"Kindergarten-Grade 4. Another brilliant collaboration by this incredibly innovative duo. This time, the puzzles take place in and around a haunted house (an altered Victorian dollhouse). Readers are invited to search for mice, spiders, candles, bats, jack-o-lanterns, and bones among other creepy things found in the hallway, library, fireplace, and laboratory of the house, as well as in the graveyard and a garden of ghoulies outside. (How the miniature cobwebs were simulated remains a mystery.) Using a spooky sky for a backdrop, various props, and some very creative lighting, Wick achieves a definite dramatic effect. Marzollo's clever rhyming puzzles add great flair, and, as in the earlier titles, readers are encouraged to solve more riddles at the end and to make up selections of their own. This book is fun for a wide range of ages, as the picture riddles vary in difficulty and sophistication. A must, in multiple copies, for any Halloween collection."
--School Library Journal
I Spy: Spooky Night 视觉大发现系列:深夜古堡 [精装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
I Spy: Spooky Night 视觉大发现系列:深夜古堡 [精装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书好书,喜欢,继续关注同系列
评分I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles 视觉大发现系列
评分懂得审美的人惯用点缀和装饰的技巧,为深色的裙子配上亮丽的花边,在美味的糕点上镶上红艳的樱桃,因为花边和樱桃总是可爱,惹人眼目。喜欢看侦探小说的人,都知道绕开一切障眼法,寻求小说中最终的那个谜底,获得最后的真相大白。谜底就是花边和樱桃,一样成为引人入胜的诱饵。可是,读《I SPY视觉大发现》,你却吃惊地发现,这套书每页都有“花边”和“樱桃”,无论是那些神秘的剪影、古墓旁的恐怖树还是阿拉丁神灯的乌有鸟,你除了得端出神探的望远镜侦破猜谜,你还在那种场景中感受到了某种非现实空间的氛围,或者充满了强悍的荒蛮感,或者充满了诡异的魔幻感,或者充满了浩渺的太空感,总之你会禁不住联想绵绵、思绪万里,仿佛瞬间完成了几千万里的腾云驾雾。
评分侠尼世外高人,我乔平早存瞻仰之心,只惜无缘与会,今夜冒昧造访,实有二事相商,不知侠尼可容得我这苗疆野人说话么?” 一尘子冷冷说道:“既如此倒属贫尼失礼了,就请乔大侠旅室一谈如何?” 那鬼见愁哈哈笑道:“不必了,不必了。老夫深夜惊驾已属不当,岂可再事叨扰,不如就在此一谈如何?” 一尘子微微点首,强忍愤怒道:“请乔大侠赐告,贫尼洗耳恭听。” 那乔平未言先看了看一旁的云中雁,用手一指,向一尘子道:“这位姑娘想是侠尼高足了?强将手下无弱兵,好一身轻功。” 一尘子勉强笑道:“贫尼可无此福分,
I Spy: Spooky Night 视觉大发现系列:深夜古堡 [精装] [4-8岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025