本係列AP考試叢書引進自美國知名教育齣版公司McGraw-Hill Education,由AP考試相關領域專傢編寫,是美國本土大學課堂使用教材,可以幫助考生提前適應全英學習模式。
《AP化學5分製勝》緊扣考試命題特點,以“五步”方案為學習框架,囊括與考試相關的學科要點。同時,還精選針對性練習以及全真模擬試題,配以準確答案和詳盡解析,利於考生鞏固所學。此外,考生還可在App Store中搜索“AP Planner”免費下載App,量身定製個性化學習日程。
STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program
1 What You Need to Know About the AP Chemistry Exam, 3
Background of the Advanced Placement Program, 3
Who Writes the AP Chemistry Exam? 4
The AP Grades and Who Receives Them, 4
Reasons for Taking the AP Chemistry Exam, 4
Questions Frequently Asked About the AP Chemistry Exam, 5
2 How to Plan Your Time, 9
Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP Chemistry Exam, 9
Calendar for Each Plan, 11
STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness
3 Take a Diagnostic Exam, 17
Getting Started: The Diagnostic Exam, 18
Answers and Explanations, 28
Scoring and Interpretation, 32
STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success
4 How to Approach Each Question Type, 35
Multiple-Choice Questions, 35
Free-Response Questions, 38
STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High,
5 Basics, 45
Units and Measurements, 46
Dimensional Analysis—The Factor Label Method, 47
The States of Matter, 48
The Structure of the Atom, 48
Periodic Table, 52
Oxidation Numbers, 55
Nomenclature Overview, 55
Experimental, 61
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 61
Review Questions, 62
Rapid Review, 67
6 Reactions and Periodicity, 69
AP Exam Format, 70
General Aspects of Chemical Reactions and Equations, 70
General Properties of Aqueous Solutions, 71
Precipitation Reactions, 72
Oxidation–Reduction Reactions, 73
Coordination Compounds, 77
Acid–Base Reactions, 78
Experimental, 82
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 82
Review Questions, 83
Rapid Review, 86
7 Stoichiometry, 88
Moles and Molar Mass, 89
Percent Composition and Empirical Formulas, 89
Reaction Stoichiometry, 91
Limiting Reactants, 92
Percent Yield, 93
Molarity and Solution Calculations, 94
Experimental, 95
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 95
Review Questions, 95
Rapid Review, 101
8 Gases, 102
Kinetic Molecular Theory, 103
Gas Law Relationships, 104
Experimental, 112
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 113
Review Questions, 114
Rapid Review, 118
9 Thermodynamics, 120
Calorimetry, 121
Laws of Thermodynamics, 123
Products Minus Reactants, 123
Thermodynamics and Equilibrium, 127
Experimental, 128
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 128
Review Questions, 129
Rapid Review, 133
10 Spectroscopy, Light, and Electrons, 134
The Nature of Light, 134
Wave Properties of Matter, 136
Atomic Spectra, 136
Atomic Orbitals, 137
Photoelectron (Photoemission) Spectroscopy (PES), 138
Experimental, 139
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 139
Review Questions, 139
Rapid Review, 142
11 Bonding, 144
Lewis Electron-Dot Structures, 145
Ionic and Covalent Bonding, 145
Molecular Geometry—VSEPR, 149
Valence Bond Theory, 151
Molecular Orbital Theory, 153
Resonance, 154
Bond Length, Strength, and Magnetic Properties, 155
Experimental, 155
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 155
Review Questions, 156
Rapid Review, 159
12 Solids, Liquids, and Intermolecular Forces, 162
Structures and Intermolecular Forces, 163
The Liquid State, 164
The Solid State, 165
Phase Diagrams, 167
Relationship of Intermolecular Forces to Phase Changes, 169
Experimental, 169
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 169
Review Questions, 169
Rapid Review, 172
13 Solutions and Colligative Properties, 173
Concentration Units, 174
Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes, 177
Colligative Properties, 177
Colloids, 181
Experimental, 182
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 182
Review Questions, 182
Rapid Review, 186
14 Kinetics, 188
Rates of Reaction, 189
Integrated Rate Laws, 192
Activation Energy, 193
