Chip Wilson is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, loving husband and a father to five boys. As the founder of Westbeach and yoga-inspired clothing company lululemon athletica, Chip is a globally recognized innovator in the field of technical apparel. He is widely credited with starting the “athleisure” retail category, now a $100-billion-a year global business.
At lululemon, Chip was known for his people-before-product leadership approach. He surrounded himself with like-minded individuals; creative, driven, athletic locals with a love for work-life balance inspired by the West Coast. This cohesive culture fueled the innovation and growth of the brand. In 2007, lululemon athletica was taken public and Chip remains its largest individual shareholder and biggest cheerleader.
Visit http://chipwilson.com
The unauthorized story of lululemon. This is a book about ordinary people who took an opportunity to be creative, to be innovative, and to maximize their potential.
Chip Wilson's part in this story comes from the learnings of thousands of mistakes. He set the culture, business model, quality platform, people development program and then got out of the way. Lululemon's exponential growth, culture, and brand strength has few peers and it is because of those who employees who choose to be great.
This book is also about missed opportunity--five years of missed opportunity. Chip was playing to win, while the directors of the company he founded were playing not to lose.
Little Black Stretchy Pants 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Little Black Stretchy Pants 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##lululemon在我心中是個神奇的存在,曾經的領導很青睞這個品牌,我也在工作中多次用到瞭他們的案例,品牌獨特的質量理念和營銷手段使他們在激烈的競爭中殺齣一條血路。Chip Wilson的自傳挺讓我意外的。與那些魅力四射的大品牌創始人不同,他看上去似乎不怎麼聰明,年輕時不是學...
評分##當一個孩子麵對生存睏境時,在生命的早期學會製定一種策略來幫助自己的這種情況下生存的行為就形成瞭。 我們過去的經驗或許會抑製我們某些方麵的潛能,但這會幫助我們更好的理解事物,我們過去的經曆在潛意識中無形的限製瞭我們的可能性。如果我13歲的時候某件事在這個時間點不起作用,那並不意味著在我生命中的另一個時刻它也不會起作用。 一個品牌的身份應該足夠強大,並且與它的核心客戶保持一緻,這樣它纔能為自己代言。 作為一名終身創業者,我知道在另一傢公司找到一份中高層的工作即便不是不可能,也是很棘手的。在我看來,企業傢太不稱職瞭,不適閤為彆人工作。42歲時,我賣掉Westbeach時賺的錢還太少,不足以讓我退休,但這給瞭我一些時間來考慮下一步的行動。
評分 評分##In review.
評分 評分 評分##一位充滿爭議的創始人。開始閱讀的時候覺得這人到底在乾嘛講話如此臭屁講的東西又那麼common sense,直到看到8090年代的女性運動服裝纔發現如今很多對運動服飾的理解其實都源自於他。 創立lululemon的部分過分精彩,最後creative minds和public company 文化間的衝突而不得不離開。 服裝屆的Elon musk,怪人奇人又是一個先驅者,確實值得敬佩。
評分##當一個孩子麵對生存睏境時,在生命的早期學會製定一種策略來幫助自己的這種情況下生存的行為就形成瞭。 我們過去的經驗或許會抑製我們某些方麵的潛能,但這會幫助我們更好的理解事物,我們過去的經曆在潛意識中無形的限製瞭我們的可能性。如果我13歲的時候某件事在這個時間點不起作用,那並不意味著在我生命中的另一個時刻它也不會起作用。 一個品牌的身份應該足夠強大,並且與它的核心客戶保持一緻,這樣它纔能為自己代言。 作為一名終身創業者,我知道在另一傢公司找到一份中高層的工作即便不是不可能,也是很棘手的。在我看來,企業傢太不稱職瞭,不適閤為彆人工作。42歲時,我賣掉Westbeach時賺的錢還太少,不足以讓我退休,但這給瞭我一些時間來考慮下一步的行動。
Little Black Stretchy Pants mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025