It was the best of times,it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness,it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity.it was the season of Light,it was the sea- son of Darkness.it was the spring of hope,it was the winter oI de-spair,we had everything before us.we had nothing before us,we were all going direct to Heaven.we were all going direct the other way-in short,the period was so far like the present period.that some ot its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received,for good or for evil,in the superlative degree of comparison only.
"I know," said Darnay, respectfully, "how can I fail to know, Doctor Manette, I who have seen you together from day to day, that between you and Miss Manette there is an affection so unusual, so touching, so belonging to the circumstances in which it has been nurt-tured, and that it can have few parallels, even in the tenderness be-tween a father and child. I know, Dr. Manette—— how can I fail to
know——that, mingled with the affection and duty of a daughter who has become a woman, there is, in her heart, towards you, all the love and teiiance of infancy itself. I know that, as in her childhood she had no parent, so she is now devoted to you with all the constancy and fervour of her present years and character, united to the trustfulness and at-tachment of the early days in which you were lost to her. I know per-fectly well that if you had been restored to her from the world beyond this life, you could hardly be invested, in her sight, with a more sacred character than that in which you are always with her. I know that when she is clinging to you, the hands of baby, girl, and woman, all in one, are round your neck. I know that in loving you she sees and loves her mother at her own age, sees and loves you at my age, loves her mother broken-hearted, loves you through your dreadful trial and in your blessed restoration. I have known this, night and day, sinc
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評分書是人類進步的階梯,這是我們共同認定的真理。我們在這個階梯上要走的路還有很長,甚至永遠也走不完。無論處在什麼樣的環境中,我們都不能放棄讀書,因為放棄讀書,就是放棄對真理的追求—— 高爾基
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