"Although as it claims, this book is "not too scary," it is filled with creepy drawings and even creepier stories. It is a great collection of six short stories and poems that begins with an introduction from a spooky monster. With as much rhythm as a child's step during trick-or-treating, the text is easy to read and sounds great when read out loud. Skeletons, ghosts, witches, and mummies fill the pages in dark autumn and Halloween colors. The first story, "105 Windy Street" is about two girls who go out to collect their candy and make one last stop at the said address. When the girls cry "trick or treat" the spooky occupants, a ghost and a witch, answer the door without candy and give only a scare to the children. "Witch's Stew" is about just that: dead black bugs and monsters' teeth are just a couple of the goulish ingredients in this treat of a poem."
--Children's Literature
"A treat for emerging readers!"
--School Library Journal
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This Book Is Haunted (I Can Read, Level 1)[這本書鬧鬼瞭] [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書個人比較喜歡,故事蠻有意思
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評分I Can Read係列叢書故事都非常兒童化,妙趣橫生,而且都是地道的英語,能提高孩子對英語的興趣。比參加各種英語培訓班管用。在書店看上瞭這本書一直想買可惜太貴又不打摺,迴傢決定上京東看看,果然有摺扣。毫不猶豫的買下瞭,京東速度果然非常快的,從配貨到送貨也很具體,快遞非常好,很快收到書瞭。書的包裝非常好,沒有拆開過,非常新,可以說無論自己閱讀傢人閱讀,收藏還是送人都特彆有麵子的說,特彆精美各種十分美好雖然看著書本看著相對簡單,但也不遑多讓,塑封都很完整封麵和封底的設計、繪圖都十分好畫讓我覺得十分細膩具有收藏價值。書的封套非常精緻推薦大傢購買。打開書本,書裝幀精美,紙張很乾淨,文字排版看起來非常舒服非常的驚喜,讓人看得欲罷不能,每每捧起這本書的時候似乎能夠感覺到作者毫無保留的把作品呈現在我麵前。作業深入淺齣的寫作手法能讓本人猶如身臨其境一般,好似一杯美式咖啡,看似快餐,其實值得迴味無論男女老少,第一印象最重要。從你留給彆人的第一印象中,就可以讓彆人看齣你是什麼樣的人。所以多讀書可以讓人感覺你知書答禮,頗有風度。多讀書,可以讓你多增加一些課外知識。培根先生說過知識就是力量。不錯,多讀書,增長瞭課外知識,可以讓你感到渾身充滿瞭一股力量。這種力量可以激勵著你不斷地前進,不斷地成長。
評分應該不錯,I Can Read Book
評分不錯 很好原版 值得買
This Book Is Haunted (I Can Read, Level 1)[這本書鬧鬼瞭] [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025