出版社: 西安交通大学出版社; 第1版 (2013年11月1日)
外文书名: Cambridge English Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermediate/Advanced and How to Avoid Them
平装: 136页
语种: 简体中文, 英语
开本: 32
ISBN: 9787560557168
条形码: 9787560557168
商品尺寸: 20.6 x 14.6 x 1 cm
商品重量: 159 g
品牌: 新东方图书
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社; 第1版 (2013年12月1日)
外文书名: Cambridge English Grammar for IELTS with Answers
平装: 258页
语种: 简体中文, 英语
开本: 16
ISBN: 9787560557151
条形码: 9787560557151
商品尺寸: 25.4 x 18.4 x 0.8 cm
商品重量: 499 g
品牌: 新东方图书
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社; 第1版 (2013年7月1日)
外文书名: Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS with Answers
平装: 174页
语种: 简体中文
开本: 16
ISBN: 9787560553962
条形码: 9787560553962
商品尺寸: 25.6 x 18.4 x 0.8 cm
商品重量: 358 g
品牌: 新东方图书
《新 东方:剑桥雅思语法精讲精练》:配有听力录音,难度契合雅思考试听力水平,在听力情境中再现语法点。含有清晰而的语法解析,并提供大量范例,给出各种 题型的解题技巧及答案,启发考生对语法点进行分析,涵盖雅思考试学术类阅读、培训类阅读、写作及听力部分的测试题目。
《新 东方:剑桥雅思核心词汇精讲精练》:错误警示:帮助考生避免常见错误;单元测试:协助考生检验自己的进步;试题练习:涵盖学术类、培训类阅读以及写作、听 力测试内容;有用提示:指导考生如何应对雅思考试;学习技巧:介绍学习和记忆单词的技巧;完备的单词表:方便考生随时参阅;单词记忆配合听力练习,学习效 果更佳;剑桥雅思官方备考资料。
Intermediate 中级篇 Pauline Cullen
1 Are there any special times I should use the? 定冠词the的用法 3
2 Singular or plural? 单数或复数? 4
3 Which nouns don’t have a plural form? 哪些名词没有复数形式? 5
Test 1 6
4 When do I use the present simple tense? 一般现在时 8
5 How do I write large numbers? 大数字的写法 9
6 There is / There are 10
Test 2 11
7 Which relative pronoun should I use? 关系代词 13
8 How do I choose between and, but and or? and, but, or的用法 14
9 Auxiliary verbs 助动词 1
Test 3 16
10 How do I use modal verbs? 情态动词 18
11 -ing or to + infinitive? -ing或to+不定式? 19
12 Verbs after adjectives and prepositions 形容词与介词后面的动词形式 20
Test 4 21
13 The gerund or infinitive after allow, advise, make, suggest?
allow, advise, make和suggest后面接名词或不定式的用法 23
14 Stop, try, forget and remember Stop, try, forget和remember的用法 24
15 Prepositions after adjectives and nouns 形容词和名词与介词的搭配 25
Test 5 26
16 Prepositions after verbs 动词与介词的搭配 28
17 Prepositions of time and place 表时间与地点的介词 29
18 The preposition of 介词of的用法 30
Test 6 31
19 How do I make a verb passive? 动词的被动形式变法 33
20 When do I use the passive? 什么时候使用被动语态? 34
21 What is register? 什么是语域? 35
Test 7 36
22 Adjectives and adverbs 形容词和副词 38
23 Noun or adjective? 名词或形容词? 39
24 Verb confusion 1 - courses and study 动词辨析 1——课程和学习 40
Test 8 41
25 Verb confusion 2 - describing charts and figures 动词辨析2——描述表格和数字 43
26 Verb confusion 3 - money and problems 动词辨析 3——钱和问题 44
27 Verb confusion 1-money and work 动词辨析 1——钱和工作 45
Test 9 46
28 Noun confusion 2 - advertising, travel and young people 动词辨析 2——广告、旅行和年轻人 48
29 When do I need to use an apostrophe? 什么时候用撇号? 49
30 Common spelling errors 常见拼写错误 50
Test 10 51
Answer key 参考答案 53
Advanced 高级篇 Julie Moore
1 Articles: the before general concepts 冠词:一般概念名词前的the 65
2 Articles: a/an before noun phrases 冠词:名词短语前的a/an 66
3 When do I use capital letters? 哪些单词首字母需大写? 67
Test 1 68
4 When do I use when, if and whether? when, if和whether的用法 70
5 Punctuation: commas with discourse markers 标点:逗号 71
6 Punctuation: using apostrophes 标点:撇号 72
Test 2 73
7 Common spelling mistakes 常见拼写错误 75
8 Spelling: one word or two? 拼写:一个词还是两个词? 76
9 Adjective forms 复合形容词的形式 77
Test 3 78
10 Using prepositions: with nouns 介词:与名词连用 80
11 Using prepositions: after verbs 介词:与动词连用 81
12 Using prepositions: describing trends and changes 介词:描述趋势和变化 82
Test 4 83
13 Describing statistics: using prepositions 描述统计数字:介词 85
14 Describing statistics: nouns 描述统计数字:名词 86
15 Describing statistics: verbs 描述统计数字:动词 87
Test 5 88
16 Number and amount 数字和数量 90
