In the further adventures of the hero from the Newbery Honor-winning Doctor De Soto, the diminutive dentist is summoned by cablegram to Africa to aid Mudambo, an elephant with an unbearable toothache.
William Steig's drawings appeared regularly in The New Yorker since 1930. He also wrote and illustrated books for children, most recently his memoir, When Everybody Wore a Hat. His other books include Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, winner of the Caldecott Medal; The Amazing Bone, a Caldecott Honor Book; and Abel's Island and Doctor De Soto, both Newbery Honor Books; Doctor De Soto Goes to Africa; Pete's A Pizza; and Zeke Pippin.
Mudambo, an elephant, has a terrible toothache; all expenses will be paid if the De Sotos will come. Despite their size difference, Mudambo and his wife prove congenial hosts, and the De Sotos bed down for the night on Mrs. Mudambo's pincushion, planning to continue work on the offending tooth in the morning, except that, unfortunately, Honkitonk - a disgruntled monkey - kidnaps the good dentist at midnight. After a search through the jungle, and the intrepid mouse's escape with minor injuries, the dental work is completed - only this time Mrs. De Soto crafts the repairs, while the doctor directs from his wheelchair. Steig's fresh, humorous turns of phrase, his amiable characterizations, and his gentle colors are as beguiling and ingenuous as ever. The last page hints that the mice will continue to explore our beautiful planet.
——Kirkus Reviews
Devoted fans will give their eyeteeth for another story about the selfless, diminutive dentist.
——The Horn Book
The vibrant, colorful illustrations exude a freshness and pizzazz that will leave readers wondering where the next worldclass toothache will strike.
——Publishers Weekly
Doctor De Soto Goes to Africa索托医生去非洲 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Doctor De Soto Goes to Africa索托医生去非洲 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Doctor De Soto Goes to Africa索托医生去非洲 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
briefly with an advertising agency in New York, she moved to Boston and worked at a publishing company for ten yearsSusan Meddaugh was born and raised in Montclair,
威廉•史塔克(William Steig),美国著名插图画家和童话作家。1907年出生于纽约,大学分别于纽约市立学院及国立设计学院就读。史塔克从小就对绘画产生浓厚兴趣,23岁时展开职业漫画家生涯,为《纽约客》等杂志设计封面和内页插画。1968年,他出版第一本儿童图画书,当时很多人都觉得惊讶,但也都分外佩服他61岁“高龄”重新涉足另一个行业的勇气。结果第二年,他便以《驴小弟变石头》列名号角图书(Horn Book)的佳作榜上。次年,凯迪克图画书金奖也颁给了此书。之后,他的作品源源不断且纷纷摘下大奖,1983年即以《老鼠牙医——地嗖头》得到纽伯瑞佳作奖,他本人也在1988年获得安徒生奖的提名。这位爷爷级的作者于2003年与世长辞,享年96岁。
publishing company for ten yearsSusan Meddaugh was born and raised in Montclair, New Jersey. She graduated from Wheaton College, where she studied French literature
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