卡尔·凯斯(Karl E. Case), 美国韦尔斯利大学经济学讲座教授,拥有哈佛大学博士学位。为美国标准普尔指数顾问委员会成员。与本书第二作者雷?费尔共同任职于波士顿联邦储备银行。曾任哈佛大学本科生教育主任,荣获Allyn青年教师奖。研究领域包括房地产、住房问题以及公共财政。
雷·费尔(Ray C. Fair), 美国耶鲁大学经济学教授、耶鲁Cowles基金会成员,计量经济学协会会士,拥有麻省理工大学博士学位。主要研究领域是宏观经济学和计量经济学,尤其是宏观计量经济建模问题。
莎伦·奥斯特(Sharon M. Oster), 美国耶鲁大学管理学院院长,经济学与管理学讲座教授。研究领域为产业组织。
PART IIntroduction To Economics1
The Scope and Method of Economics1
Why Study Economics? 2
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE iPod and the World 6
The Scope of Economics 6
The Method of Economics 9 An Invitation 15
Summary 15Problems 16
The Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice17
Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost 18
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Frozen Foods and Opportunity Costs 20
Economic Systems and the Role of Government 31
Summary 34Problems 35
Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium39
Firms and Households: The Basic Decision- Making Units 39
Input Markets and Output Markets: The Circular Flow 40
Demand in Product/Output Markets 42 Supply in Product/Output Markets 52 Market Equilibrium 57
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE High Prices for Tomatoes 61
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Why Do the Prices of Newspapers Rise? 63
Demand and Supply in Product Markets: A Review 63
Summary 64Problems 65
Demand and Supply Applications69
The Price System: Rationing and Allocating Resources 69
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Prices and Total Expenditure: A Lesson From the Lobster Industry in 2008–2009 71
Supply and Demand Analysis: An Oil Import Fee 76
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE The Price Mechanism at Work for Shakespeare 77
Supply and Demand and Market Ef?ciency 79
Summary 83Problems 83
Price Elasticity of Demand 88
Calculating Elasticities 90
The Determinants of Demand Elasticity 97
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Elasticities at a Delicatessen in the Short Run and Long Run 98
Other Important Elasticities 99
Summary 101Problems 102
PART IIThe Market System: Choices Made by Households and Firms105
6Household Behavior and Consumer Choice109
Household Choice in Output Markets 109 The Basis of Choice: Utility 114
Income and Substitution Effects 118 Household Choice in Input Markets 120
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Substitution and Market Baskets 121
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE What Happens When the Cost of Self-Discovery Falls? 124
A Review: Households in Output and Input Markets 125
Summary 126Problems 126
The Production Process: The Behavior of Profit-Maximizing Firms129
The Behavior of Pro?t-Maximizing Firms 130
The Production Process 134
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE How Fast Should a Truck Driver Go? 138
Choice of Technology 138
Summary 140Problems 140
8Short-Run Costs and Output Decisions145
Costs in the Short Run 145
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Average and Marginal Costs at a College 156
Output Decisions: Revenues, Costs, and Pro?t Maximization 157
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Case Study in Marginal Analysis: An Ice Cream Parlor 160
Summary 163Problems 163
Long-Run Costs and Output Decisions167
Short-Run Conditions and Long-Run Directions 168
Long-Run Costs: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale 173
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Economies of Scale in the World Marketplace 175
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Economies of Scale in Solar 176
Long-Run Adjustments to Short-Run Conditions 178
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE The Long-Run Average Cost Curve: Flat or U-Shaped? 179
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE The Fortunes of the Auto Industry 182
Expensive in Central Park? 183
Output Markets: A Final Word 184
Summary 184Problems 185
Input Demand: The Labor and Land Markets189
Input Markets: Basic Concepts 189
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Sometimes Workers Play Hooky! 191
Labor Markets 193
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE What is Denzel Washington’s Marginal Revenue Product in Broadway’s Fences? 197
Land Markets 198
The Firm’s Profit-Maximizing Condition in
Input Markets 200
Input Demand Curves 200
Summary 202Problems 203
Input Demand: The Capital Market and the Investment Decision205
Capital, Investment, and Depreciation 205
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Investment Banking, IPOs, and Electric Cars 207
