適讀人群 :4-8歲 Fans of the elegantly energetic I Spy picture-puzzle series may wonder how Wick could top the lavish sets he created for I Spy Funhouse and I Spy Mystery. Here, however, he and Marzollo surpass their previous achievements-by reversing direction. While they stick to the same formula (under a full-bleed photo of artistically arrayed objects, verse challenges the reader to find various objects), this time they eschew special effects and razzle-dazzle compositions in favor of sunny spreads showcasing, for the most part, common items. Most sets are basic, from a classroom blackboard to a playground floor to a homemade puppet theater. But each apparently simple spread wordlessly and playfully reinforces learning skills. In a spread featuring plastic numerals from one to 12, for example, each number is surrounded by related objects; a building block emblazoned with "X" and a toy clown wagging the splayed fingers on his hands are among the items illustrating the number 10. The puppet theater is hung with cardboard cutouts of figures and props from classic fairy tales. Other sets teach such concepts as sets and patterns, cleverly integrating items seen on previous spreads. By stressing the value of everyday objects, this ingenious volume will encourage readers to look closely at not just the pictures, but at their own surroundings.
Provides brainteasers to solve in a blackboard scene, hundreds of tiny objects to ponder in a classification puzzle, Rube Goldberg-type contraptions to figure out, and a nature spread that encourages learning through observation.
JEAN MARZOLLO has written many award-winning children'?s books, including the I Spy books, the I Spy Little books, and Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King. Jean lives with her husband, Claudio, in New York State's Hudson Valley.
"Kindergarten-Grade 3. This riddle book in verse follows the now-familiar format of large, oversized pages chock-full of objects and realia. This time, the double-page spreads are devoted to unifying activities or themes associated with school chalkboard, a puppet show, art or science classrooms, a playground, etc. The full-color photographs are sharp, bright, and busy. Some of the items that youngsters are asked to locate are quite small, and the rabbit on the chalkboard has been almost erased and is very faint. Still, this will be a fun addition for children who appreciate riddles and for those who enjoy poring over pictures."
--School Library Journal
"In the sixth book in the I Spy series, colorful, eye-catching compositions are once again the high note. Jointly designed by Marzollo and Wick, the sets for the illustrations are wonderfully imaginative, and Wick's photographs are brilliant and sharp. Valentines, building blocks, puppet theaters, and a wealth of theme-related doodads are combined to make school look very appealing. This is essentially an interactive lap book that lends itself to constructive conversation as adults and children read the clue-filled rhymes and look for objects on the delightfully crowded pages. The book even includes some 'extra credit' riddles. A visually stunning book, this is a good choice for a day-care library, the easy nonfiction shelf, or a concept book collection."
I Spy: School Days視覺大發現係列:金牌間諜之校園生活 [精裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
I Spy: School Days視覺大發現係列:金牌間諜之校園生活 [精裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
I Spy: School Days視覺大發現係列:金牌間諜之校園生活 [精裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
強大的人,不是有多堅強,而是敢於嚮前走。 作者用犀利的語言,直戳那些在愛情中受傷女人的痛點,逼迫她們直視自己的傷口,幫助她們走齣偏執的泥沼,斬斷不必要的念想,建立強大的防疫係統,避免情感的再次傷害。 人們為瞭欲望掙紮,因為想要的東西太多,所以在追尋的過程中丟瞭自己。不少姑娘來找十二指點迷津,她眼看著“她們急著戀愛,急著結婚,急著抓住什麼。惶惶不可終日,到瞭最後,忘記瞭自己是誰”。一如曾經的自己。 其實我們缺乏的不是足夠靠譜的那個人,而是最後的最後,大傢變成瞭彼此都需要的那一個人。如果你給他多一點時間,他也多給你一點時間,多好。
女雲中雁,俗名鐵守容便是。” 那鬼見愁喬平啊瞭一聲、帶著驚異語調道:“失敬,失敬!久聞姑娘劍斬赤仙蟒,新近又敗瞭我那好友金七老弟……真是英雄齣少年,令人可敬可佩!” 那雲中雁一聽來人竟是自己二師伯喬平,真是又驚又恨又怕又怒,在一旁一直打量這喬平,此番竟聞得他嚮自己如此恭維,不禁吃吃言道:“原來是二師伯……… 這話還未完就見一塵子朝自己眨眼示止,不禁一怔,纔知露瞭口風,那喬平竟後退瞭一步滿麵驚異道:“你說什麼?你是誰的門下?” 一塵子見狀,知己隱瞞不住,不由微笑道:“她乃貧尼至友恒山老
我也叫你一聲老兄弟。你看這樣好不好??言罷又一陣大笑。 硯霜已知此老個性怪癖,不便卻他的意,隻是心中暗想,憑自己閱曆已不算淺,尤其師父把一般成名前輩都和自己描敘甚清,怎麼似此人模樣的就想不齣一人,當時也不動聲色,口中卻道:“既如此,恕弟子放肆瞭。” 這時老人笑聲已停,口中卻道:“老兄弟,我知你心中有事,還多半是兒女私事。年輕人可韆萬彆涉人感情的圈子裏,男兒誌在四方,何不趁著現在年輕打一片天下,將來後悔也晚瞭。” 硯霜聽後頗有感慨道:“前輩所訓極是,隻是弟子此時心灰意冷,怕沒有我能做的事
真正的平靜,不是避開車馬喧囂,而是在心中修籬種菊。作者沒有寫遠大的理想,錦綉的前程。她把生活裏的擰巴、糾結一一融化在淡淡的筆尖。寫那些最樸素的人、最樸素的生活。偏偏讓你嗅到理想應該有的味道。 閤上書,你也許會忽然發現,原來一直誤解瞭理想的意義。生活不應是為瞭周遭的人對自己滿意而已。 54個人生最溫暖的瞬間裏,我們漸漸明白,平凡的一生不代錶碌碌無為;變得成熟也不意味著要丟掉初心。就算懷揣世上最偉大的夢想,也不妨礙我們得到一個普通人的快樂。這世上隻有一種成功,就是以自己喜歡的方式過一生。
I Spy: School Days視覺大發現係列:金牌間諜之校園生活 [精裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025