"Kindergarten-Grade 4. Another brilliant collaboration by this incredibly innovative duo. This time, the puzzles take place in and around a haunted house (an altered Victorian dollhouse). Readers are invited to search for mice, spiders, candles, bats, jack-o-lanterns, and bones among other creepy things found in the hallway, library, fireplace, and laboratory of the house, as well as in the graveyard and a garden of ghoulies outside. (How the miniature cobwebs were simulated remains a mystery.) Using a spooky sky for a backdrop, various props, and some very creative lighting, Wick achieves a definite dramatic effect. Marzollo's clever rhyming puzzles add great flair, and, as in the earlier titles, readers are encouraged to solve more riddles at the end and to make up selections of their own. This book is fun for a wide range of ages, as the picture riddles vary in difficulty and sophistication. A must, in multiple copies, for any Halloween collection."
--School Library Journal
I Spy: Spooky Night 視覺大發現係列:深夜古堡 [精裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
I Spy: Spooky Night 視覺大發現係列:深夜古堡 [精裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書也想找到那人後略作交待,然後遠走邊荒度此一生。既是老哥哥有此好意,兄弟到時一定叨擾就是瞭。” 這老人聞言一拍硯霜背道:“這纔是我的好兄弟!” 二人談話間飯畢,相繼起立,老人從懷中摸齣一錠銀子往桌上一擱,硯霜正要搶著付,見老人眼睛一瞪,知道此老個性豪爽不拘小節,隻好不言。二人一塊往後屋走去,這老人這時道:“兄弟,你去把東西搬到我屋來,我們睡在一塊,也好有個人談談。” 硯霜心想:“難得認識如此高人,偏又那麼和氣,倒不便拂他的好意。”聞言點頭答應,一會兒就招呼著店夥把東西搬過去、見那老人彆無
評分透過來,差一點連筷子也持不住,不禁大驚,暗用內力,氣貫單臂,又二次去接那肉,不想還是紋絲不動。心中這纔想,此老分明風塵俠隱一流,自己偌大臂力竟未把對方筷子搖動分毫,當時隻羞得臉一陣紅。那老人此時竟笑著點點頭:“長江後浪催前浪,一輩新人換舊人!小夥子,我在你這歲數時比你差遠瞭,彆氣餒。”言罷,竟把那肉送到硯霜碗中。 這硯霜此時纔紅著臉道:“還未請教老前輩尊姓高名,弟子亦好稱呼,否則太失敬瞭。” 那老人嗬嗬一笑道,“我老人傢嚮居苗疆,已經忘瞭叫什麼名字瞭,我也最討厭論什麼輩分。要高興你就叫我
評分很好用 推薦購買很好用 推薦購買
評分I SPY 書的質量很好。顔色鮮艷,小東西造型彆緻,很吸引人。兒子4,5歲時喜歡這類的書,然後逐漸開始中文讀書。現在8歲又從此類的英文書導入英文學習。讓他在不知不覺中踏上英文的閱讀之路。
I Spy: Spooky Night 視覺大發現係列:深夜古堡 [精裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025