The Capital Market 208
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Who Owns Stocks in the United States? 213
The Demand for New Capital and the Investment Decision 213
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Chinese Wind Power 215
A Final Word on Capital 217
Summary 218Problems 219
General Equilibrium and the Efficiency of Perfect Competition221
Market Adjustment to Changes in Demand 222 Allocative Ef?ciency and Competitive Equilibrium 224
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Ethanol and Land Prices 225
The Sources of Market Failure 230 Evaluating the Market Mechanism 232
Summary 232Problems 233
PART IIIMarket Imperfections and the Role of Government237
Monopoly and Antitrust Policy237
Imperfect Competition and Market Power: Core Concepts 237
Price and Output Decisions in Pure Monopoly Markets 239
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Managing the Cable Monopoly 248
The Social Costs of Monopoly 249 Price Discrimination 251 Remedies for Monopoly: Antitrust Policy 253
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Antitrust Rules Cover the NFL 255
Imperfect Markets: A Review and a Look Ahead 255
Summary 256Problems 257
Market Structure in an Oligopoly 260
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Why Are Record Labels Losing Key Stars Like Madonna? 262
Oligopoly Models 263
Game Theory 266
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Price Fixing in Digital Music 272
Oligopoly and Economic Performance 272 The Role of Government 273
Summary 276Problems 277
15Monopolistic Competition279
Industry Characteristics 280
Product Differentiation and Advertising 281
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE An Economist Makes Tea 284
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Can Information Reduce Obesity? 287
Price and Output Determination in Monopolistic Competition 288
Economic Ef?ciency and Resource
Allocation 292
Summary 292Problems 293
Externalities, Public Goods, and Social Choice295
Externalities and Environmental
Economics 295
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Ban on Oil Drillers 298
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Externalities Are All Around Us 304
Public (Social) Goods 307 Social Choice 312
Government and the Market 315
Summary 315Problems 316
Uncertainty and Asymmetric Information319
Decision Making Under Uncertainty: The Tools 319
Asymmetric Information 323
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Adverse Selection in the Health Care Market 326
Advertisements 327
Incentives 329
Summary 330Problems 331
Income Distribution and Poverty333
The Sources of Household Income 333 The Distribution of Income 336
Work! 339
The Utility Possibilities Frontier 342 The Redistribution Debate 343
Redistribution Programs and Policies 346
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Does Price Matter in Charitable Giving? 350
Government or the Market? A Review 351
Summary 351Problems 352
PART IVConcepts and Problems in Macroeconomics355
Introduction to Macroeconomics355
Macroeconomic Concerns 356
The Components of the Macroeconomy 358 A Brief History of Macroeconomics 361
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Macroeconomics in Literature 363
The U.S. Economy Since 1970 363
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE John Maynard Keynes 365
Summary 366Problems 367
Measuring National Output and National Income369
Gross Domestic Product 369 Calculating GDP 371
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Where Does eBay Get Counted? 373
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE GDP: One of the Great Inventions of the 20th Century 377
Nominal versus Real GDP 378 Limitations of the GDP Concept 381
Summary 383 Problems 384
Unemployment, Inflation, and Long-Run Growth387
Unemployment 387
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE A Quiet Revolution: Women Join the Labor Force 391
In?ation 393
ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE The Politics of Cost-of- Living Adjustments 396
Long-Run Growth 398
Summary400 Problems 401经济学原理(英文版·第10版)/工商管理经典教材·核心课系列;教育部高校工商管理类教学指导委员会 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
经济学原理(英文版·第10版)/工商管理经典教材·核心课系列;教育部高校工商管理类教学指导委员会 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
经济学原理(英文版·第10版)/工商管理经典教材·核心课系列;教育部高校工商管理类教学指导委员会 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书评分
经济学原理(英文版·第10版)/工商管理经典教材·核心课系列;教育部高校工商管理类教学指导委员会 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025