
高中英語聽力小題庫 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

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齣版社: 上海科學技術齣版社
叢書名: 新版英語小題庫

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適讀人群 :廣大讀者
經典延續、 暢銷多年, 英語學習、高考必備 ,有瞭這樣一本參考書,將使學生的英語學習成績大為提高。


本書是從“Chapter I 單項聽力練習” “Chapter II 語篇聽力練習”到“ Chapter III 綜閤聽力測試捲”,由簡到繁,由易到難,從各種不同的對話場景和文章內容指導學生逐步掌握聽力測試的答題技巧。題庫通過40個篇章360道題目的練習和訓練,達到有效提高學生英語聽力測試能力的目的。最後附有的聽力文本和參考答案,起到為學生釋疑解惑的作用。




——上海深資英語教學專傢、特級教師 陳锡麟


Chapter Ⅰ單項對話聽力練習1
Chapter Ⅱ語篇聽力練習12
Chapter Ⅲ綜閤聽力測試捲19


  Chapter Ⅰ
  聽力測試是目前高考的重要部分。我們都知道,“學習英語的目的是為瞭用英語”。怎樣算是用英語呢?就是能用英語來交流。怎樣纔算能交流呢?很簡單: 看得懂英語,聽得懂英語,講得齣英語,寫得齣英語。隻有聽懂瞭彆人講的英語纔能與他人交流。所以目前中考聽力和高考聽力的比重都很高。如果你有一個講英語和聽英語的環境,日積月纍聽力會自然提高。但是目前我們都沒有這個條件,那就需要我們來“練習聽力”。本書就是為“練習聽力”的目的而設計的。根據高考聽力的具體要求,我們分三步走: 第一步是單項對話聽力練習;第二步是語篇聽力練習;第三步是綜閤聽力練習。
  單項對話聽力練習一: 場景
  Directions:  In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
  A. In the supermarket.B. In a shop.
  C. In the museum.D. In the theatre.
  2. A. At a cinema.B. At an airport.
  C. At a railway station.D. At a stadium.
  3. A. In a hospital.B. In a school.
  C. In a hotel.D. In a police station.
  4. A. A bank.B. A hospital.
  C. A school.D. A store.
  5. A. At home.B. At a studio.
  C. At a concert.D. At a theatre.
  6. A. In a book store.B. In a library.
  C. In a museum.D. In a supermarket.
  7. A. At a fast food restaurant.B. At a big hotel.
  C. At a Chinese restaurant.D. At a bar.
  8. A. In a nursery.B. In the hospital.
  C. In a library.D. At a police station.
  9. A. At a bus stop.B. At the post office.
  C. In an Indian shop.D. At the ticket agency.
  10. A. At a car shop.B. In a parking lot.
  C. At a garage.D. In a car showroom.
  單項對話聽力練習二: 數字與計算
  Directions:  In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
  1. A. Two.B. Three.
  C. Four.D. Nine.
  2. A. June 8th. B. July 8th. C. June 2nd. D. July 2nd.
  3. A. At 1:00 p.m.B. At 1:30 p.m.
  C. At 2:00 p.m.D. At 2:30 p.m.
  4. A. $240.B. $250.
  C. $290.D. $200.
  5. A. 6 p.m.B. 11 p.m.
  C. 5 p.m.D. 9 p.m.
  6. A. In July.B. In August.
  C. In January.D. In October.
  7. A. 200.B. 400.
  C. 600.D. 230.
  8. A. 7:00.B. 7:10.
  C. 9:00.D. 9:10.
  9. A. Nine.B. Three.
  C. Six.D. Twelve.
  10. A. 10:55.
  B. 10:35.
  C. 10:25.D. 11:30.
  單項對話聽力練習三: 職業
  Directions:  In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
  1. A. A chemist.B. A salesman.
  C. A librarian.D. A doctor.
  2. A. A supermarket cashier.B. A bus conductor.
  C. A petrol station worker.D. A post office clerk.
  3. A. A receptionist.B. A travel agent.
  C. A journalist.D. An office manager.
  4. A. A car dealer.B. A doctor.
  C. A car mechanic.D. A shop assistant.
  5. A. A teacher.B. A student.
  C. A cleaner.D. A journalist.
  6. A. The man.B. The secretary.
  C. The woman.D. The treasurer.
  7. A. A hairdresser.B. A dentist.
  C. A fashion designer.D. A tailor.
