Joan Pinkham,美国职业翻译,毕业于哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院 (Barnard College 0f Columbla university),并在美 国著名文理学院明德学院(Midaebury College)获硕士学位。攻读硕士期间获富布赖特(Fulbriqht)奖学金赴巴黎大学(University of Parls)学习。毕业后在世界卫生组织联合国总部联络处纽约工作十年,担任双语秘书。之后为自由职业翻译,翻译的很多重要著作和文章受到高度评价。曾在中国的外文出版社和中央编译局从事译文修改工作。
——北京外国语大学高级翻译学院副教授 李长栓
★毕生从事英文文字工作使琼·平卡姆成为专治英文语病的专家。《中式英语之鉴》是她在华“行医”八年,针对中国人在使用英语中常犯的“地方病”、 “多发病”所写的一部“药典大全”。
——《北京周报》前社长兼总编辑 汪有芬
——国际翻译家联盟副主席、中国翻译协会副会长兼秘书长 黄友义
★I read Ms。Pinkham’s lessons to the Chinese polishers with great enjoy- ment and admiration。The clarity of her explanations is equaled only by the deftness with which she states the point of the English usages and the simplicity of the revisions made in the faulty sentences。I know of no book as well adapted as hers to the needs of clumsy writers。
——美国著名学者、哥伦比亚大学前教务长 Jacques Barzun
To the Reader
Part One: Unnecessary Words
I. Unnecessary Nouns and Verbs
II. Unnecessary Modifiers
III.Redundant Twins
IV.Saying the Same Thing Twice
V. Repeated References to the Same Thing
VI.Summing it All Up
Part Two: Sentence Structure
VII. The Noun Plague
VIII. Pronouns and Antecedents
IX.The Placement of Phrases and Clauses
X. Dangling Modifiers
XI.Parallel Structure
XlI. Logical Connectives
XIII. Summing it All Up
Part Three: Supplementary Examples
Key to Exercises
Selected Bibliography
The polisher first deleted “broad,” since the notion of“broad” was implicitly contained in the word “mases。 “ That done, she addressed the main problem, “activelysupport it instead of taking a passive attitude toward it。 “She recognized this as an example of the mirror-imageconstruction in which the same thing is stated twice, firstin the positive then in the negative。 Her first impulse was to delete the negative statement,since it added nothing to the meaning。 But this sentenceappeared in a speech by Premier Zhou Enlai, and she wasreluctant to take liberties with it。As an alternative, she looked for a way to change thewording of the negative statement 。so that it would notseem so empty。 Since “instead of taking a passive attitudetoward it” was vague at best, she tried spelling the phraseout to give it more content: “instead of just passively ac-cepting it。 “Now the second clause read “we intellectuals should ac-tively support it, instead of just passively accepting it。”That was an improvement not just because the doublestatement now made a discernible point, but al becausethe two elements were cast in parallel form。
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