《高等院校新概念醫學英語係列教材:高級醫學英語寫作教程》主要內容簡介:隨著我國大學英語教學改革的不斷深入開展,21世紀中國大學英語教育將逐步嚮專門用途英語(ESP,Englishfor Specific Purposes)方嚮發展,專門用途英語將成為中國大學英語教育的主流。醫學英語(EMP,EnglishforMedicalPurpose)是專門用途英語中非常有特色的一個分支。在醫學專業學習、醫學科學研究、臨床醫學工作、國際醫學學術交流活動等方方麵麵,醫學英語都錶現瞭它在專門用途英語教學和醫學發展過程中越來越重要的作用。如何將大學英語教學與醫科學生的專業培養結閤,如何將英語語言學習融閤於醫學專業學習之中,這是廣大醫學英語教學工作者麵臨的一項極富挑戰性的工作。《高等院校新概念醫學英語係列教材》正是適應這種新形勢和挑戰的産物。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Essay Writing
1.1 The Thesis Statement
1.2 Structure of an Essay
1.3 Guidelines for Organizing the Essay
1.4 Technical Standards
Chapter 2 Essay Development(1): Narration, Description,Process
2.1 Narration
2.2 Description
2.3 Process Analysis
Chapter 3 Essay Development (2): Exemplification,
Definition Classification
3.1 Exemplification
3 2 Definition
3.3 Classification
Chapter 4 Essay Development (3): Comparison and Contrast
4.1 Overview
4.2 Types of Comparison and Contrast Essays
4.3 Organization of a Comparison and Contrast Essay
4.4 Guidelines for Writing the Comparison and ContrastEssay
4.5 Sample Analysis
Chapter 5 Essay Development (4): Cause and Effect
5.1 Overview
5.2 Features of the Cause and Effect Essay
5.3 Types of Cause and Effect Essays
5.4 Organization of a Cause and Effect Essay
5.5 Guidelines for writing the Cause and Effect Essay
5.6 Sample Analysis
Chapter 6 Essay Development (5): Argumentation
6.1 Overview
6.2 Features of Argumentation
6.3 Types of Argumentation
Part Two Biomedical Writing
A comparison or contrast essay is an essay in which you either compare or contrast two things,people, or places. To compare is to emphasize the similarities; to contrast is to emphasize the differences. As you think about your own essay, you need to determine whether you want to focus on the similarities between the two items or their differences first. Sometimes, comparison and contrast appear together since the two items may be similar in some aspects but different in other aspects.
Very often, comparison and contrast deal with two things or items of the same category. But sometimes things or items share some similarities even though they are categorically different, which is a special type of comparison called an analogy. In this way, you can help the reader comprehend something unfamiliar and difficult by showing him/her something he or she is familiar with or something more easily understood.
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