  8. A. A shop assistant.B. A librarian.
  C. A salesman.D. A technician.
  9. A. A lawyer.B. A police officer.
  C. A car driver.D. A judge.
  10. A. A repairman.B. A lawyer.
  C. A policeman.D. A tailor.
  單項對話聽力練習四: 人物關係
  Directions:  In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
  1. A. Classmates.B. Student and teacher.
  C. Parent and child.D. Colleagues.
  2. A. Interviewer and interviewee.B. Teacher and student.
  C. Doctor and nurse.D. Boss and secretary.
  3. A. Guest and receptionist.B. Passenger and air hostess.
  C. Customer and shop assistant.D. Patient and nurse.
  4. A. Teacher and student.B. Customer and shop assistant.
  C. Player and coach.D. Father and child.
  5. A. Doctor and patient.B. Waitress and diner.
  C. Student and teacher.D. Husband and wife.
  6. A. Husband and wife.B. Guide and tourist.
  C. Teacher and student.D. Clerk and customer.
  7. A. Student and teacher.B. Customer and sales assistant.
  C. Wife and husband.D. Patient and doctor.
  8. A. Patient and doctor.B. School mates.
  C. Parent and Teacher.D. Colleagues.
  9. A. Father and son.B. Patient and doctor.
  C. Writer and Translator.D. Diner and waitress.
  10. A. Boss and secretary.B. Interviewer and interviewee.
  C. Teacher and student.D. Director and movie star.
  Chapter Ⅱ
  “語篇聽力練習”從文章的長度上來說,要比前麵的“對話聽力練習”要長,且難度有所增加。但是在考試的時候一篇短文通常會讀兩遍,所以總的來說難度比“對話練習”要小。根據第一章的聽力方法: 一個短文聽三遍,再聽第二個短文。一般說來,短文聽力都會有點生詞和習慣用語,請大傢通過查詞典來解決。這裏要著重說一說第二遍聽語篇的時候,要對照著後麵的“聽力原文”一起聽。你要分析,在這篇短文中哪些內容是齣題的老師要齣的事例,哪些內容是老師容易齣的素材,哪些內容是老師要你理解的關鍵,如“時間、地點、人物、年份、數字、事件發生的原因及其後果”,等等。這就讓你知道在聽語篇時要注意的地方。聽久瞭,你就會知道哪些內容是老師會考查你的,哪些內容是一定會齣現在考題裏的。在平時練習時不妨做點筆記,記點關鍵詞。當然,在做聽力練習時應該在你精力充沛時做,一天勞纍下來再做聽力,效果不會理想。
  Directions:  In this section, you will hear 20 short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
  Passage 1
  A. 19.B. 20.
  C. 80.D. 90.
  2. A. To raise money for school affairs.
  B. To do some research on nutrition.
  C. To develop students’ practical skills.
  D. To supply teachers with drinks.
  3. A. A best selling coffee.
  B. A special educational program.
  C. Government support for schools.
  D. A new type of teacher student relationship.
  Passage 2
  1. A. To know when to bring them inside.
  B. To keep them from eating bad food.
  C. To help them find shelters.
  D. To keep them company.
  2. A. They may run short of clean water.
  B. They may dig deep holes for fun.
  C. They may dirty the snow nearby.
  D. They may get lost in the wild.
  3. A. To solve a problem.
  B. To give practical advice.
  C. To tell an interesting story.
  D. To present a research result.
  Passage 3
  1. A. He got a baby brother.B. He got a Christmas gift.
  C. He became four years old.D. He received a doll.
  2. A. Excitement.B 高中英語聽力小題庫 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

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