What elevates Palahniuk's best novels (e.g., Fight Club) above their shocking premises is his ability to find humanity in deeply grotesque characters. But such generosity of spirit is not evident in his latest, which charts the trials of a group of aspiring writers brought together for a three-month writer's retreat in an abandoned theater. The novel intersperses the writers' poems and short stories with tales of the indignities they heap upon themselves after deciding to turn their lives into a "true-life horror story with a happy ending." They lock themselves in the theater, reasoning that once they're found, they'll all become rich and famous. They raise the stakes of their story by first depriving themselves of phones, and then of food and electricity; eventually they cut off their own fingers, toes and unmentionables before they start dying off and eating each other. Palahniuk tells his story with such blithe disregard for these characters that it's hard not to wish he had dispensed with the novel altogether and published, instead, the 23 short stories that pop up throughout the book. For instance, "Obsolete," about a young girl about to commit state-mandated suicide, and "Slumming," about rich couples who pretend to be homeless, play so deftly with expectations and have an emotional core so surprising that they consistently, powerfully transcend their macabre premises to showcase the heart beating beneath the horrors.
Haunted is a novel made up of twenty-three horrifying, hilarious, and stomach-churning stories. They're told by people who have answered an ad for a writer's retreat and unwittingly joined a "Survivor"-like scenario where the host withholds heat, power, and food. As the storytellers grow more desperate, their tales become more extreme, and they ruthlessly plot to make themselves the hero of the reality show that will surely be made from their plight. This is one of the most disturbing and outrageous books you'll ever read, one that could only come from the mind of Chuck Palahniuk.
Chuck Palahniuk's six novels are the bestselling Diary, Choke, Lullaby, Fight Club--which was made into a film by director David Fincher--Survivor, and Invisible Monsters. He is also the author of a profile of Portland, Fugitives and Refugees, and the nonfiction collection Stranger Than Fiction. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.
"Reading a Palahniuk novel is like getting zipped inside a boxer's heavy bag while the author goes to work on you, pounding you until there is nothing left but a big bag of bones and blood and pain."
——The Miami Herald
"To Palahniuk's credit, there is something here to appall almost every sensibility. The author has a singular knack for coming up with inventive new ways to shock and degrade."
——The New York Post
"Frequently entertaining [and] often appalling... There are paragraphs here-entire pages, in fact-that are as disgusting as anything I've ever read. Truly vivid and harrowing (and often quite funny)."
——Minneapolis Star Tribune
"Summer reading for people who like their lit doused in bodily fluids... Haunted has an anarchic sensibility that hurdles over the top."
——Time Out New York
"Chuck Palahniuk is one of the most intriguing writers of our time. [Haunted ] is a blend of stories that are among the most horrifying, stomach-churning and mind-blowing tales ever encountered."
——Tucson Citizen
"Chuck Palahniuk's rightful place is among literary giants. He combines the masculinity of Ernest Hemingway, the satirical bent of Juvenal and the attitude of Lenny Bruce."
——Greensboro News & Record
"To Palahniuk's credit, there is something here to appall almost every sensibility. The author has a singular knack for coming up with inventive new ways to shock and degrade."
——New York Post
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使古浪不敢对视,但是古浪知道这是自己生死的关头,极力地平静着心情,细听哈门陀所言,心中暗思对策。 哈门陀又道:“可是这么多日子下来,没有一些要领,他们几乎全怀疑你!” 说到这里,他的语气更强了,古浪心弦为之一震。 他连忙接口道:“真奇怪!不知我有什么使他们怀疑之处,沿途他们好几次要置我于死!” 哈门陀面上没有一丝表情,说道:“如果我不是你的师父,我也会怀疑你呢!” 古浪闻言又是一惊,他与哈门陀相处过一段时期,深知哈门陀的性情,在这种情况下,自己是无论如何,也得大胆表明一下的。 于是,他硬着头皮说道:“师父,我孤身一人,自‘达木寺’至此,师父一路暗护着,除了简单行李外,别无长物,师父可先搜我身,然后随我回店去搜行李,若有任何可疑之物,我愿受极刑!” 古浪说了这一篇话,也可说是大胆已极,但是他知道,如果不这么表示,是很难消除哈门陀的疑心的。 哈门陀果然笑了起来,说道:“这是什么话,我岂会怀疑你?” 古浪的心这时才放了下来,忖道:“好险!万
palahniuk除了fight club以外最好的一本
使古浪不敢对视,但是古浪知道这是自己生死的关头,极力地平静着心情,细听哈门陀所言,心中暗思对策。 哈门陀又道:“可是这么多日子下来,没有一些要领,他们几乎全怀疑你!” 说到这里,他的语气更强了,古浪心弦为之一震。 他连忙接口道:“真奇怪!不知我有什么使他们怀疑之处,沿途他们好几次要置我于死!” 哈门陀面上没有一丝表情,说道:“如果我不是你的师父,我也会怀疑你呢!” 古浪闻言又是一惊,他与哈门陀相处过一段时期,深知哈门陀的性情,在这种情况下,自己是无论如何,也得大胆表明一下的。 于是,他硬着头皮说道:“师父,我孤身一人,自‘达木寺’至此,师父一路暗护着,除了简单行李外,别无长物,师父可先搜我身,然后随我回店去搜行李,若有任何可疑之物,我愿受极刑!” 古浪说了这一篇话,也可说是大胆已极,但是他知道,如果不这么表示,是很难消除哈门陀的疑心的。 哈门陀果然笑了起来,说道:“这是什么话,我岂会怀疑你?” 古浪的心这时才放了下来,忖道:“好险!万