventures from this popular line of books come to life with I Can Read Book and CDs. Each package includes a best-selling beginning-reader storybook and a lively audio recording featuring:
* Word-for-word narration
* Music and sound effects
* One version with turn-the-page signals
* One version of uninterrupted reading
Arnold Lobel (1933-1987), a Caldecott Medalist, illustrated more than seventy picture books during his career, writing twenty-eight of them. He is probably best known for his four award-winning I Can Read stories, Frog and Toad Are Friends, Frog and Toad Together, Frog and Toad All Year, and Days with Frog and Toad, whose beloved characters have taught countless kids to love reading. These characters grew out of stories Arnold Lobel told his young daughter, Adrianne Lobel.
Frog and Toad agreed: it was a perfect day for a swim. And Frog was kind enough not to look at Toad in his bathing suit, per Toad's request. But when the swimming was over, a crowd had gathered to see Toad in his funny-looking suit, and neither Frog nor Toad could make them leave.
The endearing pair hop along through five enchanting stories, looking for lost buttons, greeting the spring, and waiting for mail. Their genuine care for each other makes Frog and Toad two of the finest amphibious role models around. Young readers will chuckle with Frog as they watch Toad's silly efforts to make up a story. And they will applaud Toad as he finally wakes up after hibernating all winter. The fifth story will warm the hearts of any would-be pen pal--or anyone who has ever known what it's like to have a true-blue (or green) friend.
Arnold Lobel's comfortable brown and green illustrations invite and delight every reader, setting the tone for warm, funny stories about friendship. A Caldecott Honor Book and finalist for the National Book Award for Children's Literature, this installment of Lobel's classic Frog and Toad series is another essential addition to any youngster's shelf. If you need even more of Frog and Toad, don't miss Frog and Toad Together, Frog and Toad All Year, and Days with Frog and Toad. (Ages 4 to 8)
--Emilie Coulter
Frog and Toad Are Friends(Book + CD) (I Can Read, Level 2)青蛙和蟾蜍是朋友 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Frog and Toad Are Friends(Book + CD) (I Can Read, Level 2)青蛙和蟾蜍是朋友 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Frog and Toad Are Friends(Book + CD) (I Can Read, Level 2)青蛙和蟾蜍是朋友 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
買給孩子的, 還沒來的及看聽呢,假期來瞭,有時間瞭,以後再分享吧
商品是否給力?快分享你的購買心得吧~古人雲:“書中自有黃金屋,書中自有顔如玉。”可見,古人對讀書的情有獨鍾。其實,對於任何人而言,讀書最大的好處在於:它讓求知的人從中獲知,讓無知的人變得有知。讀史蒂芬?霍金的《時間簡史》和《果殼中的宇宙》,暢遊在粒子、生命和星體的處境中,感受智慧的光澤,猶如攀登高山一樣,瞬間眼前呈現齣仿佛九疊畫屏般的開闊視野。於是,便像李白在詩中所寫到的“廬山秀齣南鬥旁,屏風九疊雲錦張,影落明湖青黛光”。 對於坎坷麯摺的人生道路而言,讀書便是最佳的潤滑劑。麵對苦難,我們苦悶、彷徨、悲傷、絕望,甚至我們低下瞭曾經高貴驕傲的頭。然而我們可否想到過書籍可以給予我們希望和勇氣,將慰藉緩緩注入我們乾枯的心田,使黑暗的天空再現光芒?讀羅曼?羅蘭創作、傅雷先生翻譯的《名人傳》,讓我們從偉人的生涯中汲取生存的力量和戰鬥的勇氣,更讓我們明白:唯有真實的苦難,纔能驅除羅曼諦剋式幻想的苦難;唯有剋服苦難的悲劇,纔能幫助我們擔當起命運的磨難。讀海倫?凱勒一個個真實而感人肺腑的故事,感受遭受不濟命運的人所具備的自強不息和從容豁達,從而讓我們在並非一帆風順的人生道路上越走越勇,做命運真正的主宰者。在書籍的帶領下,我們不斷磨煉自己的意誌,而我們的心靈也將漸漸充實成熟。 讀書能夠蕩滌浮躁的塵埃汙穢,過濾齣一股沁人心脾的靈新之氣,甚至還可以營造齣一種超凡脫俗的嫻靜氛圍。讀陶淵明的《飲酒》詩,體會“結廬在人境,而無車馬喧”那種置身鬧市卻人靜如深潭的境界,感悟作者高深、清高背後所具有的定力和毅力;讀世界經典名著《巴黎聖母院》,讓我們看到如此醜陋的卡西莫多卻能夠擁有善良美麗的心靈、淳樸真誠的品質、平靜從容的氣質和不卑不亢的風度,他的內心在時間的見證下摺射齣耀人的光彩,使我們在尋覓美的真諦的同時去追求心靈的高尚與純潔。讀王濛的《寬容的哲學》、林語堂的《生活的藝術》以及古人流傳於世的名言警句,這些都能使我們擁有誠實捨棄虛僞,擁有充實捨棄空虛,擁有踏實捨棄浮躁,平靜而坦然地度過每一個晨曦每一個黃昏。 買瞭[SM]一點都不後悔,很喜歡[ZZ],書是絕對正版的,紙張都非常好![BJTJ]識伴隨人類成長,人類的成長少不瞭知識。 從遠古開始,人們不斷豐富自己的知識:從油燈到電燈到無影燈,從刀劍到槍械到炸彈,從熱氣球到飛機到火箭……正因人們不斷豐富知識,掌握技能,纔讓人們在自然中生存。我們沒有猛獁象的龐大;沒有獵豹的速度;沒有緻命的毒液;沒有尖銳的牙齒......是什麼讓人類得以生存?是知識!槍械讓我們訓服野獸;飛機讓我們在天空中翱翔;船隻讓我們在海洋中暢遊……話說諸葛亮草船藉箭,巧藉東風,不過是將知識運用到戰略上,其實諸葛亮能觀天象,他可以明確地知道什麼時候下霧,什麼時候颳東風……可見,知識的力量多麼偉大!我們用知識挽救生命,用知識治理環境……知識無處不在![
書的質量很好,CD音質很好,i can read book 2級,文字比較多,適閤有一定英語基礎的小朋友。
Frog and Toad Are Friends(Book + CD) (I Can Read, Level 2)青蛙和蟾蜍是朋友 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025