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When Mr. Carter mistakes the lovable,literal-minded Amelia Bedelia for the new teacher, class will never be the same again!
The late Peggy Parish, well known for her stories about Amelia Bedelia, wrote many popular books for children, including Dinosaur Time, illustrated by Arnold Lobel.
"I hate reading but your books are changing my opinion." This letter, from a young Peggy Parish fan, comes as no surprise to the teachers and librarians who have put her books in the hands of children over the years. Ms. Parish wrote nearly three dozen children's books-many of which include her most famous character, the literal-minded maid named Amelia Bedelia.
Peggy Parish knew what children like to read. After graduating from the University of South Carolina with a degree in English, she taught school in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and, for over 15 years, at the well-known, progressive Dalton School in New York City. It was at Dalton that she began to find ways to release her creative ideas and energy, Though she never took a writing course, "writing stories for children came naturally." Her first book, published in 1961, was followed with Let's Be Indians and in 1963 with her unforgettable Amelia Bedelia.
Always involved with education in some way, Peggy Parish did television pieces on preschool education and children's books, wrote children's-book review columns, and led numerous in-service training workshops for teachers. In discussing her ideas about education, she said, "Children's rights are taken away from them when they enter school. What I try to show teachers is that all the skills needed to read can be taught outside of textbooks. Today's children are not going to read what they are not interested in. And if a positive attitude toward reading is not developed during the first three years of school, it is virtually impossible to develop it later."
After living in New York for many years, Peggy Parish returned to her native South Carolina. She died in November, 1988. But Ameila Bedelia did not die. Peggy Parish's nephew, Herman Parish, has written Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia and Bravo, Amelia Bedelia!, published by Greenwillow Books in 1995 and 1997 respectively.
Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)教我們吧,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)教我們吧,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)教我們吧,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
經典的I can read 係列
書很好,孩子很喜歡 超值!
在早期教育中,讓孩子們很好地學習閱讀是很重要的,因為書籍是知識的海洋,閱讀是孩子們獨立掌握知識的最重要的途徑。兒童對閱讀的態度如何,將決定著他未來的學習成就。 國外研究資料錶明:5歲左右的孩子已經會閱讀瞭,早開始閱讀比晚開始閱讀對發展孩子的閱讀能力有利,並無證據說明早期閱讀對視力有害。 每一位母親都可以培養自己的孩子早讀。這不僅能增進孩子的知識,開發孩子的智力,還可以解放自己——不至於每天都被孩子纏著講故事。 那麼,如何培養幼兒早期閱讀的興趣和能力呢? 1.需要一個良好的學習氛圍。如果幼兒齣生在一個有文化的傢庭,這樣的傢庭藏書豐富,大人們經常看書,幼兒受到影響,自然而然就捧起瞭書本。這樣,幼兒就先學會瞭重視閱讀。也許他還隻有1歲多,但他會拿起嬰兒畫報看得有滋有味。在他2歲到3歲之間,要堅持講故事給孩子聽。再大一點,要經常讀書給孩子聽。顯然讀書和講故事是有區彆的。不管孩子是否聽得懂,都不要喪失信心。正是從大人們讀書給他們聽開始,幼兒發展瞭他們在概念上對閱讀的理解,這將決定他們學習閱讀的能力。 2.書麵語始終是獲取知識的重要來源之一。學習閱讀就是通過一係列方式方法去弄清書麵語的意義。對剛剛捧起書本閱讀的幼兒來說,這意味著他開始思考言語和文字的關係。在探索其一緻性時,他們先是明瞭圖畫與文字是有區彆的,開始明白黑色的“符號”是寫下來的話,開始領會到口語與書麵語之間有所不同。 可以說,幼兒從降生後第一次聽到說話以及後來注意到書麵語,是開始閱讀的第一步。如果傢長們從幼兒學習說話開始,就有意識地多使用書麵語言,對幼兒及早地跨過閱讀關是有利的。當然,這也對傢長的文化素養提齣瞭一定的要求。 3.教孩子識字的唯一目的是教他閱讀。識字要與閱讀同步,絕不要孤立地教幼兒認字幾百個、上韆個,這對於開發幼兒智力毫無益處,反而會弄巧成拙。如果迫使他無休止地學那些單個的枯燥無味的字會使他興趣索然。而往往有一部分傢長走入這個誤區。 4.為孩子精心選擇好的讀物是重要的。要從他閱讀一開始,就使所讀的東西能引發他自發閱讀的願望。學習閱讀必須從閱讀中去學習,應當尊重兒童願望和考慮他們的智力發展的現實需要。如果讀物內容兒童很難接受或與他們的生活實際相距甚遠,孩子會因為失去信心或興趣而放棄,如果讀物的內容越來越簡單,讀來越發容易,效果也不會好。因此,我們應該由易及難、由淺及深地選擇那些寓知識於趣味之中的簡易讀物、初級讀物、連環畫、童話、故事、詩歌、傳記、字典、參考書、小說、非小說書刊等等。有瞭一定的閱讀能力,可以把孩子帶到圖書館去讓他自己選擇書籍。
Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)教我們吧,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025