Game of Thrones: A New Original Series, Now on HBO:
Dubbed “the American Tolkien” by Time magazine, George R. R. Martin has earned international acclaim for his monumental cycle of epic fantasy. Now the #1 New York Times bestselling author delivers the fifth book in his landmark series—as both familiar faces and surprising new forces vie for a foothold in a fragmented empire.
In the aftermath of a colossal battle, the future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in the balance—beset by newly emerging threats from every direction. In the east, Daenerys Targaryen, the last scion of House Targaryen, rules with her three dragons as queen of a city built on dust and death. But Daenerys has thousands of enemies, and many have set out to find her. As they gather, one young man embarks upon his own quest for the queen, with an entirely different goal in mind.
Fleeing from Westeros with a price on his head, Tyrion Lannister, too, is making his way to Daenerys. But his newest allies in this quest are not the rag-tag band they seem, and at their heart lies one who could undo Daenerys’s claim to Westeros forever.
Meanwhile, to the north lies the mammoth Wall of ice and stone—a structure only as strong as those guarding it. There, Jon Snow, 998th Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, will face his greatest challenge. For he has powerful foes not only within the Watch but also beyond, in the land of the creatures of ice.
From all corners, bitter conflicts reignite, intimate betrayals are perpetrated, and a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and skinchangers, nobles and slaves, will face seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Some will fail, others will grow in the strength of darkness. But in a time of rising restlessness, the tides of destiny and politics will lead inevitably to the greatest dance of all.
《冰与火之歌》( A Song of Ice and Fire)由美国著名科幻奇幻小说家乔治·R·R·马丁( George R.R. Martin)所著,是当代奇幻文学一部影响深远的里程碑式的作品。它于1996年刚一问世,便以别具一格的结构,浩瀚辽阔的视野,错落有致的情节和生动活泼的语言,迅速征服了欧美文坛。迄今,本书已被译为数十种文字,并在各个国家迭获大奖。本书主要描述了在一片虚构的中世纪大陆上所发生的一系列相互联系的宫廷斗争、疆场厮杀、游历冒险和魔法抗衡的故事,全书七卷(包括未出的各卷)浑然一体,共同组成了一幅壮丽而完整的画卷。
A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 5)冰与火之歌5:魔龙的狂舞 英文原版 [精装] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 5)冰与火之歌5:魔龙的狂舞 英文原版 [精装] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。我将尽忠职守,生死于斯。我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫,抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒眠者的号角,守护王国的坚盾。我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。
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A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 5)冰与火之歌5:魔龙的狂舞 英文原版 [精装] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025