17 Making comparisons 比较 91
18 Expressing contrast 表达对立 92
Test 6 93
19 Countable and uncountable nouns 可数名词和不可数名词 95
20 Singular and plural verb forms 单数动词形式和复数动词形式 96
21 It, they and them It, they和them的用法 97
Test 7 98
22 Verbs: being and having 动词:being和having 100
23 Commonly confused verbs: join/attend, give/provide 常见易混淆动词:join/attend, give/provide 101
24 Verb collocations 动词搭配 102
Test 8 103
25 Commonly confused nouns: habits, customs and practices
常见易混淆名词:habits, customs和practices 105
26 Commonly confused nouns: effect, influence and impact
常见易混淆名词:effect, influence和impact 106
27 Commonly confused nouns: time words 常见易混淆名词:表时间的词语 107
Test 9 108
28 Using nouns: appearance and communication 名词:appearance和communication 110
29 Using nouns and adjectives: male or men? 名词和形容词:male或men? 111
30 Using nouns and adjectives: Britain, British or Briton? 名词和形容词:Britain, British或Briton? 112
Test 10 113
Answer key 参考答案 115
Introduction v
Entry test vii
1 Present tenses 现在时态
present simple; present continuous; state verbs 1
Test practice: Listening Section 1 6
2 Past tenses 1 过去时态1
past simple; past continuous; used to; would 8
Test practice: Academic Reading 14
3 Present perfect 现在完成时
present perfect simple; present perfect continuous 18
Test practice: General Training Writing Task 1 25
4 Past tenses 2 过去时态2
past perfect simple; past perfect continuous 27
Test practice: Academic Reading 34
5 Future 1 将来时态1
plans, intentions and predictions: present continuous; going to; will 38
Test practice: General Training Reading 44
6 Future 2 将来时态2
present simple; be about to; future continuous; future perfect 48
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 2 54
7 Countable and uncountable nouns 可数名词和不可数名词
countable and uncountable nouns; quantity expressions (many, much, a lot of, some, any, a few, few,no) 55
Test practice: Academic Reading 60
8 Referring to nouns 指称名词
articles; other determiners (demonstratives, possessives, inclusives: each, every, both, all etc.) 64
Test practice: Listening Section 4 71
9 Pronouns and referencing 代词及其指代
personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns; avoiding repetition 73
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 2 79
10 Adjective and adverbs 形容词和副词
describing things: adding information about manner, place, time, frequency
and intensity 80
Test practice: General Training Reading 87
11 Comparing things 比较事物
comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs; other ways of comparing 90
Test practice: Academic Writing Task 1 97
12 The noun phrase 名词短语
noun + prepositional phrase; noun + participle clause; noun + to-infinitive clause 98
Test practice: Academic Reading 103
13 Modals 1 情态动词 1
ability; possibility; alternatives to modals 107
Test practice: Listening Section 4 113
14 Modals 2 情态动词 2
obligation and necessity; suggestions and advice; adverbs 114
Test practice: General Training Reading 120
15 Reported speech 间接引语
tense changes; time references; reporting questions; reporting verbs 123
Test practice: Listening Section 3 131
16 Verb+ verb patterns 动词+动词形式
verb + to-infinitive; verb + -ing; verb + preposition + -ing;
verb + infinitive without to 133
Test practice: Academic Reading 140
17 Likelihood based on conditions 1 基于条件的可能性 1
zero, first and second conditionals; other ways to introduce a condition 144
Test practice: Academic Reading 150
18 Likelih 新东方 剑桥雅思核心词汇高级篇+语法+常见错误精讲精练 共3本 IELTS 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
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