Reaction Mechanisms, 194
Catalysts, 195
Experimental, 195
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 196
Review Questions, 197
Rapid Review, 201
15 Equilibrium, 203
Equilibrium Expressions, 205
Le Chatelier’s Principle, 206
Acid–Base Equilibrium, 207
Buffers, 215
Titration Equilibria, 216
Solubility Equilibria, 220
Other Equilibria, 222
Experimental, 222
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 223
Review Questions, 223
Rapid Review, 229
16 Electrochemistry, 231
Redox Reactions, 232
Electrochemical Cells, 232
Quantitative Aspects of Electrochemistry, 237
Nernst Equation, 239
Experimental, 240
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 240
Review Questions, 241
Rapid Review, 245
17 Nuclear Chemistry, 247
Nuclear Reactions, 247
Nuclear Stability, 249
Nuclear Decay Calculations, 250
Mass–Energy Relationships, 251
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 252
Review Questions, 252
Rapid Review, 254
18 Organic Chemistry, 255
Alkanes, 256
Structural Isomerism, 258
Common Functional Groups, 259
Macromolecules, 261
Experimental, 261
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 261
Review Questions, 262
Rapid Review, 265
19 Experimental Investigation, 266
Experiment 1: Spectroscopy, 267
Experiment 2: Spectrophotometry, 270
Experiment 3: Gravimetric Analysis, 271
Experiment 4: Titration, 272
Experiment 5: Chromatography, 273
Experiment 6: Determination of the Type of Bonding in Solid Samples, 274
Experiment 7: Stoichiometry, 275
Experiment 8: Redox Titration, 276
Experiment 9: Chemical and Physical Changes, 277
Experiment 10: Kinetics, 278
Experiment 11: Rate Laws, 279
Experiment 12: Calorimetry, 280
Experiment 13: Chemical Equilibrium—Le Chatelier’s Principle, 280
Experiment 14: Acid-Base Titrations, 281
Experiment 15: Buffer pH, 282
Experiment 16: The Capacity of a Buffer, 282
Common Mistakes to Avoid, 283
Review Questions, 283
Rapid Review, 285
STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
AP Chemistry Practice Exam 1, 289
AP Chemistry Practice Exam 2, 317
SI Units, 347
Balancing Redox Equations Using the Ion-Electron Method, 349
Common Ions, 353
Bibliography, 356
Web Sites, 357
Glossary, 358
Avoiding “Stupid Mistakes” on the Free-Response Section, 367
Exam Resources, 369
AP項目(Advanced Placement Program)始於1955年,由美國大學理事會(the College Board)主持,是在高中階段開設的具有大學水平的課程,即大學預修課程。AP項目目前設有34門課程和考試,它可以使有餘力、有能力、成績優秀的高中生有機會先修部分美國大學基礎課程以獲得大學學分,因此吸引瞭很多成績優秀的學生選修。目前,已有60多個國傢的幾韆所大學把AP學分作為其入學參考標準,其中包括哈佛大學、耶魯大學、牛津大學、劍橋大學等世界知名大學。
美國每年約有200萬高中畢業生,他們都要參加美國高考SAT和AP課程的考試。美國高中生會在11年級時完成SAT考試,在12年級(高中最後一年)完成兩件大事:第一,根據SAT的考試成績申請大學和奬學金;第二,選修AP課程,並進行備考。在高中選修AP課程和通過AP考試不僅是對學生能力和學業水平的證明,還可以使學生:1. 在申請大學時具有很大的優勢。美國大學把學生在AP考試中的錶現作為衡量其是否能夠勝任大學學習的依據。從美國大學錄取顧問委員會公布的影響大學錄取因素的比較分析可以看齣,AP成績以80.3%的影響力位居第一,因為它嚮學校充分展示瞭學生的纔智、專長及學習能力。2. 進入大學後,可以獲得大學學分,免修同類課程,提早選修更高級的課程或跳級。3. 提前畢業。4. 節省大學學費。在美國,初等教育是免費的,但高等教育是收費的。選修的AP課程越多,免修的大學課程也就越多,節省的學費也就越多。另外,對中國學生而言,除瞭可以獲得美國大學學分、省時省錢外,還可以在國內提前適應美國大學課程。
AP考試成績的評定為5分製,滿分5分錶示極為優秀,4分為優秀,3分相當於閤格,即可為大多數學校所接受,2分為可能有資格,1分則不予推薦。 AP考試在每年5月份舉行一次,為期兩周。每門課程的考試時間約為2~3個小時,考試費用為每科1100元人民幣或1790元港幣左右。
為滿足國內考生對AP考試資料日益增長的需求,我們從美國知名教育齣版公司McGraw-Hill Education引進瞭本係列AP考試叢書,共包括7本,分彆為《AP微觀經濟學5分製勝》、《AP宏觀經濟學5分製勝》、《AP微積分AB 5分製勝》、《AP微積分BC 5分製勝》、《AP美國曆史5分製勝》、《AP化學5分製勝》和《AP生物5分製勝》。AP各學科分冊由相關領域專傢編寫,精準把握考試命題特點,設計“五步”高效學習方案,總結與考試相關的學科內容和要點,精選針對性練習以及全真模擬試題,並配以答案和準確詳盡的解析。本係列叢書適用於備考AP的所有考生,便於考生鞏固所學,緊抓重點,取得高分。
本書為其中的《AP化學5分製勝》。AP化學考試並不簡單,但是迴報豐厚——換取大學學分以及在化學學習上更進一步。大傢需要努力地學習纔能取得優異成績,而本書會幫助你掌握和鞏固必備知識,為考試作好準備。本書的兩位作者都具有多年大學普通化學的教學經驗。John Moore是Chemistry for Dummies一書的作者,他還和Richard Langley共同撰寫瞭Chemistry for the Utterly Confused——一本適用於大學生和高中生的化學指南。兩位作者都有豐富的經驗和精湛的技能來充分闡述AP化學考試所需的知識和策略。Richard Langley曾任高中理科教師,John Moore也有多年為公立學校的老師和學生教授化學課程的經驗。並且,他們都有多年參與AP化學考試閱捲的經驗,有關於考試評分方法的第一手資料。兩位作者努力使本書的內容易於理解,並嚴格按照AP化學 新東方 AP化學5分製勝(第2版) 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
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