I'm Lucy Rose, and here's the thing about 4th: that grade is busy like you can't believe Especially if you are a person who is already PLENTY busy on account of having RESPONSIBILITIES and I am that kind exactly. I am already collecting a vocabulary, plus I have to think up new palindromes and now I have to do the most P-U thing which is the MULTIPLICATION tables, which I would say is a thing I hate, if I was allowed to say hate, which I am not. PLUS I have to do the greatest thing and that is be in the play of Annie and I'm sure I will get to be Annie because 1. I have red hair and 2. if I don't I will absolutely perish to death. PLUS there is another thing I have to do absolutely constantly and that is what my mom calls eavesdropping but I call LISTENING VERY QUIETLY SO I CAN KNOW THINGS. But that turns out to be halfway sickening because now I know a thing about my mom and it's that she has a FRIEND that is a MAN and I think they are having DATES. That makes me feel like I'm horrified to pieces and part of me doesn't want to know a single more thing but the other part does because how else can I figure out how to keep those 2 apart? And here is the thing about that: it can make a girl exhausted.
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Lucy Rose: Busy Like You Can't Believe [平裝] [9歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書我為什麼喜歡在京東買東西,因為今天買明天就可以送到。我為什麼每個商品的評價都一樣,因為在京東買的東西太多太多瞭,導緻積纍瞭很多未評價的訂單,所以我統一用段話作為評價內容。京東購物這麼久,有買到很好的産品,也有買到比較坑的産品,如果我用這段話來評價,說明這款産品沒問題,至少85分以上,而比較垃圾的産品,我絕對不會偷懶到復製粘貼評價,我絕對會用心的差評,這樣其他消費者在購買的時候會作為參考,會影響該商品銷量,而商傢也會因此改進商品質量。
Lucy Rose: Busy Like You Can't Believe [平裝] [9歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025