This is a pop-up version of the favorite title about the inquisitive monkey who unintentionally wreaks havoc on an entire city just by poking into things. By opening a page or yanking the right tabs, readers can watch George put on the yellow hat (the act that leads to his capture), get rescued from his attempt at flying, and teeter on the telephone lines. The firefighting sequence (when George accidentally calls the fire department) is action-packed, and the final pop-ups, of the monkey with his balloons, are inspired. For modern readers, George's kidnapping may seem severe. But this is a grand adventure in any format, and pop-ups make the still-curious monkey fly. Ages 4-8.
《好奇猴喬治》講述瞭一隻充滿好奇的猴子,因緣際會離開叢林被帶到瞭人類世界,單純的好奇心給他帶來瞭一連串的新奇冒險。《好奇小猴喬治》是作者漢斯·奧古斯都和瑪格麗特·雷夫婦愛的結晶,故事齣自太太瑪格麗特手筆,先生漢斯負責插畫,以簡單綫條描繪齣戲劇張力十足、妙趣橫生的故事,夫婦聯手開啓瞭這一係列膾炙“童”口的奇想之旅。自1941年美國Houghton Mifflin齣版社推齣第一本《好奇小猴喬治》起,該係列迄今已經被翻譯成17種語言文字,售齣3000萬本有餘,這隻東奔西闖的可愛小猴子早已成為瞭經典繪本形象與商品偶像。另外,本係列還被改編為電影,深受喜愛。
Curious George 好奇猴喬治 [平裝] [5歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Curious George 好奇猴喬治 [平裝] [5歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書在書店看上瞭這本書一直想買可惜太貴又不打摺,迴傢決定上京東看看,果然有摺扣。毫不猶豫的買下瞭,京東速度果然非常快的,從配貨到送貨也很具體,快遞非常好,很快收到書瞭。書的包裝非常好,沒有拆開過,非常新,可以說無論自己閱讀傢人閱讀,收藏還是送人都特彆有麵子的說,特彆精美;各種十分美好雖然看著書本看著相對簡單,但也不遑多讓,塑封都很完整封麵和封底的設計、繪圖都十分好畫讓我覺得十分細膩具有收藏價值。書的封套非常精緻推薦大傢購買。
評分 評分《好奇的喬治去玩具店》
評分Curiosity is something that kids that age have. They want to know everything! So why is the book so adamant against curiosity? It portrays curiosity in the worst light possible. George finds himself in trouble after his curiosity leads him to peek inside windows while window washing. Curiosity is the root cause of the entire misadventure, since it is what lured him out of his cage.
Curious George 好奇猴喬治 [平裝] [5歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025